"Dulcolax": instructions for use. Tablets, suppositories and drops "Dulcolax": reviews

"Dulcolax": instructions for use. Tablets, suppositories and drops "Dulcolax": reviews
"Dulcolax": instructions for use. Tablets, suppositories and drops "Dulcolax": reviews

Digestive problems often become a serious obstacle to a person's normal life, especially if it is associated with constipation. In addition to discomfort, this phenomenon can cause intoxication, affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails. A good remedy for facilitating bowel movements with constipation is Dulcolax. Candles, tablets and drops under this name are actively advertised, but are they so effective? To understand all the pros and cons of a laxative medicine, you should carefully study the instructions for use and reviews about it.

dulcolax instructions for use
dulcolax instructions for use

Dose forms

Laxative "Dulcolax", reviews of which will be discussed below, is available in several dosage forms:

  1. Enteric-coated tablets.
  2. Dragee for oral administration.
  3. Rectal suppositories.
  4. Drops for oral administration.

As the active substance of tablets and suppositories "Dulcolax" instructions for use calls the compound bisacodyl. One tabletcoated with an enteric or conventional coating (dragée), contains 5 mg of the active substance. In suppositories, the amount of this compound is 5 or 10 mg. The drops contain another active ingredient - sodium picosulfate monohydrate, the content of which in the preparation is about 7.5 mg / 1 ml (15 drops).

Tablets "Dulcolax" have a rounded shape without scratches, the shell is colored yellow-orange. They are placed in opaque blisters of white color, 10 pieces each. One package contains 20, 30, 50 or 100 tablets.

Candles "Dulcolax" instruction describes how torpedo-shaped, white or slightly grayish suppositories without a characteristic odor. They are placed in white contour plastic packages of 6 pieces each. One box holds 6, 12 or 18 candles.

Drops are transparent, their color varies from yellow to tan. They are packaged in transparent plastic or glass bottles equipped with a dispenser. The volume of drops in one package is 30, 50 or 75 ml.

dulcolax candles
dulcolax candles

Indications for use of drops, tablets and suppositories

Among the indications for prescribing the drug "Dulcolax" instructions for use calls constipation (hypotonic or atonic) caused by dietary errors, age-related changes, as well as those that occur in the postoperative and postpartum periods. In addition, all dosage forms can be used as a means of preventing the formation of too hard feces in the presence of hemorrhoids, cracks inanus and proctitis.

The drug "Dulcolax" (candles, drops and tablets) is recommended for quick and safe emptying of the intestines during the preparation of the patient for surgery, X-ray or instrumental examination of the abdominal organs.

dulcolax reviews
dulcolax reviews

Mechanism of action

How does this medicine work? The active substance of all dosage forms after entering the gastrointestinal tract reaches the large intestine unchanged. Under the action of intestinal bacteria, it breaks down to metabolites, which have a laxative effect. Firstly, bisacodyl derivatives irritate intestinal receptors localized in the large intestine, resulting in a manifold increase in mucus production. Secondly, these compounds prevent the absorption of fluid from the stool by the intestinal villi. And thirdly, under their influence, there is an increase in peristalsis.

What does it say about the time of onset of the effect after using the drug "Dulcolax" instructions for use? Candles begin to act about an hour after their introduction. The activity of tablets and drops comes a little later, after about 6 hours. If the drug is taken orally at bedtime, the effect will be noticeable after 8-12 hours.

Because bisacodyl and its metabolites are not absorbed in the intestines, they practically do not enter the systemic circulation, and are not found in the liver and bile. The drug is excreted through the digestive tract.

dulcolax instructions for use candles
dulcolax instructions for use candles

Methods of application and dosage

Dosing regimen and method of taking the drug "Dulcolax" instruction advises to build, based on the age of the patient and the dosage form to be used. Tablets are recommended to be taken in the morning at least 30 minutes before the first meal or in the evening before bedtime. Daily doses for children and adults are calculated as follows:

  • two to seven years old - 5 mg daily;
  • 8 to 14 years - 1 or 2 tablets daily;
  • 14+ - 1 to 3 tablets per serving.

The instruction does not recommend chewing or crushing the drug "Dulcolax" (tablets). Also, you can not drink the medicine with alkaline mineral water or milk. According to experts, it is these moments that are most often violated by patients, resulting in a variety of undesirable reactions from the intestines.

How to take other dosage forms of Dulcolax? Instructions for use of the candle recommends using the following dosages:

  • adults and children over fourteen years old - 1 or 2 suppositories (10-20 mg) once a day;
  • children from eight to fourteen years old - 1 suppository (10 mg) per day;
  • children under eight years old - 1 (5 mg) or 1/2 (10 mg) suppositories per day.

After the introduction of suppositories, experts also advise to stop eating milk and dairy products in order to avoid side effects.

dulcolax tablet reviews
dulcolax tablet reviews

The instruction recommends taking the liquid form of the drug "Dulcolax" (drops) shortly before bedtime. For children under four years of age, the dosage is calculated based on body weight, and is 1 drop for every 2 kg. Children under ten years of age are allowed to take no more than 10 drops per day. Children over ten years of age and adults are recommended to start the treatment of constipation with a dose of 10 drops. If there is no effect, you can gradually increase their number. The maximum dose of the drug should not exceed 20 drops per day.

