Growth hormone in a pharmacy to buy - an affordable way to influence the state of the body

Growth hormone in a pharmacy to buy - an affordable way to influence the state of the body
Growth hormone in a pharmacy to buy - an affordable way to influence the state of the body

Increase in growth is caused by the production of a special hormone by the pituitary gland - somatotropin (STH, or somatropic hormone). The greatest amount of the substance is excreted in childhood. At a young age, this hormone promotes the formation of tubular bones, muscles and tissues. Gradually, the production of growth hormone is reduced, along with it, the amount of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) produced, which is directly dependent on human growth hormone, is also reduced. The second hormone is responsible for the reconstruction of damaged cells and the formation of new ones.

growth hormone in pharmacy
growth hormone in pharmacy

Muscle cells cease to form at the time of puberty - their number remains unchanged until the end of life. But if you periodically take a course of growth hormone, you can influence the genetic level, in particular, get denser muscles. Therefore, this hormone is especially popular among athletes.

Where to buy growth hormone?

If you buy growth hormone in a pharmacy, then only in the form of sublimated powder. According to experts, other forms of release of the drug are just a marketing ploy, no moreTogo. The drug is very "fragile", it must be kept away from light and heat.

Storage conditions

Growth hormone in a pharmacy is stored in a cool room with an air temperature of 2 to 8 ° C in the form of a powder and already diluted. At room temperature, the additive can be stored for a long time only until the powder is diluted with water. After combining with the liquid, the product must be placed in the refrigerator.


growth hormone course
growth hormone course

"Getropin" (growth hormone) in a pharmacy is sold in ampoules. Its quantity is indicated directly on the glass bottle. It is usually indicated either in units (units) or in milligrams (mg). The ratio is approximately the following: 3 units=1 mg. The ampoule must be diluted with bactericidal water, vitamin B12 in liquid form or sterile water so that the drug can be injected.

Breeding process

  1. With a cotton ball dipped in alcohol, it is necessary to wipe the ampoules themselves with powder and liquid.
  2. When purchasing growth hormone in a pharmacy, do not forget to stock up on syringes for 3 cubes. Using a syringe, draw up the required amount of liquid to dilute the powder.
  3. The syringe must be injected into the powder so that the needle is in contact with the walls of the ampoule, and the liquid flows down its walls. Fluid must be administered slowly.
  4. growth increase
    growth increase
  5. After adding all the liquid, gently rotate the ampoule until the powder is completely dissolved. The liquid should end up being clear. germicidal waterallows you to use the ready-made solution for three weeks, and sterile water - only 5 days.

Hormone intake

Bodybuilders take cycles of Growth Hormone in combination with other supplements to achieve a sculpted figure and increase muscle elasticity. However, this drug is contraindicated in people with diabetes, as it stimulates an increase in blood sugar. It also increases blood pressure, so consult a doctor before use.
