"Adepress": instructions for use, reviews. Drug analogues

"Adepress": instructions for use, reviews. Drug analogues
"Adepress": instructions for use, reviews. Drug analogues

Antidepressants were created to help a person solve problems with the nervous system. And this area is perhaps the most mysterious. However, sometimes doctors are forced to prescribe drugs such as Adepress to their patients. Instructions for use, indications and contraindications, as well as side effects are described in this article.

What are antidepressants

As you might guess from the name, antidepressants are designed to change the state of depression and return a person to a state of normal mental balance. How applicable and effective it is, it is difficult to unequivocally decide. It helps some and makes others addicted. There is and never has been a single panacea for all diseases.

adepress instructions for use
adepress instructions for use

In the West, psychotherapists solve problems with nervous disorders with the help of a drug such as an antidepressant. Adepress is one of them. However, this can be seen from the name alone. In Russia, the applicationsuch drugs are not yet so popular. Probably, the difference in mentality does not allow solving problems of a personal and mental plan with the help of pills. But sometimes it is a severe necessity for us too. How to use "Adepress"? Instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients indicate the high efficiency of this drug.

Effect on the body

The main active ingredient is paroxetine. A big plus is that its pharmacological effects on other organs are not observed. The load on the cardiovascular system is negligible.

"Adepress" regulates the normal production of serotonin. Absorption into the blood is above average.

adepress instructions for use reviews
adepress instructions for use reviews

It is the hormone serotonin that is responsible for the state of a person's emotional background. Sometimes, with physiological disorders, in order to restore the normal production of this substance, it is required to take a special medicine. "Adepress" is exactly that.

Due to the normalization of serotonin production, patients experience relaxation after a long period of stress and tension, as well as an increase in pain threshold. Often this indicator strongly affects our mood. The intestines also produce serotonin, and an imbalance in motor skills may be the first sign of an impending nervous depression. Spiritual practices will not help here. The organic cause of this disease can only be solved by a specially developed drug "Adepress" or itsanalogues.

"Adepress": instructions for use

Never prescribe these drugs to yourself. Any synthetic drug can have a detrimental effect on the body if taken haphazardly. Be sure to consult your doctor. Pharmacists are not allowed to dispense Adepress tablets without a prescription.

The regimen is usually very simple - one tablet in the morning with a glass of water. By the way, this drug is often prescribed for depression developing against the background of schizophrenia. Therefore, overdoses to a mentally he althy person are categorically contraindicated.

Given the wide range of antidepressants and the diversity of its pharmacodynamics, in each case, a competent doctor will prescribe an individual regimen. Although "Adepress" does not greatly affect the human organs, nevertheless, with dysfunctions of the kidneys or liver, special care must be taken. The duration of the course can be from six months to a year. After consultation with the doctor, a decision is made on the need for further continuation of treatment.

Special Instructions

So, you have been assigned "Adepress". Instructions for use, reviews of patients and doctors should be the first thing you should pay attention to. After consulting with a specialist, try to talk to someone who already has experience with this drug. Perhaps the advice of a fellow sufferer will help you decide whether or not to accept antidepressant treatment. Someone might have enougha single dose to calm the nerves and return to a state of stability.

Alcohol should not be consumed during therapy, otherwise the result may be subsequent treatment in a psychiatric clinic. If you are taking any other drug for a long time, you need to agree with your doctor about drug interactions or withdrawal conditions.

When convulsions appear, Adepress therapy should be stopped immediately. If you have any problems with the excretory or digestive system, you need to choose the right antidotes that will reduce the risk of developing pathologies, or stop taking Adepress.


Before using Adepress tablets, the instructions that come with it should be studied by you from and to. You can not take the drug uncontrollably. A banal nervous breakdown can develop into a serious mental disorder, so regular consultations with a doctor are required.

Typically, if a patient develops mania or any other manifestation of compulsive disorders, therapy is discontinued.

adepress analogues
adepress analogues

The development of suicidal tendencies is often observed, so the first days of admission should be the most responsible. Report regularly to your he althcare provider about your mental state and mood.

Don't be alarmed if you experience any physical discomfort after you stop taking it. Dizziness and nausea are normal phenomena that accompany any withdrawal of medications intended tostabilize the nervous system. Your psyche will lose its balance for a while, but it will soon pass.

"Adepress": analogues

They are few. For example, "Life 900" is used to treat recurrent or symptomatic depression, increased anxiety and sleep disorders. If the unstable state is caused by any internal causes, for example, menopause, this drug can help level the condition. Given the normalization of serotonin production, it will favorably affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be used externally for convulsive muscle strains.

