Children are most vulnerable to various infections and viruses. They are more likely than adults to suffer from colds and intestinal disorders. This is due to the fact that the children's body is at the stage of maturation, the immune system is not yet so strengthened, which is why babies suffer from various diseases. Our article is devoted to such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as diarrhea (diarrhea). This disorder is associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora, and completely different diseases can serve as its cause.

Diarrhea in children is a serious threat to life. It can lead to dehydration of the body and cause negative consequences. It is not worth procrastinating and waiting for improvement. What to give a child for diarrhea? Here is the main question that worries every mother. Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to treating diarrhea caused by an intestinal infection.
Such disorders can be cured at home, if it is not associated with another pathology. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child and the general condition. What can be given to a child for diarrhea? Verifiedfolk recipes will eliminate the symptoms. Well, in this condition, rice water diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 will help. The drink should be given to the child every hour or two in small portions. If the next day there is no positive dynamics, then you need to call a doctor.

Often, a violation of the intestinal microflora is associated with dysbacteriosis, which can be triggered by taking antibiotics or low-quality products. This disease is easy to recognize. With this disease, the child's stool acquires a greenish color and an unpleasant sour smell. Diarrhea may cause foamy liquid stools and pain in the navel.
What to give a child from diarrhea with dysbacteriosis? It is mainly necessary to restore the microflora, this will help lactobacilli. You can make mint tea for your child. To do this, you need to buy grass in a pharmacy and prepare a decoction. Honey can be added to this tea to improve the taste (if there is no allergy). A decoction of the common cuff helps well.

The causes of diarrhea in children are acute respiratory infections, influenza and tonsillitis. In these cases, folk remedies alone will not be able to cure the disease. Treatment should be comprehensive in order to suppress pathogenic bacteria and remove the pronounced manifestations of the disease. Warm drink helps to cleanse the stomach. Rose hips have an anti-inflammatory effect, from which a very tasty and he althy compote is obtained. But all of these methods will work.for the treatment of children older than a year.
What to do if a very tiny baby has diarrhea? What to give a baby for diarrhea? In addition to formula milk or breast milk, it is necessary to give the child a solution of the Regidron preparation - a tablespoon of powder per liter of water. You can add some sugar to the drink. It is important not to leave the baby hungry - offer the mixture more often. If, in addition to diarrhea, the newborn has vomiting, fever, refusal to eat, and blood in the feces, you should call the pediatrician.
Every child loves sweets, which very often cause frustration. What to give a child for diarrhea when overeating? First of all, you need a diet. Any flour and chocolate products, fatty and s alty foods are completely excluded. Boil creamy soups, best with rice. Be sure to watch the reaction of the body and the color of the stool.
The child needs to create comfortable conditions, ensure he althy sleep and a positive emotional atmosphere. If you notice rare urination, dark urine, pale skin, dry mucous membranes, then immediately seek medical help, especially if this continues for more than one day. Only a doctor will tell you what to give a child for diarrhea and prescribe the right treatment.