Adverse reactions

Regarding the intake of all dosage forms of the laxative "Dulcolax", the instructions for use report that there is a risk of side effects. Against the background of taking drugs, the patient may experience colic or abdominal pain, accompanied by increased gas formation. There is also information about allergic reactions to the components of the drug, expressed in the appearance of a rash on the skin, itching in the rectum (when using rectal suppositories) and the like.

In addition, diarrhea may occur, which, if you continue to take any dosage forms of the drug "Dulcolax", can be complicated by dehydration, lowering blood pressure, muscle weakness and convulsions.

As mentioned above, all adverse reactions may be aggravated by concomitant use of laxatives and dairy products.

Overdose: signs and treatment

With prolonged use or non-compliance with the recommended regimens for taking the drug "Dulcolax" (reviews will be presentedbelow) may cause an overdose. Symptoms of this phenomenon can be prolonged persistent diarrhea, atony of the large intestine and dehydration. Laboratory studies may reveal hypokalemia and a general disturbance of water and electrolyte balance. With an overdose of Dulcolax, patients often suffer from severe weakness and dizziness.

Treatment in the above situations should be based on the symptoms present. It is usually enough for the patient to stop taking the laxative and start drinking plenty of fluids.

dulcolax tablets instructions
dulcolax tablets instructions


Among the contraindications to the use of all dosage forms of the drug "Dulcolax" instructions for use mention diseases such as inflammation of the abdominal organs in the acute stage, including peritonitis, renal and hepatic failure, metrorrhagia, proctitis and hemorrhoids in acute forms, as well as spastic constipation. In addition, there are separate contraindications for each dosage form:

  • tablets are not recommended for use in inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) in children under the age of seven years and during pregnancy and lactation;
  • candles are contraindicated for carcinoma in the large intestine and during pregnancy;
  • drops should not be taken by those with fructose intolerance.

Before you start taking drugs, you need to make sure that there are no above contraindications.

Drug Interactions

Particular attention when taking the drug "Dulcolax" should be given to the combination of various drugs with it. Adverse effects are possible with the combined use of several medicines. As mentioned above, tablets and drops should not be taken with mineral water and milk. The thing is that this combination leads to increased gas formation and, as a result, severe pain in the abdomen.

Antacids are also undesirable to take with the laxative "Dulcolax". Tablets, the instructions for use of which were described earlier, in this case, dissolve even in the stomach and can irritate the mucous membrane of this organ. Otherwise, this drug goes well with many drugs.

Special Instructions

What else should consumers know before they start taking the laxative Dulcolax? The reviews, in which the tablets appear most often, indicate such a phenomenon when they are taken as dizziness. This often happens due to the development of a parasympathetic reaction in patients. Due to excessive straining when going to the toilet, dizziness can be so severe that loss of consciousness occurs. In this regard, the instruction recommends that when using laxatives, be especially careful when driving vehicles and operating mechanisms.

Special care should be taken when prescribing laxative tablets and suppositories to pregnant and lactating women. Relatively safe in this respectDulcolax drops are considered, however, they should not be taken without prior consultation with your doctor.

It is not recommended to use the laxative "Dulcolax" as a drug for weight loss. As a rule, in this case, it will take a long time to take it, and this can negatively affect the condition of almost all organs.

dulcolax candles reviews
dulcolax candles reviews


One of the most reliable sources on the use and frequency of side effects when taking the laxative "Dulcolax" - reviews. Tablets, suppositories and drops, judging by the commercials, effectively and safely relieve constipation. How are things really? According to surveys, all dosage forms of the drug really help to get rid of difficulties in emptying the intestines. A large number of consumers indicated the convenience of using tablets or drops in the evening. The chair in this case occurs in the morning.

About half of patients with chronic constipation noticed that when taking two tablets at a time (this dosage is provided for in the instructions for use), severe diarrhea can develop. That is why experts recommend starting the treatment of constipation with one tablet per day. If this dose does not bring the expected result, after a day it can be increased to two tablets. Experts advise to postpone important trips and meetings before taking the drug, since the reaction of the body in each case is individual.

To eliminate constipation in children, doctors recommend using candles, as theyact more gently and can not affect the condition of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, the reviews say that Dulcolax suppositories practically do not cause allergic reactions. Candles consumer reviews are also called the most suitable remedy for emergency relief of constipation. They confirm that the effect of them occurs within one hour. At the same time, they notice that it is better to use them during the day, and not in the evening. Otherwise, you will not be able to sleep.

Receives drug and negative reviews. For example, many of his action seemed too tough. So, about fifteen percent of the total number of respondents indicated very severe abdominal pain after taking Dulcolax tablets. About half of them cited increased gas formation as the main cause of pain.

The price of the laxative "Dulcolax" is considered affordable by many consumers. For example, a pack of twenty tablets costs about 150-180 rubles. This amount of medicine may last for a long time, especially since it is not recommended to take it for more than three days in a row.