Venlaxor is prescribed for depression as well as social phobias and severe anxiety disorders.

"Gelarium" is indicated for various psychovegetative disorders, primary neurotic manifestations, such as an obsessive state of anxiety. And, of course, in various depressive states.

When treated with a drug such as Adepress, analogues can be used not only as replacement therapy, but also to maintain systemic treatment.

antidepressant adepress
antidepressant adepress

"Siozam" is indicated for neuropsychiatric disorders of various etiologies. Including the treatment of panic conditions is not complete without the use of this drug.

"Neurol" treats all the same anxiety, nervous and mental depression. The first, unlike the second, is due to physiological causes - chronic stress, disordershormone metabolism, etc.

Carefully take both the described analogues and "Adepress" itself. How to get off it is not an easy question. Remember that psychotherapeutic medicine uses chemicals related to drugs in its arsenal.

To whom it is shown

Patients suffering from various depressive disorders, when it is impossible to cope with them on their own, and all methods have long been tried.

The drug is prescribed for obsessive-compulsive states. Patients prone to such disorders can no longer cope on their own, and they need initial professional help.

Adepress tablets reviews
Adepress tablets reviews

All panic disorders require special treatment. If you have already been prescribed "Adepress" for this disease, the instructions for use will be adapted by the attending physician to suit your individual characteristics.

Social phobias are also being treated in this way. But here it is very difficult to track the positive dynamics, because communication problems can rarely be cured with pills. Although, taking Adepress tablets, reviews of which are sufficiently credible, you can get rid of many problems. Post-traumatic disorders are perhaps the most amenable to psychopharmacological treatment.

Side effects

Even if you have finished taking Adepress, its side effects can provoke all the same violations. For example, your irritability will increase, there will bedrowsiness, a tendency to melancholic experiences. Tremors and insomnia can also appear here, as well as convulsions, manias and phobias. Frequent and violations in the digestive system - diarrhea, vomiting or prolonged constipation. Sometimes there are more serious consequences in the form of muscle weakness and myalgia.

Some patients have impaired vision. There is also a disorder of the genitourinary system, which is quite unpleasant (impotence, anorgasmia and enuresis).

Drug-induced secondary depression may be accompanied by impaired appetite. Frequent heart problems - tachycardia or vascular hypertension. In some other cases, hyperhidrosis occurs. An allergic reaction to drugs does not bypass Adepress either. The instructions for taking, which is in the pill box, contain a clear description of all side effects.


"Adepress" can be used regardless of the meal. But it is not recommended to combine it with any inhibitors - it is better to stop taking them and wait twelve days or two weeks.

Adepress tablets instructions
Adepress tablets instructions

Alcohol should not be taken during therapy to avoid provoking acute psychosis.

Adepress should be carefully taken against the background of cardiological drugs, as their combination can disrupt blood clotting. Overdose should also be avoided, as excess levels of serotonin in the blood can cause serious harm to your he alth.

Not recommended to be taken concomitantly with"Adepress" aspirin.

Combining with drugs containing interferon can change the antidepressant effect in the direction of weakening or strengthening.


First, epilepsy. Patients with this serious disease should generally avoid excessively stimulating drugs, as they can complicate an already dangerous pathology. Any antidepressant is also strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

What are the perils of antidepressants

After you decide to take Adepress, the instructions for use will tell you what to do next. Always remember that drugs created in psychopharmacology are always akin to drugs. Not only side effects are terrible, but also getting used to them.

It is necessary to be treated in this way only if there are serious reasons. It happens that the depressed state of the psyche can no longer be taken out of the frame without the use of drugs such as antidepressants. But without additional therapy based on he althy communication, rest, the ability to properly relax and feed on positive emotions, the use of pills will not give a long-term effect.

Drug withdrawal

This should be done gradually. Remember that after stopping treatment abruptly, the symptoms may return with a vengeance, and it will be even more difficult for you to cope with them. Therefore, gradually reduce the dosage. Some quit, unable to bear the unpleasant side effects - drowsiness and insomnia. In this case, you can simply choose another drug.

Adepress medicine
Adepress medicine

Many patients, having completed a course of treatment or several of its stages, understand that they can do without it. This is the first sign that "Adepress" has solved the task entrusted to it. Such patients can adequately assess their condition, and they no longer need additional ways to stabilize the psyche.
