In the article you will find out whether Ibuprofen lowers or increases blood pressure, the optimal dosage and contraindications. The drug "Ibuprofen" is used to effectively combat pain, as well as a powerful anti-inflammatory, antipyretic agent. The drug belongs to the category of non-steroidal medicines, which are good for severe headaches. Instructions for use "Ibuprofen", price, analogues and reviews are given below.
Pharmacological principle of action
To figure out whether Ibuprofen lowers or raises blood pressure, you need to study the description of the medication. The drug is a derivative of phenylpropionic acid. The tool has a powerful analgesic and antipyretic effect. The basic principle of action is based on the fact that the active substance of the drug inhibits the enzymes of the metabolism of arachidonic acid. This substance plays a major role in the rapid development of fever, inflammation and pain.
The powerful analgesic effect of "Ibuprofen" is due to the fact thatthe drug inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, as well as platelet aggregation. The drug reduces the manifestation of morning stiffness, and also increases joint mobility. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached 45 minutes after ingestion. The duration of the positive effect depends on the form of medication used and can vary from 3 to 9 hours.
Absorption of the active components of the drug occurs in the digestive tract in the shortest possible time. A single use provides an active effect of the drug for 8 hours. "Ibuprofen" penetrates into the blood and joints. Excreted by the kidneys, converted into metabolites.

Medication can be taken by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs. With the right dosage, Ibuprofen helps to eliminate heat in the body, reduce pain, and also prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the body. The drug does not cause irritation from the gastrointestinal tract. To combat pain, experts recommend using Ibuprofen in ampoules. The forms of release of the drug will be considered further.
Composition and release forms
To figure out whether Ibuprofen raises or lowers blood pressure, you need to study the instructions for the medication, as well as consult with specialists. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the form of release:

- Suspension. The mixture is colored yellow, homogeneous, has a pleasant citrus aroma. 1 ml contains 20 mg of the active substance. As auxiliary components, sodium saccharinate, glycerol, citric acid, and sorbitol are used. The suspension is packaged in 100 ml vials. The container is packed in a small cardboard box, which comes with instructions and a small measuring spoon.
- Pills. The pills are round, biconvex, painted white. The active substance is ibuprofen, its concentration is 200 mg. The composition of the drug "Ibuprofen" in tablets also includes auxiliary components: potato starch, magnesium stearate, aerosil, vanillin, beeswax, edible gelatin, azorubin dye, magnesium hydroxycarbonate, wheat flour, povidone 25, sucrose, and titanium dioxide. The tablets are packaged in small blisters. One package may contain 10, 20 or 100 pills.
- Candles. The composition contains 60 mg of active ingredient. Auxiliary component - solid fat.
- Gel, cream. Contains 50 mg/g of active substance. Can be used exclusively for external use. The cream has a white color, the gel is transparent. They have a specific smell. The composition of the gel also includes ethanol, propylene glycol, dimexide, carbomer 940, triethanolamine, neroli and lavender oils, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, creams - dimethyl sulfoxide, macrogol.
For treatment, the tablet form of the drug is most often used. Store the product in a dry and protected from directsunbeams spot.

The drug has an affordable price. Tablets cost from 13 r. (20 pcs.), ointment - from 28 rubles, suspension - from 59 rubles, gel - from 60 rubles.
Indications for use
Ibuprofen raises or lowers blood pressure? This is the question most often asked by patients to their doctor. Experts note that the drug has a positive effect on the human body only when used correctly. Ibuprofen is used to treat the following conditions:
- Fever.
- Migraine.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Arthritis.
- Gout.
- Toothache.
- Myalgia.
- Inflammation of the ENT organs.
- Adnexitis.
Doctors often prescribe Ibuprofen for flu and colds. The drug helps to normalize the temperature, eliminate pain.

The drug is forbidden to use for gastritis and duodenal ulcer, colitis. Ibuprofen is not prescribed for children under 10 years of age. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. The medicine should be taken with extreme caution in diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. Therapy should take place under the supervision of a physician. During treatment, you must stop driving.
Main contraindications:
- Pathology of the optic nerve, impaired color vision.
- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- Scotoma.
- Amblyopia.
- Hemophilia.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Hypertension.
- Puffiness.
- Enteritis.
- Chronic pathologies of the vestibular apparatus.
When using Ibuprofen for flu and colds, you need to remember that the medication only relieves painful symptoms, eliminates inflammation, but does not affect the course of the pathology.

