Colpitis is called inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. In medical practice, this disease is called vaginitis. This is a fairly common painful condition that occurs mainly in women of reproductive age. According to statistics, every representative of the weaker sex suffers from various forms of colpitis, without even knowing it.
In gynecology, the term "colpitis" means a lesion of the vaginal mucosa. However, experts say that such inflammation can also be observed on the external genitalia.
Possible causes
The cause of the development of a disease such as colpitis is an infection. At the same time, a he althy vaginal mucosa is able to cope with infectious aggression on its own. But as soon as the woman's immune system fails, the beneficial microflora becomes pathogenic.
Signs of colpitis are largely determined by its shape and origin, but they do not differ muchdiversity.
- Irritation, redness and swelling in the vulva.
- Unpleasant vaginal odor (not strong, but sour).
- Pain that is localized in the pelvis. It should be noted that such a symptom of colpitis may intensify during intimacy or during the act of defecation.
- Burning and itching sensation that increases during long walks, and also in the afternoon or during the night's rest.
- Regular urge to urinate and sometimes urinary incontinence.
- Insomnia, neurosis, irritability, which are caused by a whole range of symptoms of the disease that constantly disturb a woman.
- Subfebrile values of body temperature.
What to treat?
Vaginal suppositories for colpitis are used more often than other forms of medicines.
Suppositories are actively used in medical practice, especially in urology, gynecology and proctology. This form of the drug has many advantages over, for example, injections or tablets. These include the following:

- Vaginal mucosa has a well-developed network of blood vessels. In this regard, the rate of entry of drugs into the bloodstream is similar to an intramuscular injection.
- The organoleptic properties of suppositories do not matter, as they do not need to be tasted.
- When installing suppositories from colpitis, you can absolutely not worry about any complications during the introduction, as thiscompletely painless treatment.
- Using suppositories, you can achieve the highest possible concentration of medication in the vagina. This will increase the effectiveness of therapy, as well as help avoid the emergence of drug resistance.
- Dissolving into the vagina and acting on the mucous membrane, suppositories from colpitis do not create a load on such an organ as the liver.
- Unlike other dosage forms, suppositories cause various side effects much less, since they practically do not transform in the human body. Thus, the therapeutic effect is achieved without causing harm to the patient and without burdening his internal organs.
Despite all the benefits, it is not always enough to use only one suppository for colpitis. For example, chronic forms of inflammation and many specific diseases require the use of antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets or injections.
Which candles are better for colpitis?
Most often, with inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, doctors prescribe complex suppositories to their patients, which include several active substances. These include antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial components, as well as hormones. Such a complex of substances contained in suppositories from colpitis can quickly remove the main symptoms of the mentioned disease, including itching, pain, burning, etc.
The average duration of therapy with such drugs is 7-14 days. It should be noted, however, that in most cases the patientit is enough to use only one candle at a time, which is more than convenient.
About which suppositories from colpitis are the best, we will tell further.
Drug "Terzhinan"
This medication belongs to the group of combined antifungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic agents that are actively used in gynecological practice.

The pharmacological properties of the mentioned suppositories for colpitis in women are due to the activity of the main components that make up their composition. In the treatment of Terzhinan, pronounced anti-inflammatory, trichomonacid, antifungal and antibacterial effects are observed.
According to the instructions for use, such a drug must be injected deep into the vagina (one suppository, once a day) for ten days.
Before injecting the medication, it is recommended to first dip it in water for 30 seconds or hold it in the palm of your hand for about 2 minutes.
If the suppository is administered during the day, then after its installation, the patient should lie down for at least 10 minutes.
Medication "Polygynax"
Some experts say that these are the best suppositories for colpitis in women. One suppository of "Polygynax" includes three active components at once: nystatin, neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B sulfate. Also, the composition of the agent in question includes such additional substances as hydrogenated soybean oil, tefose 63 and dimethicone 1000.
Candles for colpitis in women "Polygynax" are a local combined medication thatexhibits antifungal and antibacterial efficacy.
The central action of the main components of this drug from the group of antibiotics ("Neomycin" and "Polymyxin B") is aimed at suppressing the activity of bacterial gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It should be noted that streptococci and anaerobic bacteria do not show sensitivity to such drugs.
As for the third antibacterial ingredient (nystatin), it has a fungicidal effect against fungal strains of the genus Candida.
According to most doctors, these are perhaps the best suppositories for colpitis. The active components of "Polygynax" have a beneficial effect on the trophic processes that occur in the vaginal mucosa. In addition, the mentioned drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action (from thrush to other fungal infections).
The instructions for use of the drug say that such suppositories should only be used topically, that is, intravaginally. The best way to administer the suppository is the position of the patient - lying on her back. The use of one candle is shown per day, preferably in the evening.
The course of treatment of colpitis with this remedy usually takes 12 days.

Medication "Macmiror Complex"
Which candles are better for colpitis? Experts say that drugs that contain several active ingredients are the most effective against such a disease.
Medication "Macmiror Complex" goes on sale inform of vaginal suppositories. The main components of this drug are: nystatin and nifuratel. Due to this composition, the agent in question has a pronounced antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic effect on the pelvic organs.
Such an active substance as nifuratel is a derivative of nitrofuran. It exhibits good therapeutic activity against bacteria, fungi and Trichomonas. As for nystatin, it belongs to the antibiotics of the polyene group. Such a substance acts directly on the cells of the pathogen, disrupting their permeability and causing death.
The combination of 2 active ingredients of the Macmirror Complex suppositories contributes to the achievement of a pronounced therapeutic effect against pathogens of female genital infections.
Such effective suppositories for colpitis are used intravaginally, 1 suppository, at bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 8 days, however, if necessary, the duration of therapy can be increased / reduced, but only as directed by a specialist.

