The problem of choosing an ointment that helps with atopic dermatitis is quite relevant, since such a skin disease is relatively common. It is characterized by unpleasant manifestations, so the sufferer wants to find an effective remedy as soon as possible that will really improve his condition. What to look more closely? Consider the popular drugs that doctors prescribe for this diagnosis.
General information
It is possible to understand that there is a need for drugs that relieve the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, ointments that are useful for such patients, if a person is concerned about skin peeling, itching, rashes and redness. These areas are of great concern. If a child is sick, then parents are also very concerned about the state of his he alth. Atopic dermatitis is a complex sensitization reaction. The allergens are food, pollen, fabrics used to make clothes. The allergen affects the body, this leads to the generationhistamine, the appearance of skin spots and severe itching. An exacerbation is possible due to strong nervous experiences or an unsuccessfully chosen diet.
Atopic dermatitis is the beginning of a long-term sensitization reaction. It can be aggravated by rhinitis, asthma. To exclude serious consequences, after the first manifestations, suitable treatment should be started. The sooner therapy begins, the lower the risk of severe, irreversible consequences.

Step by step
When drawing up a treatment program suitable for atopic dermatitis, ointments are not prescribed by themselves. The doctor is working on a comprehensive therapeutic approach. His first step is topical therapy. The purpose of this step is to relieve itching. You can use corticosteroid drugs containing hormonal components. Creams help. Several reliable ointments have been developed.
Treatment continues by cleansing the body of toxic compounds. To do this, prescribe internal medication. After alleviating the course of the disease, the patient is transferred to a special diet. He is only allowed to eat food with minimal risk of causing an allergic reaction.
Begin treatment
When choosing ointments that alleviate the condition in atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to be guided by the characteristics of the case and the age of the patient. Some, for example, are recommended to use Bepanten. It is an emollient that relieves itching. Under its influence, the affected skin tissues regenerate more actively. There is an enhanced release - "Bepanten Plus", which includesintroduced an antiseptic component. This drug not only disinfects the skin, but also gives a good impetus to the rapid healing of injuries.
Many doctors advise using creams containing vitamin E. Among the most famous names, it is worth noting "Top-Top". Peculiar, both positive and negative, there are reviews about the Elidel cream. Some doctors consider the drug one of the best against atopic dermatitis. You can use zinc ointments "Uriage" and "Bioderma". True, the main drawback of such pharmacy cosmetic products is the high price. As can be concluded from the reviews of people, creams really help well, weaken the local manifestations of dermatitis, but they are not available to every family. Also among the creams useful for the atopic course of the disease, it is worth noting the products from Mustela and Lierak. Some recognize a reliable effect after the use of A-derma and Aven preparations. All of them are aimed at softening the skin and eliminating hypersensitivity, irritability of the integument.

What are people talking about?
As can be concluded from the reviews and reviews, with atopic dermatitis, many have tried a lot of ointments. Pretty good reviews can be found about Triderm products. Persons who have used such a drug admit that after a course of treatment, the rashes completely disappear. The drug is equally effective against a rash on the body, and for the treatment of elements on the facial integuments.
Among people tryingto use fairly cheap products, there are many people who, with the form of dermatitis under consideration, used Stopdiathesis. Feedback on the use of the product, especially for its price category, is positive. A similar situation has developed with a very inexpensive cream intended for use after shaving - the Svoboda brand produces a cosmetic product enriched with vitamin F. It is often used to treat manifestations of dermatitis.
Heavy Artillery: Hydrocortisone
Among the effective ointments for atopic dermatitis, one of the first places is rightfully occupied by the drug "Hydrocortisone". It belongs to the class of glucocorticosteroids. The agent inhibits leukocyte functionality, the activity of tissue macrophages, slows down the transport of leukocytes to the inflammatory focus, prevents phagocytosis of macrophages, and the generation of the first type of interleukin. Under the influence of the ointment, lysosome membranes are stabilized, the content of proteolytic enzyme compounds in the focus of the inflammatory process decreases. Capillary permeability decreases, the performance of fibroblasts is inhibited, and collagen is generated more slowly. Due to the inhibition of the activity of the second A-type phospholipase, the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes slows down. The release of the second type of COX is slowed down, which also affects the generation of prostaglandins, slowing down this process.
There is a strong dose-dependent effect on carbohydrate, protein, lipid metabolism. The drug activates glucose neogenesis, so that the liver and kidneys receive more amino acids. Activatedproduction of insulin. With local application of the ointment, the effectiveness of use is explained by the effects: anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect, due to which the anti-exudative effect of the application is observed.
If we compare "Hydrocortisone" with other drugs of the same group, then its inherent mineralocorticoid activity will be greater than any alternative. The anti-inflammatory effect is on average four times weaker than that of prednisone.