Instructions for use
To understand if Ibuprofen affects blood pressure, you need to study all the recommendations of the manufacturer of the drug. Tablets are taken exclusively orally, washed down with plenty of non-carbonated water. The duration of therapy is selected exclusively by the doctor, since each case is individual.
Standard treatment regimen:
- The standard daily dosage for adults is 600-800 mg of "Ibuprofen" (two to three tablets). The maximum single dose is 400 mg, the daily dose is 1.2 g.
- Child 6-12 years old can be given up to four times a day, one tablet. The maximum dose is 30 mg/kg per day.
Does Ibuprofen increase or decrease blood pressure? This question is of interest to patients who have been prescribed a medication to eliminate pain and inflammation.

Adverse reactions
Most often, the drug is well tolerated by children and adults. Adverse reactions occur only in rare cases:
- Heartburn.
- Nervousness.
- Tachycardia.
- Drowsy.
- Meteorism.
- Depression.
- Migraine.
- Bronchoconstriction.
- Hypertension.
- Lack of appetite.
- Anxiety.
- Quincke's edema.
- Insomnia.
- Rhinitis of allergic origin.
- Cystitis.
- Vomiting.
- Itching of the skin, rashes.
The likelihood of adverse reactions increases significantly if the patient has exceeded the allowable dosage. That is why you need to strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen and carefully follow all the instructions of the attending physician.
Exceeding the allowable dosage is fraught with acute pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea. In such a situation, it is imperative to rinse the stomach and drink a high-quality sorbent. But in most cases, the drug is well tolerated. If adverse reactions occur, you should stop using the medicine and seek medical advice.

"Ibuprofen" for high blood pressure
Can hypertensive patients use the drug? This is one of the most common questions among patients. The medication is designed to effectively combat various pain syndromes: headaches and toothaches, spasms. But the drug can also affect blood pressure as a result of an adverse reaction. The patient may observe swelling of the extremities, which is provoked by fluid retention in the body. Because of this, pressure rises and the load on the heart increases. The drug is used with caution in impaired liver function. Otherwise, it mayhypertension occurs.
Thus, the drug raises blood pressure, and people with hypertension should take it with caution.

Available analogues
To figure out if you can drink Ibuprofen at low pressure, you need to consult a therapist. You can buy a medicine at any pharmacy without a prescription. The shelf life of the drug is three years. The gel and suspension are only suitable for use for two years. If "Ibuprofen" is not in the pharmacy or the patient has intolerance to the components of the drug, then you can purchase available analogues:
- Advil.
- Ibuprom.
- "Deblock".
- Pedea.
- "Ipren".
- Artrocam.
- Ibufen.
It is strictly forbidden to choose a suitable analogue to replace Ibuprofen on your own, as a preliminary consultation with a doctor is needed.

Using Ibuprofen tablets during pregnancy
Medicine release forms allow each patient to choose the right variant of the drug. "Ibuprofen" is strictly forbidden to take from the 28th to the 40th week of pregnancy. The use of the drug is permissible only in the first and second trimester, but after excluding the possibility of developing adverse reactions. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the drug will provoke the development of pathology in the male fetus. Doctors note that the probability of cryptorchidism increases 16 times. If the qualitytherapy is needed during the lactation period, then the child is transferred to food with special artificial mixtures. The drug can be used parenterally.
See video for details.

Treatment of children with "Ibuprofen"
The drug should be given only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must completely examine the child. The entire course of therapy should be under the strict supervision of a physician. In pediatrics, suspension and suppositories have been used since three months. Tablets are prescribed for children from the age of six. The maximum daily dosage is 800 mg (four tablets). The interval between taking the tablets should be at least six hours. "Ibuprofen" in the form of an ointment can only be used by adult patients. The drug can be given to the child only after meals. This can reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions. The duration of treatment depends on the clinical picture. For example, to combat fever, a three-week therapy is prescribed.