For many parents, it is very important to know what quarantine is. Is this a serious danger to the child or is it still a precautionary measure? Most often, such a situation in educational institutions and kindergartens is announced in the winter, during the active spread of the influenza virus.
Several definitions
Quarantine is a closed area where some dangerous disease or virus is spreading. Civilians are prohibited from entering and exiting this area. There is also another definition.

Quarantine is an event that aims to reduce the risk of infecting a large number of people in an educational institution or kindergarten with some serious viral disease. There is a special epidemic threshold, that is, the number of infected people, after which this provision is introduced in the institution.
Is quarantine dangerous?
A huge number of parents protect their children so much that they can leave the child at home for several months, especially in winter, so that he does not get sick. Basically quarantineare announced in kindergartens, since it is the immunity of babies that is most affected by various viruses. Such a decision can be made by local authorities or the management of the institution, but in this case, the time of extraordinary holidays will last no more than a week.
Kindergartens continue to work, only now every day children are examined by a doctor, and workers are required to wear gauze bandages. Such a position in an institution can be assigned when at least 1 child in the group falls ill, for example, with chickenpox. At the same time, certain activities are carried out in the room. Quarantine in schools can last from 3 to 7 days, and this is mainly due to the flu outbreak.
To drive or not?
This is the question parents ask when they hear that quarantine is being announced in the kindergarten. In this case, all responsibility lies with adults, so only you can decide what to do. It mainly depends on the causes of the epidemic:
- Chickenpox. This virus is volatile, and it is very easy to catch it, even if your baby has a very strong immune system.
- Scarlet fever. There is no vaccination against this virus either, and the risk of contracting the disease is very high.
- In a milder form, the child will suffer such diseases: measles, rubella, whooping cough and mumps.

If a quarantine has been announced in the kindergarten of a child, and you simply cannot leave him at home, then by all means do some manipulations that will help protect the baby:
- take your temperature daily;
- if the quarantine is due to measles, rubella or chickenpox, then every day check the baby's skin;
- with intestinal infections, watch your child's stool.
Even with minimal suspicion of infection of a child during quarantine, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance.