From year to year, pharmacological companies present us with ultra-new remedies to combat colds. Of course, we all want these drugs to be as effective, safe and inexpensive as possible, because every year influenza viruses become more insidious, and the consequences of getting to know them can be quite disappointing.

This topic is especially acute among parents. Protecting your child from illness or minimizing the possibility of complications if the baby gets sick is the task of each of them. But a child's body is different from an adult, so finding an effective and safe medicine is not at all easy. Recently, a remedy adapted for young patients has appeared in pharmacies - Arbidol (suspension). How does this drug work, who can it help and is it really safe? Let's figure it out together.
Almost all of us are well acquainted with "Arbidol" for adults. The drug is very effective when used in the early stages.diseases. It facilitates the course of the pathological process if the virus nevertheless attacked your body. So on what principle does Arbidol (suspension) work? There is an opinion that drugs of this type are antibiotics, so you don’t want to give them to children at all. Here we need to be clear: the antibiotic fights bacteria, but colds are caused by viruses. Therefore, it will be correct to attribute Arbidol to antiviral drugs. It is not an antibiotic.
How the drug works
The active ingredient is umifenovir hydrochloride monohydrate. It is able to bind the viral protein - hemagglutinin. Its task is to provide an unwanted guest with attachment to a he althy human cell. If this happens, then the virus that has fallen on the mucous membranes will begin to actively spread throughout the body, and the disease will certainly develop. But if such a pathogen cannot gain a foothold, then the risk of infection will be reduced to zero.

"Arbidol" is a suspension that is able to interact with several subtypes of hemagglutinin, which means it is effective for fighting viruses of various strains.
If the disease has already developed, the drug will not be effective?
The composition of the drug also includes substances that activate the production of interferon in humans. And this means that all defense mechanisms are launched, and immunity, which is so necessary to fight the virus, rises significantly. "Arbidol" for children (suspension) will help alleviate the course of the disease if the child still catches the virus. The drug is alsowill minimize the possible occurrence of complications.
Indications for use
The maximum therapeutic effect can be expected if "Arbidol" (suspension) is used from the first hours of the disease. Instructions for use recommends the drug to patients with colds, when infected with influenza viruses A and B, including strains A (H1N1) and A (H5N1). This medication effectively fights in complex therapy with rhinovirus infection, adenovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza.

"Arbidol" - a suspension that works great in the complex therapy of viral pneumonia, significantly increases the immune processes in the body. The remedy acts quickly - within an hour after taking the patient feels relief. The drug is used to treat children aged 2 years and older and adult patients.
Often, parents make a serious mistake at the first sign of illness in a child and resort to self-medication. Such an attitude is unacceptable. It is often difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish a common cold from the flu, and even more so to determine which type of virus has entered the body. Remember that only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment and choose the dosage. The same applies to the drug "Arbidol" (suspension).

The instruction has an age limit - the drug is prescribed only for children from 2 years old. Thus, a single daily dose for the smallest patients (2-6 years) is 10 ml (50 mg). ATfrom 6 to 12 years of age, the dosage is doubled. Adult patients and children from 12 years of age are prescribed 40 ml (200 mg) of the drug per day before meals (at one time).
How to take
It is difficult for a child to give medicines because of the specific unpleasant taste. But such a problem will not arise if you have been prescribed the drug "Arbidol" (suspension) for children. Instructions for the medicine are attached to each bottle and will always come to the rescue. This medicine has a banana or cherry sweet taste and smells good. Young parents and pediatricians note that such a tool will not only help in the fight against the disease, but also make the treatment process comfortable.

In each package of the drug there is a measuring spoon, which must be dosed with the finished suspension. And it's easy to cook. The dry powder bottle has a measuring line that will determine the amount of liquid needed to prepare the suspension. First, water should be poured into the bottle by 2/3, close the cap and shake vigorously. After adding water to the measured line, close and shake the bottle well again. Suspension ready.
Means is well tolerated by most patients. Do not prescribe the drug to children under 2 years of age and nursing mothers. With caution, "Arbidol" is prescribed to expectant mothers, and only if the strain of the virus can cause serious consequences. Do not prescribe a remedy for people with fructose intolerance. In rare cases, individual intolerance to one of the components may occur.drug. The medicine is well compatible with other means, it can be used by those people whose profession is associated with increased attention or interaction with various equipment.