Drugs 2024, October

Sovigripp influenza vaccine: instructions for use, contraindications

Sovigripp influenza vaccine: instructions for use, contraindications

Protecting your own he alth and immunity is very important. And so sometimes you have to get vaccinated. Choosing the right vaccine can be extremely difficult. What can be said about such a drug as "Sovigripp"?

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

The flu can be quite severe. For its treatment, antiviral agents are used, but in many cases it is not possible to avoid the addition of a secondary infection and the development of complications, such as meningitis, otitis, pneumonia. In 2013, a domestic pharmaceutical company released the Sovigripp vaccine, which is a worthy replacement for foreign drugs

Heart medicine is the right choice

Heart medicine is the right choice

The most important medicine for the heart is the care and love of loved ones, the ability to enjoy life. However, in most cases, you can’t do without medicines for heart disease

Gel "Ketorol": analogue. "Ketorol": instructions for use, cheap analogues

Gel "Ketorol": analogue. "Ketorol": instructions for use, cheap analogues

This article talks about the strong analgesic "Ketorol", its release forms and similar painkillers

Tablets "Ketanov": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, contraindications

Tablets "Ketanov": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, contraindications

Everything you need to know about Ketanov tablets: description of the drug, pharmacological properties, composition and form of release, indications and contraindications for use, side effects, overdose effects, price and analogues

How to apply mummy from stretch marks: recipes for the preparation of cosmetics

How to apply mummy from stretch marks: recipes for the preparation of cosmetics

As a rule, lovely ladies resort to laser surgery to get rid of stretch marks. There are also less radical remedies, for example, various gels and ointments. But they give little noticeable effect. But traditional medicine has long used the mummy from stretch marks. The recipe for making these masks is simple. This article will give a few recommendations on how to prepare an effective remedy for these hated skin "defects" at home

Candles "Klion-D 100": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Candles "Klion-D 100": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Trichomonas and fungal infections appear in women very often. The reasons for this can be very different, ranging from weakened immunity and heredity, ending with casual and unprotected intimate relationships. Among the many drugs, one of the best is Klion-D 100

Drug "Galvus": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Drug "Galvus": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

In type 2 diabetes, doctors prescribe Galvus tablets, instructions for use of which will be discussed in this article. What is this drug? How should it be taken?

Which analogue of "Prostamol" is cheaper and more effective?

Which analogue of "Prostamol" is cheaper and more effective?

In our time, many older men are concerned about problems with the genitourinary system. Pharmacies offer drugs for the prostate in a large assortment. Prostamol Uno is especially popular among buyers. And this is not surprising, because in addition to high efficiency, this drug is of plant origin, which means it does not burden the liver. The question arises: "What analogues does Prostamol Uno have, and is it possible to save money without losing as a product?"

What is brewer's yeast used for? The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast

What is brewer's yeast used for? The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast

Many have heard about brewer's yeast, what it can be used for, not everyone knows. The scope of their application is quite extensive, but you must first discuss their use with your doctor

Syrup "Help": types, application, reviews

Syrup "Help": types, application, reviews

Children from three years of age are recommended to give "Help" syrup. This tool is available in several types, each of which has its own purpose

What ointment is prescribed for intercostal neuralgia for treatment?

What ointment is prescribed for intercostal neuralgia for treatment?

Ointment for intercostal neuralgia will help get rid of pain and relieve the inflammatory process. But pathology requires serious therapy and clarification of the causes in order to prevent a new attack

Grippferon: reviews, indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

Grippferon: reviews, indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

Colds usually come on suddenly, in both adults and children. Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, chills, and headache. There are drugs that can quickly improve the condition. Judging by the reviews, "Grippferon" is one of the effective means to restore well-being

The best pills for hemorrhoids: a list of effective drugs, reviews

The best pills for hemorrhoids: a list of effective drugs, reviews

In this article we will consider effective pills for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids is a very complex and unpleasant disease, so its treatment should be comprehensive. To date, the pharmacological market presents a huge number of drugs of various effects and effectiveness. But in order to choose the right medicine, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree and form of the disease, but also the individual characteristics of the organism