Application features
Often prescribed for atopic dermatitis, "Hydrocortisone" is used for neurodermatitis. The tool has proven itself in the fight against other manifestations of allergies (in addition to atopic dermatitis). It is prescribed in the case of seborrhea, used to treat eczema and psoriasis. It is effective in the fight against certain types of lichen, helps to cope with pruritus. To achieve a pronounced effect, you need to apply the medication to the skin from one to three times daily. The doctor will determine the exact frequency. The drug is distributed in a thin layer over the affected areas of the skin.
What else will help?
You can make, if you turn to specialized magazines and reference books, a whole list of drugs - a lot of ointments are used for atopic dermatitis. This list will include:
- "Tsindol".
- Elokom.
- "Advantan".
- Celestoderm.
Choose among all this variety a remedy suitable for a particularsick, it's not easy. It is better to entrust the determination of the optimal product to an experienced doctor.
Considering various non-hormonal ointments useful for atopic dermatitis, it is worth paying special attention to this drug. It has a drying effect. The drug is based on zinc oxide, which has an astringent effect and the ability to adsorb. The medicinal composition is known as a disinfectant. Under its influence, weeping foci become less pronounced, exudation weakens, local inflammatory reactions, irritation pass faster. Such a remedy is prescribed not only for atopic dermatitis, but also, if necessary, to cure diaper rash or a rash of an infant who is forced to spend time being wrapped in diapers. The drug is used to combat prickly heat, they treat ulcers, wounds, eczema. The tool is well known in the fight against herpes simplex, burns. It is prescribed if a trophic ulcer is detected. "Tsindol" treats bedsores well, is used for streptoderma.
"Tsindol" belongs to the number of drugs allowed both in the treatment of adults and, if necessary, to fight atopic dermatitis in children. The ointment is used externally, locally. Dosage, frequency of application is determined by the doctor. Take into account the risk of a sensitization reaction of the body. Perhaps the appearance of skin rashes and hyperemia of the integument. The drug is not prescribed for patients with increased susceptibility to zinc oxide.

Celestoderm B
As can be deduced from the instructions for use,"Celestoderm B" (ointment, cream) is a reliable remedy for various skin diseases. The concentration of the active ingredient in both the cream and the ointment is 0.1%. The preparations differ in the additional ingredients used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Both forms are classified as glucocorticosteroids, since the main active ingredient is betamethasone valerate.
Betamethasone has anti-inflammatory properties. The tool is effective in getting rid of the manifestation of allergies. It inhibits the release of cytokines, inflammatory mediators, and slows down the generation of arachidonic acid. Under its influence, lipocortins are more actively generated, which can reduce tissue swelling. The drug reduces capillary permeability. The microdispersion of the active ingredient in additional substances is such that the agent does not leave marks on textiles, is easily distributed over the affected skin, is quickly absorbed, and soon begins to act.

