Antiviral drugs often have an immunomodulatory effect. One of these tools is "Infagel" (instructions will be described later). This medicine can be used by adults and children. However, before use, it is worth visiting a doctor and choosing the appropriate regimen. From this article you will learn in which cases Infagel (gel) is prescribed. Instructions for use, reviews, description, analogues will also be presented to your attention.

Composition of the medicine
What is included in the drug "Infagel"? Instructions for use says that the main substance that has an effect on the patient's body is interferon. One gram of the drug contains 10 thousand IU.
At the same time, additional substances are included in the medicine. These include aluminum hydroxide and polyvinyl alcohol. In the production of the gel, purified water is always used. The instruction for the Infagel preparation also mentions it.
Medication Description
Medicine "Infagel" (instruction for use contains all the necessary information about it)is a liquefied substance. The gel has a yellowish-transparent color. It comes in a metal tube with a screw cap. The amount of substance can be equal to two, three, five or ten grams.
Each gel tube is individually wrapped. Depending on the amount of substance, the box may have a different look. Each package of the drug "Infagel" instructions are attached.

Indications for use of the medicine
When do doctors prescribe Infagel? Instructions for use and doctors talk about the following indications:
- shingles;
- herpes;
- damage to the skin;
- mucosal pathology;
- stomatitis and tonsillitis;
- gingivitis and otitis media;
- state after tooth extraction and so on.
In addition to the above indications, the medicine "Infagel" is used for children. The instruction says that the medication is prescribed for the prevention of various viral infections.

Contraindications and partial restrictions
In what cases can not use the medicine "Infagel"? Instructions, reviews, use is limited in the following situations:
- pregnancy (especially in the first months of bearing a child);
- lactation;
- if you have hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug.
It is worth saying that the medicine is sometimes prescribed fortreatment of herpes and viral infections while waiting for the baby. In this case, it is always necessary to compare the possible risks and the expected benefits.

Medication "Infagel": instruction, price
Ukraine and Russia have long trusted an effective tool. The price of the drug will be indicated below. Before that, it is worth mentioning the method of using the composition. As you already know, the drug is used to treat or prevent many diseases.
When the skin is damaged, the medication is applied in a thin layer. In this case, hands must be washed beforehand. The amount of the drug should be proportional to the area of application. Rub Infagel gently into the damaged area and wait 15 minutes. During this time, a protective film forms on the injured surface. Reuse is possible after 12 hours. That is why it is worth applying the medication immediately after waking up and before going to bed.
For the treatment of mucous membranes, the drug "Infagel" is used in a similar way after 12 hours. In this case, it is necessary to pre-clean the surfaces from microbes. This can be done using chamomile decoction or soda solution. For stomatitis, sore throat or treatment of injuries of the oral cavity, you need to rinse your throat for one minute. After that, type the composition on a cotton swab and spot treat the ulcers. Try not to close your mouth for two minutes afterwards. The course of treatment is always determined by the doctor. Usually its duration is no more than five days.
For prevention compositionused in a different scheme. It should be applied to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, this can be done with a cotton swab or a finger. Use the drug should be immediately before leaving the house. If you are going to come into contact with an infected person, then apply the drug half an hour before. In order to prevent the drug is used for one week. After that, a seven-day break is made and the scheme is repeated. Be sure to consult a doctor to determine the number of preventive courses.

Two grams of gel cost about 70-80 rubles. If you want to purchase a package containing 3 grams of the substance, then be prepared to pay about 110 rubles. The same pack in Ukraine will cost you about 25 hryvnia.
It is worth noting that the larger the package, the more favorable the price for this drug. However, do not start with a large tube. There are times when the medication may simply not be suitable for the patient.
Similar drugs
What are analogues of this or that drug? These are tools that have a similar composition. Also, among the analogues, drugs with a different composition, but with the same effect, can be distinguished. What drugs can replace Infagel?
Among drugs with the same composition, one can single out "Interferon", "Viferon", "Grippferon", "Anaferon" and so on. To some extent, the following drugs can be attributed to analogues of the drug: "Isoprinazine", "Ergoferon", oxolinic ointment and others.
Similar drugs are selected for treatment includingthe case when the main medication cannot be used for some reason. Often this occurs when an allergy or unexpected adverse reaction to a new substance occurs. Remember that you should not carry out the replacement yourself. Contact your doctor. The doctor will select the most safe and effective medicine for you.

Reviews of patients and doctors about the medication
What reviews does this drug have, which has an antiviral effect. Doctors say that the drug is one of the safest and most effective medicines. The drug is practically not absorbed into the blood. It acts locally. After applying the medicine, a thin invisible film forms on the damaged area. It helps protect the tissue from new pathogens. Also, the active substance blocks the reproduction of viruses, damaging their shells.
Consumers talk about the drug's affordability and ease of use. One of the most popular means for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases are products containing interferon. The medicine "Infagel" is very easy to use for children. Many babies drink pills and syrups with great difficulty. This form of release of the drug avoids such difficulties.
Many parents use this tool for kids attending preschool and school. The convenience of using the composition is that it can be applied in the morning, and it will act throughout the day. Consumer reviews saythat during the prevention, the kids began to get sick much less, and if they still fell ill, they recover faster.

Summing up
So, you became aware of the instructions, price, reviews and analogues of the medicine "Infagel". Despite the effectiveness and safety of this remedy, you should not self-medicate. Remember that an overdose can lead to unexpected consequences. Medication "Infagel", instructions for use, the price of which is described above, should be used in accordance with the instructions after the appointment of a doctor. Only in this case, you can count on getting the greatest effect from the correction. With complex treatment, follow the prescribed scheme for applying the composition. Good he alth and well-being to you!