In the article, consider the recipe for "Eufillin" in Latin, as well as instructions for the medication.
It is an antispasmodic that helps to relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Due to this property, the drug suppresses excessive contractions and spasm of internal organs due to any reason. Thus, with the help of it, the expansion of blood vessels occurs, bronchospasm is eliminated, contractile uterine activity decreases, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage is stopped, etc.

Composition and release form
The drug is available in the form of tablets of 150 mg and injection solution in ampoules 2.4% of 5 ml and 10 ml.
One tablet of the product contains 150 mg of the active ingredient aminophylline, as well as potato and stearate starch and calcium.
The composition of the solution for injection contains aminophyllinein the amount of 24 milligrams per milliliter. Injection water is used as an auxiliary substance.
Recipe "Eufillina" in Latin
The prescription for intravenous injection is written as follows: "Rp.: Sol. Euphyllini 2, 4% - 10 ml D.t.d. No. 10 inamp. S. Dilute with 0.9% saline NaCl 10 ml, slowly inject inside the vein, 10 ml".
How to write "Eufillin" in Latin recipe, interesting to many.
In the same way, a prescription for a solution for injection is written intramuscularly, like a solution for intravenous administration, there is only one difference - after Sol. Euphyllini spelled concentration equal to 24%. The doctor after the letter S can indicate the features of the introduction of the Eufillin solution.
In Latin, tablets have the following spelling of the prescription: "Rp.: Tab. Euphyllini 150 mg D.t.d. No. 10 intab. S. Drink one tablet three times a day." After the letters Rp. in prescriptions, the Latin name of the medicine (Euphyllini in this case) and its dosage form (tablets - Tab. or solution - Sol.) are written.

After the name, the dosage of tablets or the concentration of "Euphyllin" in ampoules in Latin is indicated. On the next line after the letters D.t.d. under the sign "No" is written the number of tablets or ampoules that the pharmacist must dispense to the patient presenting the prescription. And finally, the last line of the prescription contains, after the letter S, the features of the use of the drug, written by the doctor.
How to spell "Eufillin" in Latin, now it's clear.
The drug has a diuretic, antispasmodic, tocolytic and bronchodilatory effect.
Includes among the funds for systemic use in diseases accompanied by obstruction, that is, a syndrome of obstruction of the respiratory system. According to Vidal's handbook, clinical and pharmacological group - PDE inhibitor, bronchodilator.
Indications for the use of tablets
Eufillin tablets are used for the following diagnoses:

- bronchial asthma;
- chronic cor pulmonale;
- chronic obstructive bronchitis;
- Pickwick's syndrome (paroxysmal sleep apnea);
- pulmonary emphysema.
The drug is the drug of choice in bronchial asthma of physical exertion, in other forms of the disease it is used simultaneously with other drugs.
When are ampoules prescribed?
Indications for the use of Euphyllin ampoules are:
- cerebrovascular insufficiency of the brain of the head (solution is used simultaneously with other drugs to reduce intracranial pressure);
- bronchial obstructive syndrome in bronchitis, cardiac asthma, bronchial asthma (mainly to suppress attacks) or pulmonary emphysema;
- migraine;
- hypertension in the pulmonary circulation;
- left ventricular failure, which is accompanied by periodic bronchospasm and Cheyne-Stokes breathing (along with otherdrugs).
Does the drug have any contraindications?

Eufillin tablets (in Latin - Euphyllini) have the following contraindications for use:
- rejection by the body of the main active ingredient or any other xanthine derivatives;
- acute stage of myocardial infarction;
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with obstruction;
- exacerbation of duodenal and/or stomach ulcer symptoms;
- hyperthyroidism;
- tachyarrhythmia;
- severe functional defects of the liver/kidney;
- epilepsy.
In pediatrics, it is not prescribed for children under six years of age, and also along with Fedrin.
The administration of the drug in the form of injections is contraindicated in the following cases:

- hypersensitivity to aminophylline and other xanthine derivatives;
- acute stage of myocardial infarction;
- acute heart failure;
- angina;
- paroxysmal tachycardia;
- extrasystole;
- pulmonary edema;
- severe hypertension/hypotension;
- vascular atherosclerosis;
- presence of a history of spontaneous bleeding;
- hemorrhagic stroke;
- ulcer disease at the stage of exacerbation;
- hemorrhages in the retinal tissue;
- epilepsy;
- high seizure threshold;
- gastroesophagealreflux;
- hyperthyroidism;
- uncontrolled hypothyroidism;
- porphyria;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- liver and/or kidney dysfunction;
- sepsis.
Due to the possibility of side effects, it is undesirable to use the solution for the treatment of children under fourteen years of age. Children under three years of age are contraindicated to administer the drug intravenously; in children after three years, the medicine can be used for he alth reasons for no longer than two weeks.
Side effects
When using "Euphyllin" (in Latin you will say the name to the pharmacist or in Russian - it doesn't matter) in tablets there may be the following side symptoms:
- anxiety, poor sleep, trembling limbs, convulsions, dizziness;
- palpitations, heart rhythm disorder;
- albuminuria, hematuria;
- rarely hypoglycemia.
During treatment with injections are possible:

- anxiety, headache, agitation, dizziness, insomnia, tremor, irritability;
- tachycardia, arrhythmia (including in the fetus, when a woman used the drug in the third trimester of pregnancy), cardialgia, palpitations, unstable angina, lowering blood pressure;
- diarrhea, gastralgia, heartburn, nausea, exacerbation of signs of peptic ulcer disease, GERD, if used for a long time - loss of appetite;
- fever, skin rashes and itching;
- tachypnea, hypoglycemia, chest pain, increased diuresis, albuminuria, hematuria, increased sweating, feeling hotin the face area.
The listed side effects are dose-dependent, often reducing the amount of medication is enough to stop them.
Local reactions to the injection solution are observed in the form of soreness, skin hyperemia and the formation of a seal at the injection site.
Instructions for using the medication
The daily dosage of the remedy is set for each patient individually. Tablets are taken after a meal. Adults should drink 0.15 mg 1-3 times a day, small patients - from 7 to 10 mg per kg 4 times a day, if necessary, you can gradually increase the dose at intervals of two to three days to achieve the highest therapeutic effect.
The duration of the treatment course with tablets ranges from several days to several months.
The drug is administered intravenously 1-3 times a day for adults, depending on weight, the daily dosage varies from 400 to 800 mg (10 mg per kilogram of body weight). For the first time, no more than 200-250 mg should be administered. For children 6-17 years old, the daily dosage per kilogram of weight is 16 mg, for children younger than 13 mg. The dosage is divided into 1-3 injections.
Against the background of intravenous administration, it is necessary to control blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. The duration of treatment is from several days to two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.
Reviews about this drug and its effectiveness
Most often, the drug is used in the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by obstruction of the respiratory system, thereforemost reviews are for use in asthma and bronchitis.

People who have taken the remedy experience good relief of painful coughing fits, easier breathing and sputum removal. Improvement in this case occurs within ten minutes after the introduction of the solution or the use of the pill.
During pregnancy (if taken in accordance with medical recommendations), the drug helps to remove excess fluid, bring it back to normal and avoid hospitalization in the pathology department.
There are few negative reviews about the product, they are associated with individual sensitivity to the active ingredient.
Separate reviews - about the use against cellulite and for the purpose of losing weight. The drug is used as an additive to the main product in combination with essential oils and Dimexide. However, it is difficult to judge its effectiveness in this case, as patients have conflicting opinions.
We reviewed the Latin recipe for "Eufillin" in ampoules and tablets.