How to take "Tryptophan" is of interest to many potential patients who are interested in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. Sometimes when depression, anxiety, insomnia and excess weight appear, people do not go to the doctor. However, such manifestations are associated with a lack of certain substances in the body. The specialist, assessing the patient's condition, prescribes certain medications. So, "Tryptophan" is a remedy whose active ingredient is alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan. The substance is a proteinogenic amino acid. It is part of the protein of any living organism. The component is also a neurotransmitter, due to the fact that it is a precursor of serotonin.

Action on the body
Before you figure out how to take "Tryptophan", you need to familiarize yourself with its pharmacological action. The drug is involved in the production of serotonin. As a result, synthesis is activatedmelatonin, which is a hormone that regulates circadian cycles. As patients' reviews show, taking the medicine makes it easier to fall asleep. In addition, on the background of therapy in patients with depressive disorders, the condition improves significantly. This is due to the fact that at the time of anxiety and stress, the concentration of serotonin and tryptophan in the body decreases. Deficiency of these substances causes:
- surge;
- alarms;
- psycho-emotional disorders;
- nervous disorders.
But it is important to find out from a doctor or learn from the instructions how to take Tryptophan, because only with proper therapy does it have a beneficial effect on the body. If you follow the prescriptions of a specialist, then the medication helps to strengthen the immune system and has an effect on the body's resistance.

Indications for admission
Medication "Tryptophan" should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, under the following conditions and pathologies:
- depressive disorder;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- ethyl alcohol intoxication;
- as part of the complex therapy of addictions: alcohol, nicotine, barbiturate;
- fibromyalgia;
- compulsions and neuroses;
- increased irritability and aggressiveness;
- frequent headaches;
- migraine;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- alarm condition;
- indigestion,accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger or overeating;
- some types of obesity.
Tryptophan can have a beneficial effect on various psychological disorders.
How to take: morning or evening
It matters what time of day the medicine is used. According to the instructions for use, if you take pills during the day, then:
- increases mental stability;
- nervous system adequately responds to mental and physical stress;
- unfounded fears are eliminated.
If it is necessary to eliminate insomnia and the problems of frequent awakenings at night, then you need to drink "Tryptophan" before going to bed. As a result of therapy, the depth and quality of sleep is normalized.
How to take "Tryptophan" is detailed in the instructions. It contains the following information:
- tablets are recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals;
- it is possible to drink pills with plain water, juice will also do;
- but it is forbidden to combine the drug with milk and other products containing protein.
How to take "Tryptophan" for a long time, only the attending physician can tell. He will calculate the dosage and frequency of administration. At the same time, the specialist takes into account the specifics of disorders, concomitant therapy and the individual characteristics of the patient.
Tryptophan shows great effectiveness in the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders. How much to take the medication depends on the severitycondition and discussed individually with the doctor. But if necessary, you can repeat the course of therapy several times a year. However, it should be remembered that before starting treatment with this drug, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Side effects
If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations and use the medication on your own, it can provoke side effects of "Tryptophan". How to take the medicine correctly, you need to find out from the doctor and strictly follow the instructions received. Otherwise, side effects will not keep you waiting. So, the most frequent, judging by the reviews, are the following:
- digestion disorders;
- dry mouth;
- drowsy;
- hyperactivity;
- allergic reactions.
It is not recommended to exceed the dosage, despite the fact that cases of overdose have not been recorded. Doctors believe that there are risks of unpleasant symptoms associated with depression of the nervous system.
Has strict contraindications "Tryptophan". How to take the medicine correctly, you can learn from the instructions. It specifically states that pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use it. Contraindications also include:
- individual intolerance;
- allergic reaction to the active ingredient or excipients.
Amino acid for weight loss
How to take Tryptophan for weight loss is of interest to many women, and even men. To throw offhateful kilograms, you must follow a diet. But such experiments are considered a strong burden on the body. Many break down and start eating everything. Tryptophan can help in this situation. As a result of therapy, the brain receives the necessary substances and produces the appropriate hormones.
Judging by the reviews, as a result of therapy:
- wild appetite disappears;
- state is back to normal;
- mood rises.
In addition, the amino acid prevents fatigue, depression and excessive tension from developing.
The main positive feature, according to losing weight, is the rapid onset of satiety when eating even small portions and reducing cravings for fast carbohydrates.
How to take tryptophan for weight loss:
- Experts recommend taking pills before bed;
- starting dosage is 1 to 3 grams of the active ingredient;
- if intensive weight loss is required, then it is possible to double the dosage.
According to doctors, "Tryptophan" will not harm. How much medicine can be taken? The tablets are an amino acid, so long-term use is acceptable.
But don't expect instant results. Reviews show that a positive effect can be seen only after two to three weeks of use.
"Tryptophan" to improve sleep quality
Next, consider how to take "Tryptophan" for insomnia. Sleep deprivation and constant awakenings are the causes of emotionalinstability and irritability. Elderly people are especially affected by insomnia.
Studies have shown that people who are constantly having trouble sleeping feel cravings for refined carbohydrates and fats. Their menu lacks fruits and vegetables. Obesity results from this eating behavior.
But for sleep to be complete, serotonin and melatonin must be produced in the brain. Substances are synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, so for those patients who experience problems with sleep, taking the drug is useful.
To quickly fall asleep in the evening, it is enough to take from 1 to 15 grams of tryptophan in the evening. However, reviews show that even minimal dosages contribute to the normalization of sleep and its duration.
Numerous responses from people taking Tryptophan before bed show that in the morning:
- there is a feeling of cheerfulness;
- increases concentration.
Unlike sleeping pills, tablets cause drowsiness, but do not affect mental performance. In addition, the pills do not make it difficult to wake up early in the morning if necessary.

