"Menovazin" is an antiseptic and local anesthetic drug. Release form, indications for use, contraindications and side effects of Menovazin

"Menovazin" is an antiseptic and local anesthetic drug. Release form, indications for use, contraindications and side effects of Menovazin
"Menovazin" is an antiseptic and local anesthetic drug. Release form, indications for use, contraindications and side effects of Menovazin

"Menovazin" is a combination drug that is actively used by doctors to eliminate pain in muscles and joints, itching in skin diseases, as well as in neuralgia of various pathogenesis. But this list is not exhaustive, because the scope of this affordable tool is extremely wide. So let's see what "Menovazin" is really effective from and how to use it correctly.


"Menovazin" is a combined remedy intended for external use. It is most often used for local anesthesia. The composition of the drug includes components that provide instant strong action.

"Menovazin" dilates the vessels on the surface of the skin, brings a pleasant feeling of coolness, greatly relieves itching. It has an analgesic effect on damaged areas. The drug allows you to get rid of the pain syndrome of varying intensity in different parts of the body.

Today Menovazin is one ofthe most popular and affordable means used to relieve pain in a variety of conditions.


The product contains several active ingredients, thanks to which the therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved. The composition of "Menovazin" includes the following ingredients:


  • benzocaine - has a local analgesic effect, does not allow pain impulses to spread;
  • procaine - has a pronounced anesthetic effect, dulls pain;
  • ethyl alcohol.
  • In the complex, the active ingredients of the drug irritate the nerve receptors. At first, a person feels a slight cooling, which distracts from soreness, and then the itching and external pain disappear. After some time, when procaine blocks nerve impulses, the discomfort completely subsides.

    Issue form

    "Menovazin" contains 2.5 g of menthol, 1 g of benzocaine, 100 mg of ethyl alcohol and 1 g of novocaine. All varieties of the drug have the same composition.

    Composition and form of release "Menovazin"
    Composition and form of release "Menovazin"

    There are two forms of release of "Menovazin": ointment and solution. The latter is produced in dark bottles of 40, 25 and 50 ml. The ointment is available inaluminum tubes of 40 mg.

    The preparation has a pleasant menthol aroma and a consistency that is easy to apply.

    Indications for the use of "Menovazin"

    Tincture and ointment are used for various conditions.

    • With sciatica. If applied in any form to the spine, neck and sciatic nerve area, you can feel immediate relief.
    • When s alts are deposited. With the systematic use of an ointment or solution, the disease will gradually recede completely.
    • For pain in the joints. "Menovazin" is considered one of the most effective remedies for such a problem. To eliminate pain, apply the drug to the sore spot and massage it thoroughly. To improve the effect, you can apply a bandage or simply wrap the joint in something warm.
    Image "Menovazin" for pain in the joints
    Image "Menovazin" for pain in the joints
    • With pain in the heart. For pain radiating to the shoulder and discomfort in the head area, it is recommended to lubricate the circumference of the nearest ear twice a day.
    • For pain in the legs. "Menovazin" helps to restore mobility. To do this, daily lubricate the recesses under the knees and feet with a small amount of tincture or ointment.
    • With otitis media. You can eliminate inflammation of the ears with the help of turundas dipped in Menovazin solution.
    • For acne. In order to get rid of rashes, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the solution and treat the affected areas with it.
    Image "Menovazin" for acne
    Image "Menovazin" for acne
    • When pregnant. It's no secret that during the bearing of a child, the load on the woman's spine increases significantly. Often, expectant mothers complain of severe pain in the muscles and joints. So, "Menovazin" is great for eliminating such symptoms, since it is not contraindicated during pregnancy.
    • For migraines. For any headache, it is recommended to rub the medicine on the forehead or temples.
    • For hemorrhoids. To combat this disease, a bandage soaked in a solution or ointment should be applied to the anus. This should be done after a morning shower. After a few sessions, hemorrhoids will completely disappear.
    • For colds and coughs. One of the most popular indications for the use of Menovazin ointment. With a cold accompanied by a strong cough, it is recommended to rub the chest and back. After a massage session with ointment, be sure to wrap yourself in a warm blanket or put on a woolen sweater. To speed up recovery and endow the condition, you can also use compresses with Menovazin. They must be applied around the neck. Such a remedy successfully fights bronchitis and sore throats.
    • With cervical osteochondrosis. It should be said right away that with the help of an ointment or solution alone, it is impossible to completely cure such a disease. To achieve this result, not only medicines are required, but also physiotherapy procedures. And "Menovazin" with such a diagnosis can be used as a local pain reliever. It should be applied to the neck area and rubbed gently. Forto eliminate pain, it is recommended to use the remedy three times a day.
    Image "Menovazin" for cervical osteochondrosis
    Image "Menovazin" for cervical osteochondrosis

    With angina. If a sore throat develops against the background of a cold, in addition to drug therapy, you can additionally use Menovazin. This will help speed up recovery and relieve symptoms. The ointment or solution should be thoroughly rubbed into the throat