Destination features
As can be seen from the accompanying cream or ointment "Celestoderm B" instructions for use, the drug shows itself well when it is necessary to treat inflammatory diseases that can be cured by hormonal agents. The ointment is used if necessary in the treatment of eczema, various forms of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, if necessary - in the treatment of psoriasis. Indications for the appointment are anogenital, senile itching.
The drug is used locally, externally. The agent is applied in a thin layer on diseased skin. It is recommended to use one to three times daily. The duration of the course is determined by the severity of the course of the disease. Two applications a day are enough for most.
Radevit Active
If you need to choose an ointment for babies suitable for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, you should look at the pharmaceutical product "Radevit Active". This drug is designed for topical application. It is made with cholecalciferol, alpha-tocopherol and retinol. In fact, these are vitamins A, E, D. Additional ingredients that do not have a pronounced pharmacological effect were used to increase efficiency and ensure a long shelf life.
Combined drug designed for topical use. This ointment for atopic dermatitis and other skin he alth problems, safe even for babies, quickly removes inflammation, softens and moisturizes the skin. It has been proven that the use of the composition relieves itching. The drug has a reparative effect. The drug stabilizes the processes of keratinization. Under its influence, the protective function of the skin becomes stronger.
Terms of Use
It is customary to use the remedy not only for atopic dermatitis. "Radevit Active" has proven itself well in the fight against ichthyosis and dermatosis of a similar nature. It is used to treat erosions, cracks and burns. You can apply the ointment in the case of a wound process, ulcers, if there is no complication in the form of infection. The drug is used in case of eczema and neurodermatitis. Often it is prescribed to children and adults, ifvery worried about dry skin. With contact dermatitis of an allergic nature, the ointment is prescribed without relapse. You can use the remedy if a person has seborrheic dermatitis. The remedy is known for its preventive effects, it helps to prevent foci of inflammation, manifestations of allergies on the skin, if some disease is currently in remission and it is necessary to choose a remedy to facilitate the completion of a course of steroid ointments. "Radevit Active" is used if the skin is easily irritated, if the susceptibility to cosmetic products is increased.
The drug must be applied to the skin twice a day. It is distributed in a thin layer in the affected area. The optimal program would be to use the product after waking up and shortly before sleep.

What else to try?
Often, doctors prescribe, as you can see from the reviews, "Flucinar". With atopic dermatitis in children and adults, this remedy has proven to be a reliable effect due to the main component. The drug belongs to the class of hormonal. Its main ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide. However, the fact that it is a hormone not only causes the increased effectiveness of the product, but also explains its relatively high danger. Doctors prescribe ointment to children only when non-hormonal drugs are ineffective. The pharmaceutical product fights inflammation, allergy manifestations, itching, and has an anti-exudative effect. It is used not only for various forms of dermatitis, but also forthe need to treat various types of lichen, eczema, itching. The tool is used in the fight against psoriasis, burns, insect bites. The drug is prescribed for neurodermatitis, discoid lupus erythematosus. The product is intended for local application one to three times daily. The duration and specific frequency of use will be determined by the attending physician.

Finally, another reliable product that helps with atopic dermatitis is Advantan. This is also a hormonal drug, so it is prescribed to minors with caution. However, as tests have shown, it is possible, if necessary, to use the product already from the age of four months. The main substance that ensures the effectiveness of the drug is methylprednisolone aceponate. As noted in the instructions accompanying the ointment, external use allows you to suppress the allergic response of the body, inflammatory processes. The agent effectively eliminates the manifestations of active proliferation, due to which the edema subsides, itching disappears, and erythema is relieved. The use of the drug externally in a normal dose, as proven by tests, is accompanied by a minimal systemic effect. This has been verified by human observation and animal testing. Repeated use over large areas did not lead to violations of the adrenal glands, a change in the quantity, quality parameters of cortisol in the blood. Clinical trials on the effectiveness of the drug were carried out for 12 weeks. With the participation of children organized four-weektrials in which young children were involved. No signs of skin atrophy, striae, or other similar adverse effects were found.