Drugs 2024, October

Pfizer preparations. Care for You Program

Pfizer preparations. Care for You Program

Pfizer is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies. Her story begins in the distant 1849. At the beginning of the last century, the company entered the world level, but continued to develop, regularly offering consumers the latest medications. The article deals with the formation and development of the Pfizer trademark, as well as the project "Caring for You"

"Miramistin" for stomatitis: instructions for use, reviews

"Miramistin" for stomatitis: instructions for use, reviews

What are the recommendations for the use of "Miramistin" for stomatitis in adults and children give experts? This remedy is safe, so it is advised if unpleasant symptoms occur

Why was "Bioparox" banned in Russia, what to replace it with?

Why was "Bioparox" banned in Russia, what to replace it with?

The older generation is well aware of the action of a French-made antibacterial drug, which was produced in large quantities on the pharmaceutical market of our country. We are talking about "Bioparox", an antibiotic in the form of a spray, which was prescribed by doctors for more than forty years for bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

"Unidox Solutab": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Unidox Solutab": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Quite often doctors prescribe Unidox Solutab. What is this remedy? What side effects does it cause? Under what ailments is its use justified? This information is covered in detail in the instructions for use "Unidox Solutab"

"Melaxen": reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Melaxen": reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Melaxen" is a medicine that is prescribed to people with violations of temporal adaptation. The drug is produced in tablet form for oral use. Capsules are packaged in blisters of twelve pieces. In total, there are one or two blisters in the package. One tablet contains three milligrams of the active ingredient - melatonin

"Torasemide": instructions for use. "Torasemide sandoz": price, description, reviews

"Torasemide": instructions for use. "Torasemide sandoz": price, description, reviews

Full range of indications, contraindications and side effects of Torasemide. General characteristics of the use of the drug, the totality of therapeutic effects. The use of "Torasemide" for the treatment of arterial hypertension, chronic insufficiency of kidney and heart functions, class and pharmacodynamic analogues, generics

What pills to reduce blood pressure: the most effective drugs

What pills to reduce blood pressure: the most effective drugs

High blood pressure is a very common problem, a lot of people over 30 suffer from this problem. That is why many are interested in which pills to reduce pressure so that they do not harm the body much, but at the same time perform their direct function well

Sinupret cough syrup

Sinupret cough syrup

"Sinupret" - a combined preparation of plant origin. Helps with both chronic and acute inflammatory processes. Reduces puffiness, inflammation. Reduces secretion production. Increases local immunity of the nasal mucosa

The most effective cream for eczema

The most effective cream for eczema

Eczema is a disease of the skin. It can be both temporary and chronic. It manifests itself in the form of itching and various skin defects. Treatment of this pathology should be complex. Eczema cream is an integral part of therapy

"Eufillin": Latin, indications for use, release form, reviews

"Eufillin": Latin, indications for use, release form, reviews

It is an antispasmodic that helps to relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Due to this property, the drug suppresses excessive contractions and spasm of internal organs due to any reason. Thus, with the help of it, the expansion of blood vessels occurs, bronchospasm is eliminated, contractile uterine activity decreases, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage is stopped, etc

"Infagel": instructions for use, description, analogues, price, reviews

"Infagel": instructions for use, description, analogues, price, reviews

Antiviral drugs often have an immunomodulatory effect. One of these tools is "Infagel" (instructions will be described later). This medicine can be used by adults and children

Spray "Nitromint": reviews of doctors

Spray "Nitromint": reviews of doctors

Heart pathologies are increasingly common at a young age. Particularly dangerous are attacks of angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction. If the patient does not seek medical help in time, the patient risks his life. In this situation, it is necessary to stop the attack as soon as possible so that a necrotic area does not form in the heart

"Nurofen" for teething in children: instructions for use, reviews

"Nurofen" for teething in children: instructions for use, reviews

The appearance of a child in the family is always accompanied by joy, a feeling of love and pleasant worries. But from the very first days, parents have new worries. Moms and dads are most worried about the he alth and development of the crumbs. In the first year, most children erupt teeth. By the first anniversary, the crumbs may have one or more incisors. Often this natural process is accompanied by disturbing symptoms. In such situations, doctors recommend giving the baby "Nurofen" children's

Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis

Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis

This article will tell you about what are the drops and spray against allergic rhinitis. You will also learn about the features of the use of a particular drug

What to give a child for diarrhea: simple and effective tips

What to give a child for diarrhea: simple and effective tips

Diarrhea in children is a serious threat to life. It can lead to dehydration of the body and cause negative consequences. It is not worth procrastinating and waiting for improvement. What to give a child for diarrhea? Here is the main question that worries every mother