"Femoston": reviews, instructions for use, side effects

"Femoston": reviews, instructions for use, side effects

The drug "Femoston" belongs to the category of anti-menopausal drugs, and it is prescribed to women during menopause. Consider the instructions for its use and find out what side effects can be observed against the background of its use. Reviews about "Femoston" will also be presented

Glucocorticosteroids - what is it? Preparations of glucocorticosteroids: indications, contraindications

Glucocorticosteroids - what is it? Preparations of glucocorticosteroids: indications, contraindications

Glucocorticosteroids - what is it? Hormones synthesized by the adrenal cortex, as well as a group of synthetic drugs with great potential in therapy, bear this name. They are commonly referred to as steroids

Chinese "Viagra": purpose, dosage, composition, rules of administration, indications and contraindications

Chinese "Viagra": purpose, dosage, composition, rules of administration, indications and contraindications

China is a powerful country in the field of medicine. He achieved great success in this area thanks to the knowledge taken from ancient civilizations, the discovery of the secrets of the power of nature. China is interested in increasing life expectancy. His modern drugs, as well as healing meditations, help prolong life by several years. Oriental healing methods are of great interest to many people

Drug "Panthenol-Ratiopharm"

Drug "Panthenol-Ratiopharm"

Means "Panthenol-Ratiopharm" belongs to the category of drugs that improve trophism and regeneration in tissues

Bromine in the army - a horror story with consequences

Bromine in the army - a horror story with consequences

Different horrors tell about military service, but how many of these stories are true? Should young guys be afraid of this period? The main fear revolves around rumors that they give bromine in the army. Why do they do it? According to rumors, to eliminate the risk of violence in the ranks of the armed forces

Antiprotozoal - what is it? The use and mechanism of action of an antiprotozoal agent

Antiprotozoal - what is it? The use and mechanism of action of an antiprotozoal agent

If the doctor found you have an infection with protozoa - amoebae, giardia, Trichomonas, Plasmodium, then for the treatment of diseases caused by them (dysentery, urethritis, colpitis, malaria), he will prescribe an antiprotozoal agent. What it is, how it affects the human body and how effective it is, we will talk in our article

Indomethacin ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Indomethacin ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Indomethacin ointment is an external agent. It is used to eliminate soreness, inflammation and swelling. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of such pathological conditions that require pain relief, fever relief and elimination of inflammation

Cream "Afloderm": instructions, analogues and reviews of doctors

Cream "Afloderm": instructions, analogues and reviews of doctors

"Afloderm" is a glucocorticosteroid intended exclusively for topical use. It is produced in two forms: cream and ointment. When using this medication, people are often worried about the question: is Afloderm (cream) hormonal or not?

"Iodine monochloride": instructions for use, features, analogues and reviews

"Iodine monochloride": instructions for use, features, analogues and reviews

"Iodine monochloride" has excellent disinfectant properties, so the drug is widely used in agriculture. The product is used for disinfection of premises, treatment of animals

Insecto-acaricidal drug "Butox": instructions for use

Insecto-acaricidal drug "Butox": instructions for use

The "Butox" preparation, the instruction that comes with the kit, characterizes it as an insect-acaricidal agent made on the basis of a synthetic type pyrethroid. This medicine is used in the field of veterinary medicine to combat various ectoparasites

Ointment "Aevit": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Aevit": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Aevit ointment is an external remedy based on herbal ingredients and vitamins. It promotes stimulation of reparative processes, reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions, and effectively restores the elasticity of skin structures. This ointment is used as a cosmetic and therapeutic agent for dry skin, acne, hyperpigmentation and other dermatological problems

Drug "Avodart": reviews. Who was treated with "Avodart": what is the result

Drug "Avodart": reviews. Who was treated with "Avodart": what is the result

Today, Avodart is becoming very popular. Reviews, instructions, price will be discussed in this article. You can find out everything to the smallest detail: the pharmacological group of the drug, its composition, method of application and much more

Smart joint cream: properties, composition, reviews

Smart joint cream: properties, composition, reviews

Quite often, with increased loads, injuries and systemic diseases, the so-called subcutaneous edema is formed in the joints

Generic - what is it? How is the generic different from the original?

Generic - what is it? How is the generic different from the original?

