Drugs 2024, October

Facial ointments: a review of funds, application features, effectiveness, reviews

Facial ointments: a review of funds, application features, effectiveness, reviews

In pursuit of youth, the fair sex is ready to use various means. Many women believe that facial ointments purchased at a pharmacy are able to more effectively fight wrinkles, remove age spots and take good care of their skin. However, professional cosmetologists strongly advise not to use purely medical preparations without recommendation and justified need

Medical glue "BF-6"

Medical glue "BF-6"

Medical adhesive "BF-6" is widely used in the field of he althcare. The film created by the adhesive on the surface of the wound is a good alternative to bandages and gauze dressings in terms of protecting the wound from environmental influences. In addition, the "BF-6" glue has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect

"Influvac": instructions for use. "Influvac": reviews, manufacturer, expiration date

"Influvac": instructions for use. "Influvac": reviews, manufacturer, expiration date

Instructions for use Influvac, expiration dates and storage. What are the benefits of the vaccine, why is it necessary, and what does it protect against? Vaccination helps not only to protect the body, but also to carry out prevention, for example, in young children

"Proktonis": reviews, instructions and price. Know when to apply ointment, suppositories or cream

"Proktonis": reviews, instructions and price. Know when to apply ointment, suppositories or cream

An excellent remedy that quickly helps to get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids is the drug "Proktonis", reviews of which are positive

"Veroshpiron" - a diuretic or not? "Veroshpiron": reviews

"Veroshpiron" - a diuretic or not? "Veroshpiron": reviews

Hypertension is now called a "slow killer": it wears out blood vessels and the heart gradually, without harming sudden attacks, with the exception of hypertensive crises. Diuretic tablets "Veroshpiron" are a popular solution for reducing the volume of circulating fluid. But is it safe to take them?

MAO inhibitors: a list of drugs. MAO inhibitors - what is it?

MAO inhibitors: a list of drugs. MAO inhibitors - what is it?

MAO inhibitors: a list of drugs popular in domestic neurology and psychiatry. The risks of taking and a good reason to refuse medical intervention in your psyche

Drugs and their cheap analogues: table. Cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Drugs and their cheap analogues: table. Cheap analogues of expensive drugs

What drugs and their cheap counterparts exist? Table of generics for thrifty housewives and doctors who spare their patients' wallets

Goldline weight loss drug: weight loss reviews and instructions for use

Goldline weight loss drug: weight loss reviews and instructions for use

Among the various weight loss products offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry, there are those that should only be taken under medical supervision. These include the medicine "Goldline". Reviews of losing weight about him can be read in this article

"Viburkol" when teething: reviews, instructions

"Viburkol" when teething: reviews, instructions

Every mom looks forward to the day when her baby gets her first tooth. However, not all parents calmly experience this period. For many children, the appearance of new "tenants" in the mouth causes a lot of inconvenience. This article will tell you about how the drug "Viburkol" is used for teething

"Rozuvastatin": instructions for use, reviews. Cheap analogue of "Rozuvastatin"

"Rozuvastatin": instructions for use, reviews. Cheap analogue of "Rozuvastatin"

The drug "Rosuvastatin" has been known since 2003 and is offered as a IV generation statin. It is a modern and high-quality gamma-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor. This enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol in the human body. Its inhibition leads to a decrease in endogenous cholesterol and a decrease in the risk of developing heart disease

"Ramipril": analogues, reviews and instructions. "Ramipril-C3"

"Ramipril": analogues, reviews and instructions. "Ramipril-C3"

Among the diseases that can significantly reduce life expectancy and affect its quality, arterial hypertension stands apart. It develops gradually and gradually affects the vessels, brain, kidneys and myocardium

Acipol drug: eubiotic analogues and its benefits

Acipol drug: eubiotic analogues and its benefits

A good choice for the treatment of dysbacteriosis is Acipol. Eubiotic analogues differ not only in composition, but also in cost

Drug "Nimesil" (analogues): all the pros and cons

Drug "Nimesil" (analogues): all the pros and cons

Toothache, soreness of the joints and ligaments, pinched nerves, menstrual and traumatic pain - Nimesil powder will cope with everything. Analogues and prices presented here will allow you to make the right choice

