Pills that strengthen the immune system are increasingly being prescribed by doctors for various diseases. Most of them also have an antiviral effect. Such drugs not only increase the natural protective functions of the body, but also prevent the disease from progressing. However, tablets for immunity can also be used for bacterial, fungal or other types of pathology. They are often recommended for preventive purposes.

Pills for immunity: what is it?
This group of drugs is called immunomodulators or immunostimulants. Many consumers are very wary of such medicines. People believe that such drugs help to reduce their own immunity due to addiction to the drug. It is worth immediately making a reservation that this is far from the case. Pills for immunity contribute to the normalization of many systemsand human organs. This increases natural defenses.
Doctors remind you to never use these drugs on your own. Like many medicines, these medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Often the doctor chooses the dosage and regimen for the individual for the person.

When is it necessary to use?
Immune boosting pills are prescribed to all people with immunodeficiency. Moreover, such a correction, most likely, will be lifelong. Drugs are selected according to the age and body weight of the patient. The lifestyle of the patient is also always taken into account.
Pills for immunity are prescribed for protracted illnesses. If every cold ends with complications and antibiotics, then it makes sense to think about such medicines and seek help from a doctor. Normally, an adult can get sick up to 6 times a year. The child has a cold more often. Doctors do not sound the alarm if the baby is sick no more than 10 times a year. At the same time, he recovers quickly and without consequences.
Immunomodulators are prescribed for prevention during the period of increased colds and epidemics. Often doctors prescribe them to children attending educational institutions, including kindergartens. Pills to improve immunity can be different. Currently, there are a great many of them. It is very difficult to make a choice on your own. However, it is worth having an idea of the groups into which all drugs are divided. Consider them.
Means based on interferon
The most popular and safe pills for immunity are preparations containing interferon. It also includes medicines that have certain substances that affect the immune system. They provoke the production of their own interferon.

The described means include: "Anaferon", "Ergoferon", "Cycloferon", "Amiksin", "Isoprinosine", "Arbidol", "Oscillococcinum" and so on. The last two medicines are homeopathic. This indicates their absolute safety and the possibility of use in children.
Compositions of bacterial origin
Immune boosting pills may contain certain mixtures of bacteria that help form the protective function of the body and avoid the development of the disease. These drugs include "Bronchomunal", "Likopid", "Immunokind", "Ribomunil", "Imudon" and others.

It is worth noting that the above drugs are used less frequently than interferon inducers. Their cost is several times higher than that of similar funds. Most of the described compositions cannot have an antiviral effect of a pronounced nature. They only affect human immunity.
Herbal remedies
Immunity pills for children are often prescribed based on herbal extracts. Often the main active ingredient in them is echinacea. This plant helps to increase the body's resistance. As a result, a person is practicallystops hurting. If a cold happens, then it passes very quickly without visible costs. These funds include "Immunal", "Echinacea", "Eleutherococcus" and others.
It is worth remembering that despite the safety of herbal ingredients, they can cause an allergic reaction, which in each case manifests itself individually. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor first and exclude the possibility of negative consequences.

Vitamin complexes
To some extent, all vitamin formulations can be attributed to pills for immunity. Currently, manufacturers produce such formulations with a focus on immunity, for example, Vitamishki Immuno, Supradin. You can choose for yourself an individual drug that will not only strengthen your immunity, but will also have a positive effect on the skin, hair and general condition of the body.
Instead of a conclusion
You have learned about drugs that increase immunity. Many drugs of this kind are available not only in tablets. For example, "Tsitovir", "Viferon", "Genferon" and so on. Currently, the doctor can choose for the patient what is right for his individual situation. Remember that such drugs do not suppress your own immunity. However, their excessive and uncontrolled intake is prohibited. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass some immunological tests. I wish you strong immunity and good he alth!