"Festal" is Indications for use, composition, instructions, contraindications and side effects of "Festal"

"Festal" is Indications for use, composition, instructions, contraindications and side effects of "Festal"
"Festal" is Indications for use, composition, instructions, contraindications and side effects of "Festal"

"Festal" is a pharmacological group of drugs. The drug is used to reduce the load on the digestive enzyme systems, as well as improve the course of the digestion process.

"Festal" release form

The drug is produced in the form of dragees. They have a milky tint, rounded shape, smooth surface. The structure of "Festal" includes several active components:

  1. Pancreatin.
  2. Hemicellulose.
  3. Components of bile.

In addition, the composition of "Festal" in tablets includes additional substances, which include the following:

  • talc;
  • glycerol;
  • ethylvanillin;
  • liquid dextrose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • cellafelate;
  • castor oil;
  • gelatin;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • methylparaben;
  • acacia gum;
  • propylparaben;
  • macrogoal.

Dragees are packaged in aluminum foil strips of 10 pieces. In total in packing 2, 4, 6 or 10 strips. WhatFestal, and what is this medicine for?

festal is a drug
festal is a drug

Pharmacological actions

The structure of the drug "Festal" includes pancreatin, which contains the following enzymes:

  1. Amylase - helps digest carbohydrates.
  2. Lipase is the main enzyme that breaks down fats in the intestines.
  3. Protease is a component that breaks down proteins.

In addition, the drug contains bile substances in the structure. How does "Festal" work? The mechanism of action is to improve the digestion of food, which was impaired by a decrease in the exocrine function of the pancreas, as well as a pathological process in the liver or biliary tract.

The enzyme hemicellulose helps digest plant fiber. After using Festal, the active substances are released into the lumen of the small intestine, where they have a therapeutic effect. They are not absorbed into the general circulation.

festal or mezim which is better
festal or mezim which is better

"Festal": indications for use

According to reviews and instructions for the drug, it is known that dragees are used in the complex treatment of various pathological processes of the digestive system:

  1. Alcoholic, toxic hepatitis (an inflammatory liver disease that develops as a result of the pathological action of toxic substances on the body).
  2. Cirrhosis (chronic liver disease, accompanied by irreversible replacement of liver parenchymal tissue with fibrous connective tissue,or stroma).
  3. Cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder).
  4. Chronic gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa that occurs under the influence of bacterial, chemical, thermal and mechanical factors).
  5. Duodenitis (inflammation of the lining of the duodenum).
  6. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).
  7. Impaired circulation of bile acids.
  8. Dysbacteriosis (a condition caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora associated with a change in the species composition of bacteria).

In addition, "Festal" is also used for functional insufficiency of digestion in case of taking a large amount of fatty food, forced long-term immobilization, with a sedentary lifestyle.

And a drug is also taken to prepare for an x-ray or ultrasound examination of the digestive organs.

Festal contraindications and side effects
Festal contraindications and side effects

Prohibitions and negative reactions

What are the "Festal" contraindications and side effects? There are a number of pathological and physiological conditions of the body that are considered contraindications for the use of the drug, they include:

  1. Hepatitis (diffuse inflammation of the liver tissue due to a toxic, infectious or autoimmune process).
  2. Relapse of chronic pancreatitis (a disease that is accompanied by frequent attacks and leads to pancreatic dystrophy).
  3. Acute pancreatitis (acute asepticinflammation of the pancreas of the demarcation type, which is based on necrobiosis of pancreatocytes and enzymatic autoaggression, followed by necrosis, dystrophy of the gland and the addition of a secondary purulent infection).
  4. Development of hepatic precoma or coma (a severe disease that is associated with extensive damage to the functional tissue of the liver).
  5. Hyperbilirubinemia (a pathological change in blood serum, manifested in an increase in the concentration of bilirubin).
  6. Severe liver failure.
  7. Obstructive jaundice (a clinical syndrome that develops as a result of a violation of the outflow of bile through the biliary tract into the duodenum).
  8. Cholelithiasis (a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts).
  9. Empyema of the gallbladder (accumulation of a large amount of purulent contents in the cavity of the gallbladder, which occurs with the participation of a bacterial infection against the background of obstruction of the cystic duct).
  10. Tendency to develop diarrhea.
  11. Intestinal obstruction.
  12. Children under 3 years old.

With extreme caution, the drug is used in cystic fibrosis, as well as during pregnancy. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the presence of restrictions.

When using Festal dragees, negative pathological actions from various organs and systems are likely:

  1. Colic.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Rash on the skin.
  5. Itching.
  6. Wearing.
  7. Allergic rhinitis (allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa).
  8. Hyperuricemia (a condition in which the level of uric acid in the blood exceeds the limits).
  9. Hyperuricosuria (exceeding the concentration of uric acid in the blood).