Injections for joint pain: types, application features

Injections for joint pain: types, application features

What medications can I take for joint discomfort? What is the best way to administer the solution - drip, intravenously or intramuscularly? Are injections for pain in the joints prescribed with pronounced sensations or at the very beginning of the disease? These questions are of interest to everyone who at least once in their life has encountered unpleasant sensations in the connective tissues of bones

Analogue of Viagra: the effect is higher, the cost is lower

Analogue of Viagra: the effect is higher, the cost is lower

Viagra is the most actively sold on the global sales market of drugs to restore erection. However, the price of this medication is quite high, because each analogue of Viagra causes a well-deserved consumer interest, which justifies itself. New drugs have significantly improved the quality of treatment and the effect of their use

Neuroleptic - what is it? What is the mechanism of action of neuroleptics?

Neuroleptic - what is it? What is the mechanism of action of neuroleptics?

Psychotropic drugs, the purpose of which is the treatment of psychotic disorders, are called antipsychotics (also antipsychotics or neuroleptics). What is it and how does it work? Let's figure it out

Glycerin suppositories after childbirth with sutures

Glycerin suppositories after childbirth with sutures

Along with the joyful event, the birth of a child, some women begin new problems. A frequent occurrence in pathological childbirth are ruptures, after which it becomes necessary to suture. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth can provide an invaluable service. Before using the drug, it would be good to get acquainted with its pharmaceutical properties

"Chlorophyllipt": instructions for use and description of the drug. How to gargle with Chlorophyllipt for angina

"Chlorophyllipt": instructions for use and description of the drug. How to gargle with Chlorophyllipt for angina

Not a single type of staphylococcus can resist the antimicrobial action of Chlorophyllipt. Instructions for use indicate that different dosage forms of the drug with the same strength resist infection. And the spray, and tablets, and the solution (alcohol and oil) successfully manifest themselves in the case of sinusitis, rhinitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis

Thiopental sodium: instructions for use, contraindications, dose, how to dilute, analogues, reviews

Thiopental sodium: instructions for use, contraindications, dose, how to dilute, analogues, reviews

Among the various sleeping pills and painkillers of a narcotic nature, a special place is occupied by “Thiopental sodium”. Instructions for use of this serious potent drug are of interest to many patients

Analogues of "Nifedipine", substitutes for the drug. Reviews, price

Analogues of "Nifedipine", substitutes for the drug. Reviews, price

Many patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system suffer from high blood pressure. The drug "Nifedipine" can help you in this case

Children's laxative for constipation

Children's laxative for constipation

It is quite difficult to choose the right remedy for constipation for children, as there are many different drugs and folk remedies, so it is advisable to consult a doctor first

Fenpiverinium bromide: pharmacological properties, instructions for use, analogues

Fenpiverinium bromide: pharmacological properties, instructions for use, analogues

Many modern drugs contain such a component as fenpiverinium bromide. This substance has a lot of useful properties, it can relieve spasm and eliminate pain

Badger fat: benefits and harms, useful properties, how to take, reviews

Badger fat: benefits and harms, useful properties, how to take, reviews

Taking care of your he alth and the level of immunity is worth it, regardless of your condition and season. We must not forget to eat wholesome and he althy foods, as well as strengthen the immune system, using additional sources of he alth. Let's talk about such an interesting product as badger fat

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: causes, consequences and features of treatment

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: causes, consequences and features of treatment

Discharge from the uterus that is not associated with systemic disorders, diseases of an organic nature or pregnancy is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. They are abbreviated as DMK, the frequency of such a pathology occurs in 15–20 percent of all patients with a gynecological profile, regardless of the age of the woman

Tablets "Koldakt": reviews. Coldact Flu plus: application, price

Tablets "Koldakt": reviews. Coldact Flu plus: application, price

Cold always creeps up at the wrong time, but as soon as its signs appear, you need to urgently take measures so as not to get sick even more. Coldact (reviews speak of its effectiveness) always comes to the rescue one of the first. It will relieve chills, pain, eliminate runny nose, swelling and minimize all symptoms of the disease

Drug "Amiodarone": analogues, instructions, reviews

Drug "Amiodarone": analogues, instructions, reviews

"Amiodarone" is a drug intended for the prevention and treatment of arrhythmias, which can be life threatening, as well as ventricular arrhythmias, especially ventricular flutter with unstable dynamics. Use the medicine for other disorders of the cardiovascular system

