The value of vitamin B1 (thiamine) for the human body can not be overestimated. Unfortunately, in modern medicine, there are often cases when additional administration of this substance is simply necessary. It was then that the use of the drug "Thiamin hydrochloride" was shown. What are the properties of the drug? In what cases is it necessary? These questions are of interest to many patients.
Thiamine hydrochloride drug: a brief description

This remedy is produced as a solution for intramuscular injection. It is usually colorless (sometimes a faint shade may be present), with a characteristic mild odor. It is placed in neutral glass ampoules. Available in boxes of 5 or 10 ampoules.
The main active substance in this case is thiamine hydrochloride. 1 ml of solution contains 50 mg of the main component. As excipients, purified water for injection, as well as unithiol, are used. By the way, today an analogue of the drug called "Benevron" is increasingly used.
Main drug properties
Thiamin is a drug that helps to normalize the work of the whole organism. After all, this vitamin is an indispensable participant in many metabolic reactions. After injection into the muscle, the solution is rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body. Its content is increased in the tissues of the liver, nervous system, as well as in the myocardium and skeletal muscles, since it is here that its consumption is increased.
In the tissues of the body, by phosphorylation, thiamine hydrochloride is converted into an active coenzyme of some metabolic reactions. This substance is involved in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, some forms of thiamine affect the transmission of nerve impulses in synapses. The drug is neutralized in the liver tissues, after which it is excreted by the kidneys with urine.
Indications for use

In fact, there are a large number of conditions in which it is advisable to introduce an additional amount of vitamin.
- The main indication in this case is hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis of vitamin B1. A similar condition is often observed in people on hemodialysis or tube feeding.
- The drug is also prescribed in the presence of various dystrophic processes that are observed during starvation, intestinal atony, myocardial dystrophy, severe liver diseases.
- As a prophylaxis for beriberi, an additional amount of thiamine is prescribed for people with increased needs, for example, during a period of intensive andrapid growth, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The drug is also indicated for severe intoxications of the body, including thyrotoxicosis and chronic alcoholism.
- Thiamin helps to cope with some diseases of the nervous system, including various neuralgia, neuritis, paresis and paralysis, radiculitis.
- Some skin lesions, particularly psoriasis, dermatoses, eczema and lichen, are also considered indications for taking thiamine solution.

The drug "Thiamin hydrochloride": instructions for use
Of course, first you need to consult a specialist - it is the doctor who determines the daily dose and duration of treatment. Thiamine - solution for intramuscular injection. As a rule, therapy begins with small doses of the drug. To begin with, no more than 0.5 ml of a 5% solution is administered (this corresponds to 25 mg of the active ingredient). In the event that the drug is well tolerated, the dose is gradually increased.
The recommended amount of thiamine hydrochloride for adult patients is 25-50 mg - they are administered 0.5-1.0 ml of the solution once a day. If we are talking about the treatment of children, then the daily dose, of course, is less and amounts to 0.25 ml of a solution (12.5 mg of thiamine). The course of treatment usually lasts ten to thirty days.

It is worth noting that the oral intake of the vitamin is more preferable. Solution for injection is used only if taking tablets is not possible, whichobserved, for example, in the pre- and postoperative period, as well as with malabsorption syndrome, severe nausea, accompanied by vomiting.
Are there any contraindications?
In fact, there are not so many contraindications to the use of Thiamine Hydrochloride. Naturally, first of all it is worth noting that it is forbidden to take the medicine for people with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the remedy. In addition, it is not prescribed to patients with thiamine hypervitaminosis. Symptoms of an excess of vitamin B1 include increased sweating, tremors, shortness of breath, and spasm of the pharynx. By the way, hypervitaminosis is extremely rare, since thiamine is a non-toxic substance. The most common cause of hypovitaminosis is an overdose of drugs.
Possible side effects

Fortunately, Thiamine Hydrochloride is almost completely safe. Only occasionally can there be side effects that come down to an allergic reaction. In particular, these include urticaria, the occurrence of itching and redness. Quincke's edema is sometimes observed. In the most severe cases, anaphylactic shock may develop. If you experience these symptoms, you should stop using the medicine and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
By the way, redness, slight swelling, and soreness may occur at the injection site - these are completely normal phenomena. It should be noted that most often side effects occur in women in menopause, as well as inpeople suffering from chronic alcoholism.
Overdose and its symptoms
If you use too large doses of the drug "Thiamin hydrochloride", an overdose is possible. What are its symptoms? In most cases, there is an increase in side effects. However, other symptoms are also possible. People who take too large doses of the solution for a long time often complain of severe headaches. In some cases, there is a tremor, as well as increased heart rate. Sometimes insomnia and irritability appear. If you are concerned, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. There is no effective antidote to the drug, therefore, for therapeutic purposes, the administration of the Thiamin Hydrochloride solution is stopped and symptomatic treatment is carried out.
Interaction with other drugs

Before you start using the medicine, you should definitely tell your doctor about the drugs you are taking, as some drugs do not combine with thiamine. For example, the solution should not be used simultaneously with medicines containing sulfides, as they completely neutralize the specified substance. In turn, pyridoxine slows down the process of converting a solution of thiamine into a biologically active form. The simultaneous use of thiamine hydrochloride and cyanocobalamin is prohibited, as the likelihood of an allergic reaction increases.
It is also worth noting that vitamin B1 is not stable in alkaline and neutral solutions, so mixing it with citrates, barbituratesand carbonates are not recommended. It is impossible to mix vitamin rasters and some antibiotics in one syringe, since under the influence of the first antibacterial substances are destroyed. Solution for injection "Thiamin hydrochloride" may weaken the effect of depolarizing muscle relaxants. It is also worth noting that during therapy, in no case should you drink alcohol, since ethyl alcohol slows down the rate of absorption of the vitamin.