"Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma: reviews. Antibiotic "Unidox Solutab": price, analogues

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"Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma: reviews. Antibiotic "Unidox Solutab": price, analogues
"Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma: reviews. Antibiotic "Unidox Solutab": price, analogues

Video: "Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma: reviews. Antibiotic "Unidox Solutab": price, analogues

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Unidox Solutab is a tetracycline antibiotic used in the treatment of infectious diseases. Genital ureaplasmosis is one of these ailments. Most often, it is sown in patients suffering from persistent inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and infertility. An accurate diagnosis can be made by conducting a study using PCR. At the same time, adequate treatment is prescribed, which contributes to recovery. Thus, the appointment of the antibiotic "Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma is justified. Testimonials from doctors and patients confirm this.

unidox soluteb from ureaplasma reviews
unidox soluteb from ureaplasma reviews


Ureaplasmas are bacteria that often infect the urinary and reproductive systems of both women and men. According to available statistics, the bacteria are present in 70% of women and men. Being very common, they are transmitted mainly during sexual intercourse. The infection does not qualify as a sexually transmitted disease, because it can also be transmitted through contact with blood, saliva, injections, and even airborne droplets. Usuallythere are no visible symptoms and most infected people are unaware they are infected.

Routes of infection

In addition to the above methods of infection, this infection can be transmitted vertically from mother to offspring (either at birth or in the womb) or from transplanted tissues. Ureaplasma can cause inflammation of the placenta and enter the amniotic cavity, causing persistent infections and adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth.

unidox solutab instructions for use
unidox solutab instructions for use

Ureaplasmas are one of the smallest free-living bacteria. However, unlike other bacteria, these organisms do not have a cell wall and live inside cells. However, they can also live in cultures outside of cells, similar to viruses. But unlike them, ureaplasma can be killed by some antibiotics. For example, the drug "Unidox Solutab" is widely used for treatment with good effect, which is clinically proven.


Symptoms may be absent, but discharge, burning, frequent urination, urgency and pain in the lower abdomen are sometimes observed. Ureaplasma is capable of causing invasive diseases of the joints and respiratory tract with bacteremia, especially in individuals with problems producing antibodies, which indicates the importance of the humoral immune system in protecting against these microorganisms. Ureaplasma is the most common in the occurrence of abacterial infectious arthritis. Ureaplasmic bacteremia has been demonstrated after transplantationkidneys, trauma, genitourinary manipulations. This organism is also occasionally cultured in surgical wounds, pericardial fluid, and in the examination of subcutaneous abscesses. These microorganisms can cause osteomyelitis.

unidox solutab price
unidox solutab price

In some cases, they are isolated from people infected with HIV. Therefore, it is important to carry out PCR in order to detect infection and prescribe the drug "Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma. Doctors' reviews are proof of this.

Diagnosis and treatment

Special laboratory tests and cultures are not required. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by these microorganisms is difficult. These organisms require special tests and long-term treatment.

Many doctors are unfamiliar with ureaplasma as an etiological agent. This ignorance is exacerbated by the lack of equipment to diagnose the infection in many clinical settings. Physicians should be aware of the diseases that ureaplasma causes. This is:

  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • urolithiasis;
  • chorioamnionitis or endometritis;
  • infectious arthritis;
  • surgical and non-surgical wound infections;
  • preterm birth;
  • bacteremia;
  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis.
treatment of ureaplasma unidox solutab
treatment of ureaplasma unidox solutab

All these diseases are successfully cured if you use Unidox Solutab. Although the treatment is long, it is effective.

How to treat diseases caused byUreaplasma?

Successful treatment of ureaplasma with Unidox Solutab depends on timely diagnosis. Although immunosuppressed individuals are rare, one should be aware that such individuals may have a high rate of serious infections. Proper medical care should be tailored to the patient's individuality, underlying disease, immunodeficiency, and whether whether the infection is localized or disseminated. The key to ensuring cure is obtaining adequate material for microbiological diagnosis and proper processing of this material.

Justified appointment

The doctor chooses general principles for the treatment of conditions such as acute salpingitis, endometritis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, septic arthritis, neonatal pneumonia and other conditions associated with the manifestation of ureaplasma.

unidox solutab treatment
unidox solutab treatment

Note that ureaplasmas can often be present simultaneously with other pathogens in many of the conditions described above. Treatment decisions should reflect this possibility. Treatment is usually with some tetracycline or erythromycin antibiotics. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medication before taking it. You should not participate in sexual life while you are taking the antibiotic Unidox Solutab for ureaplasma. Reviews report that with its proper use and the fulfillment of all conditions, all symptoms of diseases are completely eliminated.


The drug begins with the appointment of a loading dose on the first day - 200 mg in two divided doses. In the following days, patients should take 50 mg 2 times a day with meals. This is the case if the infection is not complicated by other pathogens. In some cases, the entire course of treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 200 mg per day for 2 doses. This is a developed and justified intake regimen for Unidox Solutab. The price allows this antibiotic to be used as a panacea for genital ureaplasmosis.

If the patient is sexually active, Unidox Solutab should also be prescribed to the partner. The instructions for use suggest taking it like this: 1 tablet twice a day for 14 days, as for a patient with an identified infection.

Ideally, the partner should be treated with the same drug as the patient. After a course of treatment, a repeat PCR should be performed in the laboratory to determine whether the bacteria have been completely eliminated from the body. In some cases, you may need another course of Unidox Solutab. The instructions for use report this. Sometimes there is no complete cure or microorganisms are not sensitive to this antibiotic. This happens when there is a mixed infection. In rare cases, treatment with other antibiotics should be considered in case of unsuccessful treatment with Unidox Solutab for ureaplasma. Reviews, however, indicate that patients prefer this drug because of its ease of use and minimal side effects.

drug unidox solutab
drug unidox solutab

Clinical data on the treatment of ureaplasmainfection in immunocompromised patients, especially those with hypogammaglobulinemia, indicates that there is a potential for destructive and progressive disease. Infections may be caused by resistant organisms refractory to antimicrobial therapy and may require long-term use of a combination of intravenous antimicrobials for weeks or even months, intravenous immunoglobulin, and antisera prepared specifically for infection. Even with properly selected and shock therapy, relapses are quite likely.

What to avoid during treatment

Iron supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, antacids and laxatives should not be taken within 2 hours before or after taking Unidox Solutab. Any other antibiotics containing doxycycline.

taking Unidox Solutab
taking Unidox Solutab

You should also avoid exposure to sunlight or tanning beds. Unidox Solutab can cause sunburn. Antibiotic drugs can cause diarrhea, which could be a sign of a new infection. If the stool is watery or bloody, you must stop taking this drug. Other antimicrobials should not be used to treat diarrhea.


The drug can be bought at any pharmacy. Tablets of 10 pieces per pack - the release form of the drug "Unidox Solutab". Its price is from 300 to 400 rubles. Analogues are Unidox, Doxycycline, Tetracycline. But it is noted that the most effectivea drug with a minimum of side effects is Unidox Solutab.