Such a combined intravaginal remedy contains two active ingredients:
- Metronidazole - is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal substance, a derivative of nitro-5-imidazole. Facultative anaerobes and aerobic microorganisms are resistant to it, but in the presence of mixed flora it acts synergistically with antibiotic drugs effective against aerobes.
- Miconazole - this component is able to have an antifungal effect against yeast fungi and dermatophytes. When administered intravaginally, the substance in question inhibits the biological synthesis of ergosterol in fungi, and also changes the composition of lipid components in their membrane, which contributes to the death of fungal cells.
Candles "Ginocaps" are applied intravaginally, in the evening. Treatment is carried out in combination with taking Metronidazole tablets (oral). The daily dose of the agent in question is 1 suppository per day. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Means "Mikozhinaks"
When studying the list of suppositories for colpitis, it should be understood that each of the presented drugs has its own pharmacological characteristics, side effects and contraindications for use. Therefore, they should only be used as directed by a doctor.
Mykozhinaks suppositories contain such active substances as metronidazole, chloramphenicol, nystatin and dexamethasone acetate.
The drug in question belongs to the group of imidazoles and exhibits antiprotozoal and antimicrobial properties against a wide range of anaerobic bacteria.
Dexamethasone, which is part of the drug, is a corticosteroid (synthetic) and has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Also, this component eliminates itching, affects energy metabolism, reduces the intensity of inflammation.
Chloramphenicol is an antimicrobial drug that is particularly active againstgram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It disrupts protein synthesis in microbial cells, providing a bacteriostatic effect.
As for nystatin, this component is an antifungal antibiotic. After its penetration into the cells of microorganisms, it binds to ergosterols, causing further death of bacteria.
Considered candles from colpitis during pregnancy can not be used. The same goes for breastfeeding. Suppositories are used intravaginally, once a day (one suppository), at bedtime.
When menstruation occurs, Mykozhinaks should be used in the same dose.
The treatment period with this drug may take 10-12 days. During this period, it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse.
Medications "Neo-Penotran" and "Klion-D"
The active substances of these drugs are miconazole and metronidazole. Most often, such funds are prescribed for nonspecific colpitis.

"Neo-Penotran" and "Klion-D" are combined preparations intended for intravaginal administration and have antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects.
Miconazole nitrate is an antifungal agent derived from imidazole. It exhibits pronounced activity against most fungi of the genus Candida and some gram-positive bacteria.
As for metronidazole, it is an antiprotozoal.
It should also be noted that the drug "Neo-Penotran Forte" includes such an additionalcomponent, like lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect.
Means "Meratin-Combi"
The active ingredient of this drug is ornidazole (an analogue of metronidazole). Also, as the main substances in the suppositories are: nystatin, prednisolone and neomycin.
Such suppositories are very often used for the treatment of trichomonas colpitis, nonspecific inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and thrush.
Treatment of atrophic colpitis
In most cases, suppositories from colpitis, the names of which were listed above, are used to treat all types of diseases, except for atrophic. To cure the latter, the suppository must include an estrogen component. These most effective and popular remedies include:
- "Ovestin" - contains estriol. Full analogues of this drug: "Estrovagin", "Estriol".
- "Gynoflor E" - in addition to estriol, this medication contains lactobacilli, which allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.
Inexpensive suppositories
All complex suppositories from colpitis, reviews of which are very ambiguous, have a high price. To significantly reduce the cost of treatment, some patients use drugs with one active substance. The most popular and effective include the following:

- "Hexicon" - candles from colpitis based on chlorhexidine. They have a wide spectrum of action, including against specific and conditionally pathogenic diseases.flora.
- Candles "Betadine" based on iodine. Such a drug exhibits antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It is absolutely safe and can even be used in the treatment of trichomonas colpitis.
- Trichopol preparation based on metronidazole. It is actively prescribed for vaginitis, vaginosis and gardnerellosis.
- Antifungal suppositories "Nystatin". The active substance of the same name of this drug is part of many complex remedies.
- Clotrimazole vaginal tablets have high antifungal activity.
- Sea buckthorn suppositories are a pretty good alternative to suppositories with hormones intended for the treatment of atrophic colpitis.
Drugs to restore biocenosis
After the main treatment of colpitis, it is recommended to take a course necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina. To do this, experts recommend using the following tools:
- Candles "Bifidumbacterin" contains bacteria of the same name, which are adsorbed on particles of coal.
- Suppositories with lactobacilli "Lactoginal".
- Suppositories based on ascorbic acid "Vaginorm C".
Suppositories to stimulate immunity
During the treatment of certain types of colpitis, patients are often prescribed medications that enhance their own immunity. These drugs include:
- Candles "Kipferon", including several types of interferons.
- Genferon suppositories contain only alpha-interferon.
Reviews on the effectiveness of vaginalcandles
According to experts, vaginal suppositories for colpitis help to cope with the disease as efficiently and quickly as possible. This is due to the fact that suppositories have a number of advantages over other dosage forms. As for patients, most of them agree with the opinion of doctors. They believe that vaginal suppositories can quickly eliminate all symptoms of the disease. Although there are cases when such drugs do not improve the condition, and sometimes patients even begin to complain about its deterioration. Experts attribute this to the presence of side effects in drugs. Therefore, such funds should be used only after a full examination and consultation with a doctor.