"Tenoten": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

"Tenoten": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews
"Tenoten": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

Tenoten is a homeopathic remedy used in the treatment of long-term nervous system disorders. In medicine, such disorders are called neuroses arising from the psychophysiological characteristics of a person. Patients with neuroses are usually characterized by excessive suspiciousness and emotionality, more often than others they face adaptation problems and an inability to regulate their internal state. Sometimes neurosis does not depend on the psycho-emotional component, but is associated with hormonal changes or personality traits acquired by inheritance.

The principle of action of homeopathic medicines

Image"Tenotin" for adults
Image"Tenotin" for adults

Treating diseases with homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine. Opponents of homeopathic methods of treatment call the preparations dummies, and supporters do not consider such a method to be charlatanism. All homeopathic preparations approved for sale on the territory of the Russian Federation are registered in accordance with the established procedure as medicines.

Homeopathic treatment is reducedto the achievement in the body of additional symptoms of the disease, similar to the identified problems in the patient. Active substances that can cause the same disease are contained in negligible doses in the preparation. Often they are diluted to a ratio of 1:10, and in some cases even 1:100. The medicine consists of the main agent diluted with starch, lactose and other auxiliary means, which affects the body as a whole, forcing it to fight the disease according to the principle of treating “like with like”. The release of homeopathic remedies is carried out in the form of pills, tablets or syrup. Additional substances help to keep the dosage form of the drug and bring the right substances inside.

Composition of the drug

The active substance described in the instructions for Tenoten are antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100. These antibodies were a discovery for the world in the treatment of neurological and vegetative-vascular disorders. In the course of the studies, they were able to cope with the anxiety of patients, with a violation of the activity of the stress systems of the body and restored the ability of neurons to regenerate, forming new neural connections. In addition to achieving a therapeutic effect, antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 are used in the diagnosis of brain diseases, including oncology.

Issue form

The drug is produced in Russia. Release form - lozenges. There are two types of the drug: for children and for adults. Children's "Tenoten" has 3 types of packaging: 20, 40 and100 tablets, adult produce 20 or 40 pieces.

Image"Tenotin" for children
Image"Tenotin" for children

The name of the components of the drug is identical, but the concentration of the active substance in the packaging for children is 10 times lower. So, for adults, Tenoten has 10-15 ng/g, and for children 10-16 ng/g of the dosage of the main substance. The amount of antibodies in different forms of one tablet reaches 3 mg. The excipients contained in the preparation are stearic acid, lactose and cellulose.

Indications for use

Tenoten tablets have an antidepressant effect, reduce the feeling of unreasonable anxiety and fear. The drug stabilizes mood swings, improves memory, increases the number of positive emotions. The positive effect of Tenoten was revealed as a drug that strengthens the immune system and enhances resistance to stressful situations. The drug is used in case of psychosomatic pathologies, disorders of cerebral blood flow and the central nervous system.

The instructions for Tenoten describe the onset of positive dynamics after several days of using the drug, and visible stabilization occurs within the first ten days.

Cerebral circulation disorders
Cerebral circulation disorders

In the total mass of appointments, recommendations for taking the drug in order to achieve the following effects prevail:

  • anxiety relief;
  • reducing nervous tension;
  • depression exceptions;
  • reducing irritability;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • stabilization of blood circulation in the brain;
  • normalization of the memory function;
  • getting rid of negative emotions;
  • increase learning ability;
  • prophylactic effect.

A separate point in the use of the drug is its effect on alcohol and drugs. In cases of experiments on the compatibility of alcohol and Tenoten, the latter wins an unconditional victory over addiction, reducing cravings for alcohol by its action. A significant proportion of patients note an improvement in the quality of life after getting acquainted with this homeopathic remedy.

Use in childhood

Because the drug contains a diluted active ingredient, minimized in the tablet, side effects are also reduced to zero. The only unpleasant symptom may be an allergic reaction to the auxiliary components contained in the preparation. Therefore, children's "Tenoten" is allowed for use in pediatrics from the age of 3 and is prescribed for neuroses, impaired attention and memory, and adjustment of learning ability. In addition to the absence of negative reactions, it does not have a sedative effect, does not lead to impaired concentration, does not depress the nervous system, but, on the contrary, improves performance in all of the above areas.

The use of the drug by children
The use of the drug by children

Clinically proven to have no habituation effect or any dependence on taking Tenoten. An indication for prescribing a remedy to a child is usually hyperexcitability or a pronouncedaggression. The drug helps the adaptation of children in a team and helps to resolve stressful situations that arise when communicating with peers. The manifestation of autonomic disorders, the signs of which are insomnia, headache and nausea, is also eliminated with the help of a homeopathic remedy.

The use of both children and adults "Tenoten" is possible only on the recommendation of the attending physician. It is undesirable to use the drug without the appropriate appointment of a specialist.

Instructions for use

The release form of Tenoten in the form of tablets suggests their sublingual intake, based on the resorption of the drug until it is completely dissolved, excluding chewing or grinding. Babies are allowed to give medicine by stirring it in a tablespoon of water. It is not recommended to use the product during meals and later than two hours before bedtime.

