Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis

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Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis
Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis

Video: Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis

Video: Drops and spray for allergic rhinitis
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What are the drops and spray from allergic rhinitis, probably people who have had to face this problem at least once in their lives know. It is worth noting that allergies can take different forms. Also, the symptoms of pathology sometimes differ. Most often, the problem is manifested by the development of a runny nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa, the inability to breathe normally, and sneezing. What to do in this case? Use an allergic rhinitis spray. This is how experienced people will answer you. However, this is not always correct.

This article will tell you about what are the drops and spray against allergic rhinitis. You will also learn about the features of the use of a particular medicine.

allergic rhinitis spray
allergic rhinitis spray

Allergic rhinitis spray: effectiveness of drugs

What do experienced doctors say about the use of such compounds? Doctors report that such remedies are effective only when the pathology is not manifested by other symptoms. It is worth saying that allergies often cause itching of the skin and mucous membranes, tearing, redness of the whites of the eyes, coughing, and so on. Sprays will not save you from all of these symptoms.allergic rhinitis. A more serious correction is needed here, consisting in the use of pills and other forms of drugs.

Drops and nasal spray are great for congestion, they eliminate sneezing and itching. As a result, the patient can breathe deeply without any unpleasant symptoms. It is worth noting that in pharmacology there are several types of such medicines. All of them are divided into certain subgroups, which will be described below.

Preparations based on sea water or saline solutions

This group of medicines can include "Aquamaris", "Aqualor", normal saline and similar drugs. All of them are made on the basis of a s alt composition. Their undeniable advantage is that these funds can be used for quite a long time without harm to he alth. They are not addictive and can be used even without a doctor's prescription.

sprays for allergic rhinitis
sprays for allergic rhinitis

The action of these drugs is anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, cleansing. In this regard, increased puffiness goes away after several applications of these funds. At the same time, the nose is cleared of mucus. You need to use medicines several times a day, taking into account the attached instructions.


Allergic rhinitis spray can only affect swollen mucous membranes. This is how drugs called Snoop, Tizin, Nazivin and others work. Such medicines do not cure pathology. They only eliminate the main symptom of allergies - nasal congestion. Most of these drugsavailable in the form of drops and spray. This is for the convenience of consumers.

allergic rhinitis nasal spray
allergic rhinitis nasal spray

It is worth noting that such drops and sprays for allergic rhinitis should not be used for more than one week. This can lead to the development of a serious problem. As a result, you will need more complex treatment. Doctors say that vasoconstrictor formulations are first aid and can be used in emergency cases. Regular use by physicians is excluded.

Corticosteroid drugs

If you have allergic rhinitis, nasal spray or drops can partially relieve this condition. When the problem is only manifested by nasal congestion or increased mucus, doctors prescribe drugs with a small amount of hormones. Such funds include Tafen, Avamys, Nasonex, Flixonase and others.

allergic rhinitis treatment spray
allergic rhinitis treatment spray

The convenience of using these compounds is that they are introduced into the nasal passage once a day. However, the effect of the drug begins only after 8-10 hours. It should be noted that the duration of the use of these drugs is slightly higher than that of vasoconstrictor drugs. However, they can also be addictive with long-term use. Another disadvantage of corticosteroid drugs is that they are quite expensive. Compared to vasoconstrictors, their price is 3-4 times higher.

Vilozen preparation

This medication has a feature. It helps to cope with allergic rhinitis by increasingown immunity. Thanks to its action, the body's resistance increases and the reaction to the allergen is eliminated. It is very effective in the fight against seasonal ailment. This medication must be prepared before use. It is in the form of a powder to which a liquid is added. The resulting solution is injected into the nasal passages.

This medication can be used for two or three weeks. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms. Instructions for use do not limit the duration of treatment to five days, as is the case with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

allergic rhinitis spray
allergic rhinitis spray

Antihistamine formulations

If allergic rhinitis is bothering you, drops (spray) can deal directly with the problem. These drugs include Levocabastin and Allergodil. They have an antihistamine effect directly on the nasal mucosa. The effect of these medicines is not to remove the disturbing symptoms. The drug blocks the development of the allergy itself by "turning off" the corresponding receptors.

The peculiarity of these medicines is that they are not approved for use among persons who drive vehicles or do other responsible work. The drug may cause drowsiness and sedation.

allergic rhinitis drops spray
allergic rhinitis drops spray

Combination medicines

If you are faced with the problem of an allergic rhinitis for the first time, then the doctor can prescribe you compounds such as Vibrocil or Sanorin Analergin. They have a complexeffect on the mucous membranes of the nose. Medicines relieve swelling, constrict blood vessels, reduce mucus separation, and also make breathing easier. In addition, such compounds also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of such funds is also limited. They are not used for more than two weeks. It is worth noting that the drug "Vibrocil" can be used from the first days of life. However, in these cases, it is worth choosing drops, not a spray.

how to deal with allergic rhinitis
how to deal with allergic rhinitis

Summary conclusion

Now you know the treatment for allergic rhinitis. Spray or drops should only be used as directed by a doctor. Self-administration of such compounds can lead to unpleasant reactions and the development of side effects. Follow the instructions for use and do not increase the dosage of the medication yourself. With the development of additional allergy symptoms, use complex treatment. Have a nice day!