Children may experience irritation in the sphincter area, as well as the oral mucosa. With the development of negative symptoms, the use of the drug should be stopped and consult a specialist. How to take "Festal" - before or after a meal?

festal indications for use reviews
festal indications for use reviews

Drug dosing

According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is intended for oral use. For adult patients, the average pharmacological dosage is from 1 to 2 tablets three times a day.

How to take "Festal" - before or after meals? Tablets are taken with food, washed down with water.

The possibility of taking higher concentrations of the drug is determined by the doctor. In children, the doctor selects the dosage on an individual basis. The duration of treatment depends on the indications for the use of the medication.

With a decrease in the functional activity of the digestive organs, it can be several days, if regular replacement therapy is necessary, up to several years. As a diagnostic preparation, "Festal" is used up to 6 tablets per day 2-3 days before the procedure.

festal how to take before meals or after
festal how to take before meals or after

Application features

Beforethe beginning of treatment with "Festal", you must carefully read the annotation to the medicine and pay attention to certain nuances. It, as mentioned above, should be used with extreme caution in patients with cystic fibrosis, and in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding (only on strict medical grounds).

Small patients use dragees only as directed by a specialist. With the use of "Festal", an increase in the absorption of certain antimicrobial drugs, as well as derivatives of para-aminobenzoic acid, is likely. Antacids reduce the effectiveness of this remedy.

"Festal" is a pill that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The occurrence of certain doubts regarding the correct use of the medicine is considered an indication for consultation with a doctor.


Similar in composition and pharmacological effects with dragee "Festal" are:

  1. "Enzistal".
  2. "Pancreatin".
  3. "Normoenzyme".
  4. "Penzital".
  5. "Mezim".
  6. "Ermital".
  7. "Panzinorm".

Before changing the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

festal mechanism of action
festal mechanism of action

Which is better?

"Mezim" or "Festal"? These are well-known enzyme drugs that are used both to eliminate lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and to eliminate the unpleasant signs of overeating. Active ingredientboth medicines contain pancreatin derived from the pancreas of a pig.

Included in the structure of "Mezim" enzymes help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which play a huge role in many processes. Mezim is produced in tablet form. The action of the drug is aimed at the production of its own enzymes of internal organs.

Thus, the composition of the drugs is identical. The differences are in the enzymatic activity of strains and additional components. When prescribing "Festal" or "Mezim", the doctor takes into account these nuances.

what is festal what is this medicine for
what is festal what is this medicine for

"Mezim" or "Festal" - which is better? Medicines have a number of minor differences:

  1. Mezima contains fewer strains, so it is considered more harmless. The drug has a pronounced aroma. The list of restrictions is short, as it does not contain bile.
  2. "Festal" has a pleasant taste, but it is not recommended for a number of diseases. There is a huge list of contraindications.

When Mezim is used

Both drugs have long been used in gastroenterology, and have proven themselves well, making it difficult to choose. But based on the numerous responses from doctors and patients, we can conclude:

  1. "Mezim" is well suited for long-term treatment of pancreatic diseases and restoration of digestion.
  2. "Festal" should not be used for lesionsliver and gallbladder. It is better to take this medicine in small courses.
  3. Both medications are great for overeating symptoms. However, it is not recommended to call one medicine a generic of another.

"Mezim" and "Festal" are medicines, so only a specialist can prescribe them. When choosing, the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism are taken into account. The cost of Mezim varies from 50 to 270 rubles.

Proper storage

The expiration date of "Festal" is 3 years. The medication should be stored in a dark and dry place, away from children at an air temperature of no more than plus twenty-five degrees. The cost of the drug varies from 120 to 650 rubles.

Opinions of patients and doctors

As shown by the numerous responses about Festal, it is very popular among patients of various groups. According to most patients, this is an excellent highly effective medicine that helps improve digestion, as well as eliminate many negative symptoms.

Besides this, there are many patients who have to use "Festal" for many years. For example, with constant functional insufficiency in the digestive system. Due to the natural origin and high degree of purification of this medication, it is usually used as a substitute for its own enzymes.

Besides this, "Festal" receives a lot of feedback from patients who use such medicines for any disease of the gastrointestinalintestinal tract. At the same time, patients are trying to choose the best remedy for themselves and are interested in information about pills on medical websites, why they help, how to use them - before or after meals.

It is possible that some patients use this drug off-label because they do not know exactly what it is for. It should be noted that they will not immediately feel the occurrence of negative effects if used incorrectly, but over time this will definitely manifest itself.

If the patient constantly has problems with digestion, it is important to contact a gastroenterologist in time, who will prescribe a complete examination and recommend a specific treatment.