The drug "Pinaverium bromide" - indications, regimen, analogues

The drug "Pinaverium bromide" - indications, regimen, analogues

Everyone is now self-medicating - this is a fact that does not require proof. And if preference is given not to a specialist, but to a pharmacy, then you need to understand which remedy will help to cope with the problem. As an ambulance to eliminate sharp pains in the abdomen, the medicine "Dicetel" with the active ingredient "Pinaverium bromide" is suitable. Instructions for use of this tool will help you understand when the medicine will be useful, and in what cases it is better to refrain from taking it

Trimebutine maleate: indications, instructions for use and analogues

Trimebutine maleate: indications, instructions for use and analogues

In case of gastrointestinal motility disorders, doctors prescribe drugs based on trimebutine maleate. These drugs have few contraindications and rarely cause unpleasant side effects. Such medicines eliminate cramps and pain in the abdomen in just half an hour. At the same time, they normalize muscle tone not only in the intestines, but also in the stomach and esophagus

How to drink activated charcoal: instructions for use to cleanse the body

How to drink activated charcoal: instructions for use to cleanse the body

Activated charcoal is real charcoal that has been carefully processed. Penetrating into the body, tablets absorb harmful trace elements due to the large number of microscopic pores

"Smekta": expiration date, instructions for use, release form

"Smekta": expiration date, instructions for use, release form

In the article we will indicate the expiration date of "Smecta". It is a very popular medicine, so there is no person who would not have an idea of what it helps with. The drug is effective in treating various problems of the digestive system and does it very quickly so that a person can feel relief as soon as possible

Streptocide: what and how it is used, release form, properties

Streptocide: what and how it is used, release form, properties

Streptocide is a substance that belongs to antimicrobial agents. It is included in various preparations. Let's figure out why streptocide is needed, in what dosage forms it is produced and how to use this or that drug correctly

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid: names, compositions, rating of the best, reviews

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid: names, compositions, rating of the best, reviews

Different medicines are used to eliminate ophthalmic problems. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are now actively used in the treatment. In such products, a low molecular weight biocomponent is added that retains moisture, which is so necessary for the shells of the eyes. The names of eye drops with hyaluronic acid are presented in the article

Antibiotic tablets for pneumonia in adults: a list of effective drugs

Antibiotic tablets for pneumonia in adults: a list of effective drugs

Pneumonia is a dangerous and rather insidious disease that leads to various complications. The pathology is characterized by an acute infectious and inflammatory process that takes place in the lower respiratory tract, affecting the bronchioles and alveoli. The only correct drug needed in this case is an antibiotic. In tablets for pneumonia in adults, such drugs are considered the most convenient

Ointment "Proctosan" for hemorrhoids: reviews, instructions for use, effectiveness

Ointment "Proctosan" for hemorrhoids: reviews, instructions for use, effectiveness

Quality treatment of hemorrhoids involves the use of modern drugs that have the necessary efficiency. It is possible to overcome this disease only if a complex approach is taken to solving such a delicate problem. In the article, we will consider reviews of the Proctosan ointment for hemorrhoids, the composition of the medication, as well as indications for use

"Amoxicillin": what treats, release form, indications for use

"Amoxicillin": what treats, release form, indications for use

"Amoxicillin" is an antibacterial drug with a broad spectrum of action. The drug belongs to the 4th generation of semi-synthetic penicillins. The antibiotic is active against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic bacteria

"Ibuprofen": increases or decreases blood pressure, composition of the drug, form of release, indications for use

"Ibuprofen": increases or decreases blood pressure, composition of the drug, form of release, indications for use

Does Ibuprofen raise or lower blood pressure? This question is of interest to all patients who first encountered this medication. In the article you will learn about all the indications and contraindications, the optimal dosage of the drug and possible adverse reactions

What are Remantadine tablets for? Indications for use, instructions, reviews

What are Remantadine tablets for? Indications for use, instructions, reviews

To understand what Remantadine tablets are for, you need to carefully study the instructions for the drug. The universal composition of the drug allows you to eliminate all the symptoms of influenza and SARS. The medicine can be used to prevent seasonal colds in children

Is "Sinupret" an antibiotic or not? Pharmacological group of the drug, release form, efficacy, compatibility with other drugs

Is "Sinupret" an antibiotic or not? Pharmacological group of the drug, release form, efficacy, compatibility with other drugs

People often self-medicate without knowing which drugs can and cannot be mixed. In particular, antibiotics and homeopathic remedies are used simultaneously. This threatens not only he alth problems, but even death. Today we will consider the drug "Sinupret" and its belonging to antibiotics

Motherwort and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews

Motherwort and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews

Drugs with hypnotic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects are often based on motherwort extract. The plant has a mild effect on the body of people experiencing nervous tension and stress, as well as having problems falling asleep. However, some patients often use motherwort and alcohol together. The compatibility of these drugs has been studied by experts quite thoroughly. Therefore, it is useful to learn about such a combination in more detail