"Jazz" (birth control pills): instructions and reviews of doctors

"Jazz" (birth control pills): instructions and reviews of doctors

Contraceptive pills "Jazz" contain few hormones, effectively protect against unwanted pregnancy, treat. Taken only by doctor's prescription. They have several analogues with similar active ingredients in the composition

Prevenar vaccine: reviews. "Prevenar": instruction, description

Prevenar vaccine: reviews. "Prevenar": instruction, description

Vaccination is one way to stimulate the human immune system. Vaccinations are mandatory, which are given to almost all children, with a few exceptions, and there are those that are given only for certain indications. Before making an unscheduled vaccination of a child, information about it should be carefully studied, consult a doctor and read reviews

"Klenzit C" for acne: reviews, instructions for use. "Klenzit" - acne gel

"Klenzit C" for acne: reviews, instructions for use. "Klenzit" - acne gel

"Klenzit C" is an effective drug to get rid of acne. It contains two main components - adapalene and clindamycin. The first is a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid, and the second is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The tool eliminates not only acne, but also comedones, removes oily sheen, evens out the surface of the skin

Sourdough "Evita": reviews. Dry sourdough "Evita": instructions, preparation

Sourdough "Evita": reviews. Dry sourdough "Evita": instructions, preparation

Sourdough "Evita" helps not only to prepare a fermented milk product, cottage cheese and cheese, but also to cure a number of diseases. Especially indicated for violations of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, colitis, ulcers. Improves the condition of the patient with diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, acne, cervical erosion and a number of other diseases

Omeprazole drug: reviews and indications for use

Omeprazole drug: reviews and indications for use

The drug "Omeprazole", the indications for which are quite wide, is prescribed in the treatment of peptic ulcer in the acute stage, to relieve the symptoms of gastritis, in pathological hypersecretory conditions

"Indomethacin" (tablets): instructions for use, reviews

"Indomethacin" (tablets): instructions for use, reviews

One of the representatives of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is the drug "Indomethacin" (tablets). Due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects, it is used to treat inflammatory diseases, eliminate pain, reduce swelling and restore joint mobility

Nifedipine ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions for use and reviews

Nifedipine ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions for use and reviews

With delicate problems like anal fissures and hemorrhoids, patients don't always want to seek medical attention. Nevertheless, the more a person pulls with this, the worse it becomes for him. Advanced cases require surgical intervention and the use of a huge amount of medication, while in the early stages of the disease it is enough to apply conservative therapy. One of the prescribed drugs is nifedipine ointment

"Maalox" or "Almagel": composition of preparations, purpose, pros and cons of use

"Maalox" or "Almagel": composition of preparations, purpose, pros and cons of use

People who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often wonder which antacid is better - Almagel or Maalox. Each drug has certain features, depending on which one should opt for one or another drug

Latest generation antihistamines. Characteristic

Latest generation antihistamines. Characteristic

Due to the increase in the frequency of seasonal allergic reactions, the demand for antiallergic drugs has also increased

Spray "Izoket": instructions for use, reviews, description, analogues, price

Spray "Izoket": instructions for use, reviews, description, analogues, price

Today, many specialists prescribe Isoket vasodilator spray to patients for prophylactic purposes or, if necessary, to stop an angina attack

Drug "Clindacin" (cream)

Drug "Clindacin" (cream)

Clindacin (cream) has a wide spectrum of activity. The agent is an antibiotic from the group of lincosamides. Used in gynecology locally

"Agri Antigrippin": homeopathy for colds

"Agri Antigrippin": homeopathy for colds

The debate about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies has been going on for a long time. But, despite all the doubts, this group of medicines with a dubious reputation is in demand among buyers. Quite often, homeopathy is taken to treat colds and flu. One of the most effective medicines is Agri Antigrippin. The tool is available in children's and adult form. Let us consider in more detail the composition, instructions for the use of a homeopathic preparation

"Concor" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences and recommendations

"Concor" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences and recommendations

Can I drink alcohol at the same time while taking Concor? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail. In human life, there comes a time when a patient needs to take this or that drug. Particular attention is required for drugs that help treat pathologies of the cardiovascular system

Fohow (products): negative feedback from doctors

Fohow (products): negative feedback from doctors

Currently, many new drugs have appeared on the drug market. Therefore, before you buy yourself some miracle products, you should know the assessment of a competent doctor. The article is about natural medicines Fohow