Colds during seasonal temperature fluctuations are common. Only people with sufficiently strong immunity do not suffer. But children are the first to be at risk. Everyone should know how to protect their body and recover quickly if it was not possible to avoid a cold.
Cold drops
As soon as you feel unwell and have a sore throat, you should cancel all business and start treatment. First of all, it is necessary to help the immune system fight viruses. Antiviral drugs in drops do an excellent job with this task. The most popular drug today that can quickly remove the symptoms of flu and colds is the drug "Aflubin". It is a clear, colorless alcohol-based liquid. Drops "Aflubin" relieve chills, relieve irritation and pain in the upper respiratory tract, reduce joint pain. The drug can also be used for prophylactic purposes, if it was not possible to avoid contact with the patient.
Despite the alcohol content, the drug can be administered to children from birth. The amount of ethanol in the composition is negligible. Drops "Aflubin" helpwomen fight colds during pregnancy and lactation. The dosage of the drug is determined depending on the form of the disease. During the period of exacerbation, adults and children over 12 years old should use 10 drops of the drug up to 8 times a day. As a prophylaxis, the drug "Aflubin" is used only 3 times a day. Children under 4 years of age are prescribed 2-4 drops 5 times a day.

Another popular anti-cold remedy based on interferon is Nazoferon drops. The drug can also be prescribed to infants and women during pregnancy and lactation. These are nasal drops that fight the main symptoms of colds and flu. During an exacerbation of the disease, Nazoferon drops are injected into each nasal passage 5 times a day. The difference between the drug is a short shelf life. You can use it only for 15 days from the date of opening the bottle. Keep cold remedies of this kind in the refrigerator.
Hot medicine mug
List of anti-cold drugs for adults in most cases open powders for making hot drinks. These are medicines that are dispensed without a prescription and are sold in any pharmacy. One of the most popular is Coldrex powder. This drug has antiviral, antipyretic, and immunostimulating effects. The main active ingredient is paracetamol, which effectively lowers body temperature and relieves pain.

Coldrex powder can only be prescribed for the treatment of respiratory diseases. A bacterial infection cannot be eliminated with this remedy. The dosage of the drug is set by the doctor individually and depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. Do not take more than 4 sachets per day. Cold medicines for children can also be used. But patients must be over 12 years of age.
Cold powder usually has no side effects. In rare cases, there are malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. The patient may feel nausea and pain in the abdomen. Sometimes there is vomiting and diarrhea. In the event of the development of such reactions, the drug should be discontinued. The doctor will prescribe other cold medicines.
Coldrex powder is very popular due to its properties and taste. The drug is produced with the taste of wild berries, lemon, and honey. Patients enjoy the treatment process. And the relief of the condition occurs within a few minutes after taking the drug.
Cold Balms
Many therapeutic actions for colds are based on a warming effect. In pharmacies, you can find anti-cold drugs in the form of creams and balms, which are applied to the chest and provide just the same warming effect. The Eukabal remedy is very popular. The main active ingredients are essential oils of pine needles and eucalyptus. Thanks toactivation of blood circulation and a warming effect occurs. Cold ointment is applied several times a day on the back and chest, avoiding the heart area.
The drug helps to quickly get rid of cough and runny nose. Balm in most cases is used as part of complex therapy. Ointment for colds is not an antipyretic. Moreover, Eucabal cannot be used if the body temperature is above 37 degrees.

Balm can also be used for steam inhalation. Essential oils contribute to liquefaction of sputum, and also relieve irritation of the respiratory mucosa. For inhalation, a teaspoon of Evkabal balm is diluted in two liters of hot water. Such a solution is suitable for a nebulizer. At the initial stage of a cold, the procedure should be performed several times a day.
Effective for adults and children about colds is Doctor Mom balm. The drug can be used for rubbing, as well as for inhalation. Children cold balm should be used with caution. Be sure to consult with your pediatrician. There are practically no contraindications for the balm. It should not be used only by people who have skin diseases or are prone to allergic reactions.
Cough syrup
Almost any cold is accompanied by a cough. The composition of complex therapy must necessarily include syrups that thin sputum and relieve irritation in the throat. Choose an anti-cold remedychildren and adults without consulting a doctor is not recommended. The specialist must determine the form of cough and localization of infection. Only after a series of tests can a cough syrup be prescribed.

One of the most popular means, which is familiar to many since childhood, is Pertusin syrup. The main active ingredient is thyme extract. Potassium bromide acts as an auxiliary substance. The syrup has antitussive and mucolytic effects. Thyme enhances the activity of the bronchial glands. With a dry cough, sputum begins to stand out, and with a wet cough, the contents in the lungs become less viscous and are quickly expectorated. A huge advantage of Pertusin syrup is its low price. In pharmacies, the product can be purchased for only 25 rubles.
Many are used to trusting modern medicines. The list of new drugs opens with Gedelix cough syrup, which has not only a thinning effect, but also an antispasmodic. The tool perfectly helps to relieve bouts of dry cough. And you can use it from birth. The syrup works great with other cold medicines. Therefore, it can be safely used as part of complex therapy. But self-medication is still not worth it. The doctor will tell you the dosage and course of treatment.
Cold tablets
In pharmacies there are a lot of cold remedies in the form of tablets. But they should not be used on their own. Only a specialist can determine the form of the disease. It is impossible to cure a bacterial infection with simple antiviral drugs. If the cause of the ailment is a respiratory infection, anti-cold drugs will come to the rescue in the form of tablets. The list opens with a medication called "Anaferon". The tool is available in various dosages. For the treatment of babies, it is worth purchasing Anaferon for Children.