"Suprastin" for coughing in children: indications for use, dosage, reviews

"Suprastin" for coughing in children: indications for use, dosage, reviews

Can Suprastin be used for coughing in children, and what dosage of the drug is considered optimal? Everything you need to know about the peculiarities of treating cough in babies with this medicine: indications and contraindications, side effects, overdose symptoms, recommended dosages for children of different ages, analogues of the remedy and reviews about it

What is Biseptol, what helps? Instructions for use, release forms, reviews

What is Biseptol, what helps? Instructions for use, release forms, reviews

What is Biseptol? This is one of the most controversial and well-known antibacterial drugs. In the last century, or rather, in the eighties and nineties, he was at the peak of popularity. It was recommended for use by physicians of all speci alties, and patients, having felt its effect, considered it the best remedy for all ailments. In other words, during that period, the uncontrolled use of this medicine began

"Phenazepam" with a panic attack: how to take, what to replace, reviews

"Phenazepam" with a panic attack: how to take, what to replace, reviews

The hectic rhythm of life negatively affects the psychological state of a person. That is why more and more people are faced with depression and obsessive thoughts. In this article, you will learn how to take Phenazepam correctly for a panic attack in order to overcome negative symptoms

Ointments for atopic dermatitis: list of drugs, composition, instructions for use

Ointments for atopic dermatitis: list of drugs, composition, instructions for use

The problem of choosing an ointment that helps with atopic dermatitis is quite relevant, since such a skin disease is relatively common. It is characterized by unpleasant manifestations, so the sufferer wants to find an effective remedy as soon as possible that will really improve his condition

"Furacilin": what is it, release form, indications for use, mechanism of action, side effects

"Furacilin": what is it, release form, indications for use, mechanism of action, side effects

Many people have "Furacilin" in their first-aid kit. What it is, people of the older generation know very well. But modern youth sometimes unfairly bypasses this drug. "Furacilin" is a drug antiprotozoal and antibacterial agent. Use it only for local and external use

Cream "Dolgit": what helps, indications for use, analogues and reviews

Cream "Dolgit": what helps, indications for use, analogues and reviews

What helps the cream "Dolgit" and how to use it correctly? Everything you need to know about the drug: composition and form of release, properties, indications and contraindications, instructions for use, analogues, features and user reviews

"Menovazin" is an antiseptic and local anesthetic drug. Release form, indications for use, contraindications and side effects of Menovazin

"Menovazin" is an antiseptic and local anesthetic drug. Release form, indications for use, contraindications and side effects of Menovazin

What helps "Menovazin" and how to use it correctly for various diseases? Everything you need to know about the drug: composition and form of release, features, indications and contraindications, side effects, analogues and reviews

How to take "Tryptophan": instructions for use, duration of administration, reviews

How to take "Tryptophan": instructions for use, duration of administration, reviews

How to take "Tryptophan" is of interest to many potential patients who are interested in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. Sometimes when depression, anxiety, insomnia and excess weight appear, people do not go to the doctor. However, such manifestations are associated with a lack of certain substances in the body

"Glucosamine and Chondroitin" from Siberian He alth: reviews and instructions for use

"Glucosamine and Chondroitin" from Siberian He alth: reviews and instructions for use

Both chondroitin and glucosamine are considered very important substances for the human body. They are involved in the creation and restoration of cartilage tissue. Supplementary supplement from the Siberian He alth company, containing these components, is intended for the treatment of joints, relieving inflammation and pain

"Festal" is Indications for use, composition, instructions, contraindications and side effects of "Festal"

"Festal" is Indications for use, composition, instructions, contraindications and side effects of "Festal"

"Festal" is a pharmacological group of drugs. The drug is used to reduce the load on the digestive enzyme systems, as well as improve the course of the digestion process

Betulin: reviews, description, instructions for use

Betulin: reviews, description, instructions for use

Betulin is an organic substance that was discovered by T. E. Lovitz in birch tar and sap. It is white in color, fills the cavities of the cork cells on the tree trunk, thereby giving it a white color. But what is it - betulin, what heals? Reviews say that this substance has many positive properties. It is used in medicine to normalize the activity of the liver, increase immunity, and also prevent cancer

Tiger patch: composition, properties, application, reviews

Tiger patch: composition, properties, application, reviews

Chinese traditional medicine is one of the oldest in the world. Eastern healers consider the human body as a whole and succeed in treating many diseases. Physicians for the treatment of a variety of ailments often use drugs made on the basis of natural ingredients. In this article, we will talk about tiger Chinese patch, its properties and application