In the article we will indicate the expiration date of "Smecta". It is a very popular medicine, so there is no person who would not have an idea of what it helps with. The drug is effective in treating various problems of the digestive system and does it very quickly so that the person can feel relief as soon as possible.
Where is the expiration date of "Smecta" indicated on the bag - we will tell below.

Form of similar medicinal product
The active substance of the drug is dioctahedral smectite. The drug also contains excipients in the form of sodium saccharinate, dextrose monohydrate, orange and vanilla flavoring. It is released in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is prepared for oral administration. The drug has two flavor options. The expiration date of Smecta is of interest to many patients.
Indications for the use of the drug
"Smekta" performsan antidiarrheal medicine, that is, it is used to treat diarrhea and some gastrointestinal disorders. The active component of the drug is able to improve and stabilize the mucous barriers of the stomach and intestines by increasing the amount of a special secret, against which the intestinal mucosa becomes dense, its ability to withstand various harmful, and at the same time irritating substances increases, and the symptoms of poisoning quickly subside.

The drug also reduces the negative effects of toxins (poisonous substances) and pathogenic microscopic organisms. The medicine, getting into the intestine, binds the toxic compounds present in it, removing them with feces. Due to such a pharmacological specific action, Smecta only affects bacteria with viruses, as well as toxins that are found in the lumen of the digestive tube.
The active substance of the drunk suspension is not absorbed by the body and does not enter the bloodstream, but exits the intestine along with chemicals and harmful microbes. Taking the drug in the prescribed dose does not cause any disturbances in intestinal motility. The main thing is to observe the expiration date of "Smekta". It's easy to find on a bag.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
"Smecta" is forbidden to take in the presence of intestinal obstruction, when there is a partial or complete violation of the promotion of the contents, which is caused by a violation of motor activity or somemechanical obstruction (adhesions, tumors of the intestines or neighboring organs, hernias, foreign bodies, gallstones, paresis, etc.).
Also, such a medicine is not recommended for people who suffer from fructose intolerance, impaired absorption of galactose in the intestine, and, in addition, deficiency of sucrase enzymes. Taking such a suspension under the above conditions can provoke constipation due to weakened intestinal motility.

Instructions for using the medication
For children and babies, the contents of the sachet are added to a quarter cup (50 milliliters) of warm water, the substance mixes well until completely dissolved. For small patients, the powder is added to infant formula, vegetable puree, or grated fruit. In the event that the child is not able to consume 50 milliliters of the medicine at a time, then the powder can be diluted in a smaller amount with warm water or given in several doses. Parents should take into account the fact that it is necessary to prepare the drug before consumption, since it is strictly forbidden to store such a medicinal solution in a bottle.
For adults, the powder of one sachet is added to 100 milliliters of warm water, it is immersed in the liquid gradually and thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
"Smecta" should be consumed three times a day in the dosage that corresponds to the severity of diarrhea. The course should be at least three, but not more than seven days. Given the fact that"Smecta" acts as an enterosorbent, the greatest therapeutic effect is achieved when using a suspension between meals (with the exception of cases of heartburn therapy, when it is better to drink the medicine immediately after a meal). The dosage along with the duration of treatment does not depend on the weight of the patient or his age. Only the severity of poisoning with the severity of diarrhea is taken into account.

In the acute form of the disease, the dosage will be as follows: newborns and infants up to one year are assigned two sachets per day for three days. Then one a day (until the stool normalizes). Patients over one year old are allowed to use four sachets per day during the first three days of the disease. Then two by two until full recovery.
For adults, the maximum number of sachets is six. For other diseases of the digestive system, the following dosages are recommended: for newborns and crumbs up to a year - one medical sachet, for older children - two per day, and for adults - three.
Since the drug in question has a pronounced adsorbing property, it should not be taken in parallel with any other means, so as not to reduce their degree of absorption in the intestine. The interval between taking the remedy described by us and other medicines should be at least an hour.

Smekta expiration date: where is it indicated?
The drug is stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees. The shelf life of "Smekta" is three years. Storage information is printed on the side of the packaging and in the accompanying manual.
Expiration date of diluted medicinal product
So, as already noted, the shelf life of "Smecta" in the package is three years from the date of manufacture, but at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. In the form of a solution, the drug can be stored strictly in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the diluted "Smecta" is no more than 1 day. Before each consumption, it is necessary to stir the medicinal composition - otherwise precipitation may occur.
In order to properly dilute, pour the powder into a container and pour 100 milliliters of warm water. Diluted product in infant formula or porridge should never be stored. Keep such medicine away from children.
If the expiration date of "Smecta" has passed, can I give it to a child? In the event that the drug is expired, it should not be taken, let alone given to the baby.

Peculiarities of treatment of children with this drug
The question that often confronts parents who decide to give the drug to their baby is whether to give it to the child before meals or after. It is worth noting that it is better to give this medicine to infants during feeding, combining in a bottle together with the drug and the mixture. After the child drinks the drug, it is necessary to hold it in a column for two minutes, but in no case should it be rocked or laid down.
Drug overdose
For prolonged overdosesevere constipation may develop, among other things, a bezoar stone is formed, which is a lump of dense matted plant fibers. In this case, you will have to consult a doctor without fail.
Some patients ask: "The expiration date of Smecta has passed, can I take the drug in this case?". If this is done, the development of side symptoms is not excluded.

Side effects
You may experience a disorder of the digestive system. As a rule, mild constipation is observed, which disappear after lowering the dose, as well as allergic reactions in the form of hives, rashes, itching, swelling, and so on.
Thus, "Smecta" is an effective medicine for diarrhea. Penetrating into the digestive system, the drug in question strengthens it, creates a protective barrier in the mucous membrane, contributing to the restoration of microscopic beneficial organisms. As part of its use for treatment, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary.