If a spot suddenly appears on your skin, even a small one, this should be a signal for action. First, try to find out the reason for its appearance yourself. Are the spots on your hands itchy? It may be caused by an allergy to a product, drug, or cosmetic. In this case, it is enough to stop contact with the allergen, after which the itching will pass.

Possible causes
If we talk more about food allergies, it should be noted that most often the body reacts negatively to all citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, honey, nuts. If your hands itch, think about whether you are abusing starchy foods, as well as overly fatty and spicy foods. Are you a condiment fanatic? All of these can cause a reaction. Try adjusting your diet and see the results.

Nervous tension
Another likely cause may be severe stress or nervous strain. When you start to worry, your palms itch, but the skin is absolutely clean, and everything goes away as soon as you calm down. Necessarilysee a neurologist. If for some reason you do not want or cannot visit a doctor, use folk remedies: drink valerian root tincture.
How to understand that itchy hands due to ringworm? How to diagnose a disease? Look at the skin: if your guess is correct, it will be covered with patches that are very itchy and flaky. By the way, this disease is quite dangerous. In the vast majority of cases, the sick person begins to use all kinds of medicinal creams and ointments, make lotions, try to find “magic” recipes and thereby delay treatment, which is unacceptable for lichen.

What action should be taken?
So, what to do when your hands itch? The best option is to contact a specialist. Do not be lazy to visit a dermatologist and describe in detail to him all the symptoms. If you are lucky and the spots covering the skin do not have a lichen nature, most likely, your body reacts so “nervously” to food or cosmetics. In any case, the doctor will prescribe the right course of treatment for you. In parallel with this, it makes sense to use special ointments, which include vitamins of groups A, E and D. Do not forget also that with psoriasis, hands often itch too. Use preparations based on herbal ingredients - this will help relieve discomfort. If the itching is so severe that you can't stand it until you see a doctor, lubricate the affected skin with an antihistamine ointment (by the way, this will save you from peeling too).
Tosuch a trouble has never happened again, learn a few simple recommendations: carefully follow the rules of hygiene, try not to contact stray animals, remember that the risk of catching some kind of skin disease is especially high in public transport. Be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap and do not let anyone touch your personal items (towels, tissues, etc.).