Cold pills can be used not only for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, but also as a preventive measure. One has only to use one tablet of "Anaferon" per day to avoid illness during seasonal temperature changes. Tablets can also be part of complex therapy in the treatment of a bacterial infection. The Anaferon remedy strengthens the body's defenses, and also helps to quickly restore energy after an illness.
Anti-cold pills such as Antiflu, Rinza, Coldrex, Arbidol, etc. can act as analogues. The list of drugs is quite long. Before purchasing this or that remedy, it is worth consulting with a therapist.
Lozenges for sore throat
The first signal of an upcoming cold in most cases is a sore throat. If you start treatment at an early stage, then complications can be avoided. Sore throats are great help to overcome special lollipops. Despite the fact that they act locally, it is possible to avoid serious troubles. After all, the active substance not only relieves pain, but alsoprevents the infection from spreading further.
The list of medicines is opened by lollipops for sore throat "Decatilene". The drug has a cooling effect. It can be used as a prophylaxis during an exacerbation of seasonal morbidity, as well as after surgical intervention in the oral cavity. After tooth extraction, Decatilene lozenges prevent the development of a purulent infection.

Lollipops for sore throats have practically no contraindications. During the period of exacerbation of diseases, they are used every two hours. In order to prevent lozenges dissolve only 2-3 times a day.
Sprays for sore throats
Like lozenges, sprays target infection locally. Based on phenol, similar anti-cold drugs are produced. The list opens with the spell Oracept. This drug has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. Its use in the early stages of respiratory disease avoids complications such as runny nose, cough and fever.
Spray "Oracept" can be prescribed to children older than two years. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the agent is sprayed up to 4 times a day. If the sore throat stops, it is worth continuing to use the spray. The course of treatment should be at least 5 days. Anti-cold drugs in the form of a spray can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation. But you should not use medications without consulting a therapist.
Vasoconstrictive drops
If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose as part of complex therapy,use vasoconstrictor drops. These are medications that relieve swelling of the mucosa and facilitate the entry of oxygen into the lungs through the nasal passages. Any vasoconstrictor drops must be used strictly according to the instructions. Adverse reactions may occur in the form of dryness and burning in the nose. Drug addictive rhinitis often develops.
The list of nasal drops is quite large. But only a few drugs can be used to treat the common cold in children under one year old. One of them is the Nazol Baby remedy. But this medication, in order to avoid adverse reactions, is recommended to be used no more than three days. A single dosage of the drug for children under one year old is one drop in each nasal passage no more than twice a day. Drops "Nazol Baby" are contraindicated in children with heart disease and diabetes. In case of manifestation of hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug, it should be discontinued.
Grandma's cold recipes
Even at the beginning of the last century, medicines were not available to everyone. But even then people knew how to treat a cold. There are many folk recipes that help to effectively remove the fever and the main symptoms of a respiratory disease.
Any pediatrician will tell you that drinking plenty of water allows you to quickly overcome the disease. And if the drink is also useful, a double blow will be de alt to the infection. You can't do without plain black tea. A decoction of chamomile has an excellent effect. If the body temperature is elevated, the drink should not be consumed hot. Chamomilehas an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to remove toxins from the body. Everyone should know how to treat a cold with chamomile.

Many grandmothers know that oil is great for colds. If the disease is accompanied by a cough, warm milk with butter and honey quickly relieves irritation. This drink should be consumed at night. Restful sleep will be assured.
Garlic has an excellent antiviral effect. The grated vegetable is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 and used in a teaspoon 3-5 times a day. Such a remedy can also be used for prevention purposes during the period of review of seasonal infections. Such a treatment cannot be called tasty. But the effect is really amazing. Garlic with honey will save a lot of money and strengthen the protective functions of the body.
Summing up
Disease is much easier to prevent than to treat later. There are many foods that stimulate the immune system. During the period of seasonal temperature changes, it is worth eating more vegetables and fruits. Preference should be given to plants from the garden. Strawberries in October will be of little use.
If it was not possible to avoid a cold, treatment should be started when the first symptoms appear. With a sore throat, special lozenges and sprays will help to quickly cope. By starting the use of drugs in a timely manner, the development of complications can be avoided. But the selection of medicines should be entrusted to a specialist.
Increasebody temperature is a serious cause for concern. If a child has a fever, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can slightly lower the temperature by rubbing with a damp towel. And the parents of children under three years of age in the first-aid kit must have antipyretics such as Nurofen, Panadol or Paracetamol.