Generic - what is this newfangled word, and even in relation to medicines? It turns out that this word can be called an analogue of the drug. But only conditionally. Why? Let's try to figure out what a "generic" is, what are its features and differences from the original product, why there are so many generics now. Is it worth it to replace them with the already familiar products of a familiar manufacturer?

Tablets "Allochol": reviews, instructions for use, side effects, analogues

Tablets "Allochol": reviews, instructions for use, side effects, analogues

"Allohol" is a choleretic drug of plant origin. This drug perfectly normalizes the processes of bile formation, improving the overall functioning of the liver and reducing the likelihood of gallstones. In addition to a positive effect on liver function, this drug can improve the secretion of the entire digestive system

Spray "Lidocaine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Spray "Lidocaine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Lidocaine Spray is a drug with a local anesthetic effect. It is used for the purpose of anesthetizing mucous membranes in medical practice in the field of dentistry and surgery. According to the instructions, Lidocaine spray is produced in the form of a colorless transparent liquid with a specific menthol odor

"Nitroglycerin", solution for injection: instructions for use

"Nitroglycerin", solution for injection: instructions for use

Alcohol solution of nitroglycerin should be used for intravenous injections. It is this form of this medicine that most quickly helps patients with heart attacks. Such a drug is supplied to pharmacies and clinics in ampoules and vials

What are nasal inhalers for?

What are nasal inhalers for?

Nasal inhalers are quite common among those with chronic respiratory problems. Before presenting to your attention the most effective and popular remedy for the treatment of the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to explain what kind of device it is and how to use it

Bear root: useful properties, indications, application, result, reviews

Bear root: useful properties, indications, application, result, reviews

Mother nature endowed with healing properties many plants that literally grow under our feet. Syrups, tinctures, rubbing are made from them. One of these is the bear root, which is effective in the treatment of many male problems and other diseases

"Gliclazide": analogues, indications, instructions for use

"Gliclazide": analogues, indications, instructions for use

One of the most common endocrine pathologies is diabetes mellitus. Most patients with this diagnosis suffer from the second type of this disease. The disease requires constant treatment and medication

The drug "Miramistin" for children: areas of application

The drug "Miramistin" for children: areas of application

Every mother takes care of her child. The he alth of the baby for her sometimes becomes a priority. The baby is fed with vitamins and immunomodulating agents, but despite this, he often gets sick. The treatment of a child is always associated with many questions. Mothers often doubt the effectiveness of drugs, even if they are prescribed by an experienced doctor

"Miramistin" for children: indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Miramistin" for children: indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

With the advent of the baby in the house, parents are faced with the need to look for safe drugs to treat a variety of diseases. Moms and dads try to buy only those products that do not give side effects. In extreme cases, the negative reactions of the child's body to the course of treatment should be minimal. One drug managed to win the trust of moms and dads, and this is Miramistin. It is absolutely safe for children and is prescribed even for infants

Antiseptic solution of protargol: features of use

Antiseptic solution of protargol: features of use

Protargol solution is an antiseptic preparation intended for topical use in the field of ophthalmology, otolaryngology and urology. This remedy belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs with a characteristic disinfecting and antiseptic effect

Cure for gout. The medicine for gout "Fulflex" - the price. The best medicine for gout

Cure for gout. The medicine for gout "Fulflex" - the price. The best medicine for gout

Gout is a pathology that develops as a result of disorders in purine metabolism. The disease is accompanied by the deposition of urates in the epiphyses of bones, joints, cartilaginous tissue of the auricles and is complicated by aseptic inflammation

"Perfectil Tricholodzhik": reviews and instructions for use

"Perfectil Tricholodzhik": reviews and instructions for use

Unhe althy diet, inadequate sleep, unfavorable environmental conditions - all these factors affect the condition of the hair. They become brittle and dull, begin to fall out

"Otrivin" for children: instructions for use for children, features and reviews

"Otrivin" for children: instructions for use for children, features and reviews

During the treatment of the common cold in childhood, great emphasis is placed on moisturizing and cleansing the mucous membrane. In addition, vasoconstrictors are sometimes required. Otrivin's products include a variety of drugs, including isotonic solutions that are safe for children, as well as drugs that act on adrenoreceptors