    When used most often

    • When you have a cold. To quickly eliminate this symptom, you just need to smell the medicine vial.
    • With herpes on the lips. It is possible to use "Menovazin" both for treatment and for the prevention of this unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, it is very easy to use the product - just rub a small amount of the drug into the problem area.
    • With intercostal neuralgia. "Menovazin" helps to effectively eliminate the pain that occurs with this pathology. To do this, carefully rub the places where discomfort is localized.
    • With varicose veins. Apply "Menovazin" in this case should be in the direction from the feet to the buttocks. This will help get rid of swelling and heaviness in the legs.
    • For insomnia. To immerse yourself in a light, pleasant sleep, you should wipe the back of your head with a cotton pad soaked in the solution.
    • When sinusitis. With such a diagnosis, "Menovazin" can be used not so much for treatment as to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. To do this, you need to apply a little money on the maxillary sinuses and carefullymassage. Nothing is said about the treatment of sinusitis in the instructions for Menovazin. But this remedy has been used by doctors for many years to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. "Menovazin" helps to greatly facilitate breathing and reduce the secretion of mucous and purulent secretions. The solution and ointment have a warming, antipruritic and analgesic effect on the maxillary sinuses. Due to this, the treatment of sinusitis with this drug is fully justified, but only as part of complex therapy.
    Image "Menovazin" for sinusitis
    Image "Menovazin" for sinusitis

    Contraindications and side effects of Menovazin

    Despite the fact that the drug is used in a huge number of different pathologies, there are cases in which it is prohibited to use it. So, both the solution and the ointment should not be applied to injured or affected skin with eczema, burns and dermatitis. It is forbidden to use a remedy to eliminate pain in inflamed areas.

    In addition, the use of the drug should be avoided by people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients in its composition. The agent is not used under such conditions:

    • acute form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • the tendency to develop angiospasms;
    • abscesses;
    • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
    • severe skin pathologies;
    • failures in cerebral and coronary circulation.
    Contraindications for the use of "Menovazin"
    Contraindications for the use of "Menovazin"

    Several side effects have been identified in studiesthe appearance of which can cause a solution and ointment "Menovazin". For the most part, they all cover only the skin. The drug can provoke the appearance of:

    • puffiness;
    • pruritic dermatosis;
    • redness;
    • contact dermatitis;
    • skin irritation;
    • dermatitis.

    If "Menovazin" is used for a runny nose or migraine, the development of contact sinusitis is not excluded. In addition, all kinds of manifestations of an allergic reaction can be observed. If you use the solution or ointment for too long, you may experience:

    • asthenia;
    • low blood pressure;
    • dizziness.
    Side effects of Menovazin
    Side effects of Menovazin

    Drug Interactions

    "Menovazin" is undesirable to use with other antibiotics. Procaine and novocaine reduce the effectiveness of drugs with sulfonamides.

    In addition, "Menovazin" is not recommended for use in parallel with other drugs that have a local effect.

    With all other medicines, you can use both the solution and the ointment, but after consulting a specialist.

    Application features

    In whatever form and from whatever you use Menovazin, you should remember that it can only be used externally. First, the product should be applied to the place where the pain is localized, and then gently rub.

    To get the maximum effect, you need to use the drug three times during the day. Continuetreatment should be continued until relief occurs. But in general, therapy should not last longer than a month. If the drug does not bring a positive effect, you need to go to the doctor.

    Cost and analogues

    The price of "Menovazin" is considered quite affordable. Its cost in different pharmacies ranges from 30-60 rubles, depending on the form of release.

    If for some reason you cannot use Menovazin, pay attention to its analogues:

    • "Vipratox".
    • "Viprosal".
    • "Biofreeze".
    • "Bengay".
    • "Bainvel".
    • "Alorom liniment".
    • "Apizartron".
    • "Bom-benge".
    • "Alga Med Fluid".
    • Analogues of "Menovazin"
      Analogues of "Menovazin"

    All of these drugs can be used for pain, sciatica, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia and muscle pain.


    On the net you can find a huge amount of positive feedback about "Menovazin". And it is not surprising, because this drug really helps with many different diseases. And if we take into account its low cost and availability, then the drug can be called simply an indispensable tool that should be in every medicine cabinet.

    From what "Menovazin" really helps? According to reviews, this drug is the best solution to many problems. Users note its effectiveness in the fight againstrunny nose, headaches, discomfort in the muscles and spine. Moreover, the first tangible result comes in just half an hour, and significant relief comes after a few days of regular use.


    Here are the main benefits of the drug, according to users:

    • wide scope of use;
    • low cost;
    • high efficiency;
    • pleasant fragrance;
    • ease of use;
    • soft, pleasant texture;
    • perfectly absorbed into the skin;
    • quick result.

    Only 2% of patients who tried this affordable remedy on themselves noted the occurrence of side effects in the form of severe itching and redness of the skin. In all other cases, users had no problems using the drug.


    "Menovazin" is a drug that has been popular for several decades. During this time, he managed to prove his effectiveness in the treatment of various pathologies. According to reviews, "Menovazin" helps to quickly eliminate pain of varying severity, rarely provokes the development of side effects and is approved for use in children.

    Ointment and solution are quite delicate on damaged areas. Use this remedy with caution only during pregnancy and for those who have contraindications.
