In the article we will consider gels and ointments to increase potency.
Every man can face failures in intimate life. At the initial stages, you can try a variety of ointments to enhance potency, which act on the problem locally, while not having a systemic effect on the body. To date, there are many specialized medicines in the form of ointments on the pharmacological market.

However, there are also familiar, time-tested drugs that can also restore erectile function, the main thing is to know how this or that drug is used correctly. And if you wish, you can make a healing ointment for potency with your own hands. All it takes is the right ingredients.
Action of ointments
Impaired sexual activity can have many predisposing factors. However, if you look at the root of this problem, there are three main reasons for the development of suchdysfunction.
The impact of ointments for potency on them makes it possible to restore potency in a short time:
- Sexual desire. As a rule, if a man is attracted to a woman, then an erection sometimes occurs even against his will. If this does not happen, then sexual contact cannot take place. The influence of psychological factors has a great influence on the emergence of sexual desire.
- The level of testosterone, which directly affects potency. This is a sex hormone that, if produced in small quantities, causes erectile dysfunction, and can also affect a man's ability to have children (testosterone has a direct proportional effect on sperm motility and quality).
- Impaired circulation in the pelvis is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. Such a violation leads to the fact that a man has a sexual attraction to a partner, but the sexual organ cannot achieve a full state of erection due to the lack of the necessary blood volume in this area.
Just in the latter case, ointments for potency are used, since the effect in this case occurs specifically on the problem area. Such local application makes it possible to quickly cope with sexual impotence.

When to apply?
It is very important to take into account that ointments for potency act quickly, as a result of which they must be applied immediately before sexual intercourse(additional lubrication may not be required). If there is a need to achieve a stable long-term result, it is necessary to carry out course therapy, applying a certain ointment according to a special scheme. Thus, it is possible to provide not a short-term rush of blood to the genital organ, but to conduct a full-fledged therapy for blood flow problems (sometimes additional medications are required for maximum efficiency).
Heparin ointment
"Heparin ointment" for potency is known for its positive effect on blood vessels. The main purpose of the drug is the fight against varicose veins, but this does not prevent the use of this ointment for problems with potency. Vasodilator drugs to restore erection contribute to the normalization of blood flow to the male genital organ. The active element heparin has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic properties, and benzyl ester of nicotinic acid causes dilation of superficial vessels. This ointment is applied to the penis in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for a week.

Contraindications to its use are:
- violation of the integrity of the skin;
- necrotic or erosive ulcers on the genitals;
- component intolerance;
- blood clotting disorders (since heparin is a drug for thinning the blood, reducing its viscosity, the ointment is contraindicated in case of low clotting).
In addition, it must be taken into account that"Heparin ointment" for potency can provoke the occurrence of some side effects, despite being well tolerated in most cases. The list of such reactions includes:
- reddening of the surface of the skin in the areas of application of the ointment;
- slight burning or itching;
- skin rashes.
Streptocid ointment
In some situations, a violation of potency in a man occurs due to a certain disease, which is provoked by coccal infectious microflora. In such cases, the use of "Streptocid Ointment" to enhance potency will be most appropriate.
The composition of this medication includes sulfanilamide - an element that actively copes with infectious agents, promotes rapid regeneration of the skin and normalization of local blood circulation.
The main component of this pharmacological agent has an antibacterial effect, which is realized due to the inhibition of the synthesis of folic acid, which is necessary for the proper course of metabolic processes in bacterial cells, as well as the formation of genetic material. A decrease in the concentration of folic acid causes inhibition of the growth and reproduction of infectious cells, so this drug can have a bacteriostatic effect.
After applying the ointment to increase potency on the skin of the penis, the active element of the remedy can be partially absorbed into the systemic circulation. It is distributed in tissues, goes through the process of metabolism in the liver with the formationdecay products.
Absolute clinical contraindications for the use of the drug are intolerance to the chemical compounds of sulfanilamide, as well as additional components of the drug, a decrease in the functionality of the kidneys or liver.
This pharmacological agent is well tolerated. Sometimes, against the background of its topical application (especially with hypersensitivity), allergic reactions, itching of the skin, swelling of soft tissues may occur. Apply the medication in a thin layer, without rubbing.
"Nitroglycerin ointment" for potency
This potency enhancing ointment is based on a substance that is used in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. Nitroglycerin (the main element) helps to expand the blood vessels of the penis and improve blood circulation. This property is used for local impact.

When applied to the penis, the active elements are quickly absorbed through the skin, the effect is fast, which can be seen already 15 minutes after application, and lasts approximately 2 hours. It is advisable to apply this medication right before sexual intercourse if a man has erection problems.
"Nitroglycerin ointment" should be applied directly to the penis, avoiding the area of the foreskin and head, which makes it possible to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes.
Buff effects
Among the positive effects ofuse of this drug can be noted:
- increased erectile function;
- normalization of excitation processes;
- improving the quality and duration of sexual intercourse;
- an erection enhancement ointment increases sensitivity in both sexual partners.
"Nitroglycerin ointment" has practically no side effects and contraindications. It should not be used only in cases of damage to the skin.
Below, consider the instructions for use for calendula ointment.
Calendula Ointment
The beneficial properties of this medicinal plant are used in the treatment of many diseases. The presence of ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, astringents and tannins in the composition of the ointment helps to increase male potency and endurance during intercourse.
Ointment for potency in men based on calendula is used in the course version, the duration of the course is from 14 to 30 days. Apply to the penis, avoiding the foreskin and glans, twice a day, rubbing in lightly.

This improves the following processes:
- circulation;
- tissue regeneration;
- muscle tone;
- vasodilation;
- lowering pressure in the vessels of the body, which prevents squeezing of the capillaries that supply blood to the head.
Effective therapeutic effect becomes noticeable, as a rule, already in the first week of therapy. According to the instructions for use, ointmentcalendula also has a cumulative effect, all processes in the male organ are stabilized, such an effect persists even after the drug is discontinued.
As a result of the fact that the cause of erectile dysfunction may be disorders in completely different body systems, an ointment to enhance erection does not have to be applied specifically to the penis. For example, in cases of spinal impotence, a lesion of the spine, namely the lumbar region, is observed. In such a case, the Asterisk balm will come to the rescue.
It has a warming effect, normalizes the processes of blood circulation in the pelvic area, which helps to improve erectile functions.

Asterisk balm should be applied to the area between the second and third vertebrae in the lumbar region and rub the product in a circular motion. The course of therapy is 10 days. The procedure should be carried out once a day, before going to bed.
What other potency ointment can I buy in pharmacies?
Indian Ointment
Indian ointments are distinguished by their natural content and high quality. The most common remedy can be called the drug "Himkolin", which is made on the basis of natural substances and has practically no contraindications. Available in the form of an ointment.
The use of this drug contributes to the following effects:
- normalization of erectile functionality;
- increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
- qualityintimacy and increased sensitivity during intercourse;
- a brighter orgasm.
This ointment is applied as follows: a thin layer on the pubic area and genitals, except for the area of the foreskin, scrotum and head. The remedy should be rubbed twice a day. If sexual intercourse is planned, it is better to use this cream immediately before it.

The most effective, according to men who left feedback on ointments for potency, is "Heparin ointment". Patients with erectile dysfunction observed that after applying the medication to the penis, erection was restored, but this was a gradual process. After a week of treatment, men noticed significant improvements. No side effects were noted, except for the rare cases of a minor allergic reaction.
As for other medicines for potency in the form of ointments, there are also positive reviews about the "Indian ointment". Men say it is very gentle, does not irritate the skin of the penis, and can be applied right before intimacy.
We reviewed the most effective potency ointments for men.