Tryptophan for women
Irritability and irascibility are typical for women in the premenstrual period. Decreased levels of serotonin are noted, which is the reason:
- anxiety;
- surge;
- mood swings.
Standard drug therapy usually involvesthe use of inhibitors, which provokes side effects. If you take an amino acid, then it is possible to stop the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and avoid unwanted consequences.
According to numerous studies, when women use Tryptophan during premenstrual syndrome, it helps to reduce pain and mood swings. The usual dosage is 6 grams per day. It is recommended to start taking the tablets on the day of ovulation and continue using the drug until the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Tryptophan for a quality workout
For many people, exercise is not only about losing weight, but also about getting in a good mood. However, often the body's capabilities do not allow a person to fully engage. Pain, fatigue and discomfort occur.
Scientists studied the effect of tryptophan and deduced the following patterns:
- pills improve physical activity;
- increase stamina;
- increase strength.
As a result, you can increase the duration of the workout due to the lack of severe fatigue. According to the average data, the duration of intense exercise is increased by 49% under the influence of natural tryptophan.

"Tryptophan": how to take, reviews
The drug is designed to increase the level of serotonin. If this substance is not enough in the body, thenobserved mental and behavioral disorders. Also, reduced tryptophan causes:
- sleep disorder;
- increased aggression;
- memory deterioration.
Patient reviews show that taking the medication makes up for the amino acid deficiency. As a result, anxiety, stress and psycho-emotional stress disappear. The duration and quality of sleep is normalized. This increases the phase of deep sleep. Patients who took the drug at bedtime note in their reviews that in the morning it appears:
- feel good;
- cheerfulness;
- clear mind;
- great mood.
After waking up, it is equally important that patients do not report addiction or addiction to pills, which some sleeping pills do.
A lot of positive feedback is found about the use of "Tryptophan" as a means for losing weight. The medication helps to normalize digestion and eliminates uncontrolled bouts of hunger. As a result of the activation of metabolism, fat deposits gradually disappear.
Often the medicine is used by the elderly. With age, there is increased grouchiness, irritability and sleep disturbance. The use of pills has been shown to reduce all of these symptoms, with significant reviews showing.

How long you can take "Tryptophan" depends on the condition of the body and indications for admission. The medication can be taken for a long time because itis a natural amino acid. However, you must consult a doctor for an individual prescription.
According to laboratory studies, the dosage of less than 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight is completely safe and does not lead to side effects. However, higher doses may cause dizziness, nausea, and tremors in the limbs.
It is also necessary to take into account the compatibility of drugs. If the patient takes antidepressants, then the breakdown of serotonin slows down significantly. In addition, a high dosage of tryptophan can provoke "serotonin syndrome", which manifests itself:
- muscle contractions;
- nonsense;
- fever;
- coma.
This is why it is so important not to self-medicate, even when using a dietary supplement, because individual reactions are possible, leading to a deterioration in he alth.