Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself with a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Pathology is incurable: once it enters the body, the virus remains there until the end of a person's life. But with strong immunity, he may never show himself like that.
The essence of the problem

HIV is a severely compromised immune system. Also considered incurable. When herpes occurs in the body with HIV, this means that the incurable herpes virus encounters practically no resistance from the human immune system. Therefore, herpes in conjunction with HIV is a long and difficult to treat disease. Especially if not only the patient's face is affected, but also the genitals and other organs.
Usually, in a he althy person, herpes clears up within 11-14 days. First, small pimples appear on the skin, separate or combined into conglomerations, then they burst, and in their place ulcers form, painful and oozing. At the last stage of erosion, they dry up and disappear without a trace.
Herpes in HIV hassame symptoms, but much longer and more severe. Erosions are deeper, more numerous and more painful, and the time of the course of the disease can take from several weeks to 3-6 months. In this regard, herpes in HIV is treated only under the constant supervision of a doctor and strictly according to his recommendations.
Types of herpes

Herpes has several types, each of which is dangerous in its own way and has nuances in treatment:
- Herpes on the face. It proceeds according to the same scenario as in patients without the immunodeficiency virus. With the exception of a few differences: herpes on the lips with HIV covers a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the number of pimples at the beginning of the disease is more numerous. This type of HIV disease can progress to meningoencephalitis if left untreated.
- Genital herpes is caused by the herpes virus type 2. It affects the genitals of a person. Erosions occur on the genitals. In men, on the head of the penis, and in women, on the walls of the vagina. The skin in the groin and around the anus is also affected. At the time of exacerbation of herpes in humans, the inguinal lymph nodes swell. The pain becomes very intense. This type of HIV disease is considered the most severe in terms of symptoms and treatment.
- Shingles. Shingles with HIV infection is treated for a long time and hard. With this type of disease, the head, neck, and back of a person are covered with a rash. The virus, without encountering resistance in the body, can infect the eyes, ears and other organs. The pain at the same time captures the whole body, since everyone is affectednerve endings. At the same time, the lymph nodes are enlarged, the body temperature is kept at the highest levels.
- Chickenpox. The disease is characterized by tiny pimples covering almost the entire body of the patient. If a person has HIV, then smallpox proceeds extremely slowly - up to several weeks. At the same time, it is accompanied by complications on the internal organs.
- Epstein-Barr virus. Despite the external similarity with herpes, namely the presence of small painful pimples in the patient's mouth, this pathology is much more dangerous. Not only can it cause arthritis, encephalopathy, hepatitis and pneumonia, but it is also the first sign of incipient AIDS.
Methods of transmission of the virus

The herpes virus is the most common microorganism among humans. Almost all the inhabitants of the planet have it, approximately 98%. But for most people, it never manifests itself in life, and they do not know that they are carriers. The herpes simplex virus can be passed along with saliva during a kiss or through utensils. Even through a handshake, if there are microcracks and wounds on the palms of both people. You can catch this virus in a public bath or swimming pool.
The second type of virus is transmitted mainly during sex. Especially if the contact was hard and was accompanied by microcracks on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Often anal sex becomes the reason that a person is faced with the problem of how to treat herpes in the intimate area. Also, by the way, HIV infection is transmitted through the mucous membrane whenunconventional, unprotected intercourse.
A person affected by herpes, during the period of formation of erosions on the skin that secrete a clear liquid, is most contagious to others. After all, this fluid that flows from the wounds contains the herpes virus almost in its pure form.
A person is only born clean of the virus. But he can become infected with it in the first seconds of his life, passing through the birth canal of his mother, a patient with herpes.
Symptoms of disease

Common herpes on the face starts with a slight tingling and itching around the lips and nose. The same applies to genital herpes and shingles, the main symptom in the first hours is itching. After 1-2 days, the first pimples appear. They are firm to the touch, with a white head through which a clear liquid can be seen. With genital herpes, these formations cover the urethra and all cavities covered with mucous membranes.
After 3-5 days the pimples burst. Under them, round wounds are found, from which a clear liquid oozes. Itching and severe pain accompanies a person all these days. If a person is HIV-infected at the same time, then the stage of erosion healing stretches for an unimaginable time. It all depends on his general condition and the correctness of therapy. In a he althy person, erosions dry up and resolve already on the 10-13th day.
Diagnosis of pathology
Treatment of herpes in HIV depends on accurate diagnosis. Doctors need to know what type of virus they have to deal with. After all, the body of a patient with HIV is already weakenedto the extreme.
First of all, it is necessary to confirm the presence of the immunodeficiency virus in the patient's body. This is done with a blood test. With the help of a polymer chain reaction, the type of herpes is determined by the DNA residues. The patient's blood is also studied using enzyme immunoassay.
Herpes treatment for HIV

Therapy of pathology is carried out after an accurate diagnosis. Herpes in HIV infection treatment is complex. After all, during therapy it is necessary not only to suppress the virus, but also to strengthen the body's immune system in order to reduce the number of relapses.
In addition, genital herpes with HIV also has a local treatment. This is due to the fact that this type of disease is accompanied by severe pain, especially when urinating. For more information on how to treat herpes in the intimate area, the venereologist should inform.
In principle, any treatment for a viral disease should be prescribed by a specialist, independent actions in this case will be ineffective, and sometimes dangerous.
As a rule, the patient is prescribed "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir" or "Valacyclovir" in the form of an ointment or cream. Also, these drugs can be prescribed for internal use in the form of tablets.
Pimples and erosions themselves should be treated only with the means indicated by the doctor, and this should be done in sterile conditions of the treatment room. After all, another infection can penetrate through these wounds. And the wounds themselves become sources of viral infection. Exactlytherefore, a patient with herpes with HIV is placed in quarantine. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.
Acyclovir tablets: instructions for use in adults

This drug is so popular and effective in the fight against herpes that you should learn more about it. This is an antiviral drug, produced in the form of tablets, which include the main therapeutic substance - acyclovir.
It is used for herpes of the first and second types, chickenpox and shingles. The drug is safe, but may cause an allergic reaction. Do not use the product during pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects of the drug include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, dizziness, and effects on the central nervous system. In addition, under the influence of the drug, a person may develop kidney failure and muscle pain.
Acyclovir is sold in tablets with instructions for use, adults must read it before using the drug.
If an HIV-infected person has herpes, 400 mg of the drug is taken 5 times a day. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor.
Folk remedies
Herpes can also be treated with traditional medicine. True, to increase the effectiveness of therapy, one should not neglect the intake of medications. Especially with HIV, when the body needs any help in the fight against the virus.
So, for example, with genital herpes,baths with a decoction of licorice root are widely used. You can also treat pimples with calendula ointment. Well relieves itching and pain in the groin, as well as on the genitals, a decoction of mint.

The herpes virus, having appeared in the human body, is incurable. But it is quite possible to suppress its manifestations by resorting to preventive measures. You need to be especially careful if the body is weakened by HIV infection.
First of all, you need to take care of your immunity. To do this, you need to eat right, without fatty meat and hot spices. Add fresh fruits and nuts to your diet. You must give up smoking and alcohol. These habits destroy the immune system no worse than HIV infection. You should regularly exercise and harden the body. Especially if you have to lead a sedentary lifestyle associated with professional activities. And the last thing - you need to regularly check your he alth status with a doctor with all the necessary tests.