Taking the drug
Taking the drug

The medicine is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • adults - no more than 2 tablets per dose with a regularity of two to three times a day;
  • children - 1 piece from one to three times a day.

The course of treatment with Tenoten tablets can vary from a month to six months. In particularly difficult cases, after a four-week break, it is possible to repeat the course intake.

The occurrence of adverse reactions or the absence of improvement within a month implies the abolition of the homeopathic medicine and the appeal to the attending physician for a new appointment or a more in-depth examination.


Usuallyhomeopathic medicines are easily tolerated by all categories of patients. In order to avoid the occurrence of negative consequences, the Tenoten instructions define the following contraindications:

  1. Intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
  2. Under three years of age for children's release form.
  3. Age up to 18 years in case of using the drug at an adult concentration of the active substance.
  4. A state of intoxication.

Since the compatibility of Tenoten and alcohol has not been separately studied, experts' assumptions about the incompatibility of the drug and strong drinks are based on generally accepted rules of treatment. During the period of medical intervention, additional intoxication of the body with alcohol is not allowed. The use of drugs and alcohol at the same time can lead to complications and even chronic diseases.

With caution, the drug is used during pregnancy and lactation, commensurate the risk to the child with the benefit to the mother.


The content of meager doses of the active substance in the basis of the drug completely eliminates the overdose of Tenoten, and also minimizes the risk of any complications.


Many analogues
Many analogues

Similar drugs used for similar symptoms are those listed below.

  1. "Glycine" contains aminoethanoic acid and refers to nootropic drugs that reduce nervous excitability. Unlike Tenoten, the instructions allow the use"Glycine" from birth. The tool regulates metabolism, normalizes mood and sleep, increases mental activity, eliminates psycho-emotional problems. With a protracted nature of the disease, experts prefer Tenoten in the treatment.
  2. "Afobazole" is a synthetic drug in composition, and a tranquilizer in terms of the principle of action. If Tenoten begins to act immediately, then Afobazol has a cumulative effect that occurs a few days after the start of administration. A special difference is the impossibility of using "Afobazole" in childhood, since the drug has enough side effects. The similarity lies in the possibility of long-term use of the drug without the effect of addiction.
  3. "Piracetam", as well as "Glycine", is a nootropic drug, but has a synthetic nature of origin. The action of the drug is aimed at normalizing the work of the brain with the acceleration of the supply of brain impulses, blood thinning, improving metabolism and microcirculation in cells and tissues.

The listed medicines can often replace Tenoten. Analogues of the drug, having an identical structure or chemical formula, are not produced in Russia. There are traditional medicines that can help with similar symptoms. Such medicines consist of herbal ingredients.

Some herbs work by analogy with homeopathic medicines:

melissa is used as an antispasmodic that helps relieve signs of depressive nature;

Medicinal herbs
Medicinal herbs
  • hops are known for their pain-relieving properties;
  • St. John's wort has a calming effect, helps normalize sleep;
  • hawthorn stabilizes the heart rate and fights high blood pressure;
  • valerian copes with psycho-emotional stress;
  • mint, being the strongest antispasmodic, has a sedative effect and helps to cope with sleep disorders.

Drug Interactions

In some cases, doctors prescribe combination drugs, including substances of plant and synthetic origin, to eliminate the possibility of an overdose. Tenoten, as a homeopathic remedy, differs from most known analogues. It can be taken in combination with natural medicines or with preparations that do not contain natural ingredients. Since the beginning of the production of the product on an industrial scale, there have been no cases of incompatibility.

The use of any medicine requires the appointment of a specialist and his control. Even homeopathic remedies with minimal doses of the active substance are not recommended to choose on your own.

Reviews of doctors and patients

The opinions of patients about homeopathic medicines are mixed. Most of the criticism is directed precisely at the composition of Tenoten. Reviews of opponents, noting the minimum amount of active substance, cast doubt on the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in general. Opponents of the use of the drug consider itpurchase is a waste of money and time. And some generally tend to use tranquilizers with similar symptoms.

Some patients note the positive effect of the drug, which occurs gradually and causes a feeling of pleasant relaxation and calmness. Others, having felt the effectiveness on themselves in the first days of taking it and being satisfied with the result, recommend the remedy to their friends. Still others start taking the drug because there are no side effects, and then determine the degree of its help in the fight against the disease. Patients, whose professional activities can lead to stress, often take such drugs as a course. They, taking into account the recommendations of specialists, often having tried several types of drugs, choose Tenoten according to the price-quality ratio that suits them.

Since the evidence base indicating the benefits of the drug has not been identified, the opinion of doctors is made up of experience and their practice. Most doctors are inclined to the possibility of using the medicine at the initial stage of the disease, and the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies is explained by the achievement of the placebo effect. In any case, the negative consequences of taking Tenoten are not known to medicine, so experts do not see any harm from its use. And the resulting positive action is a good result, even at the level of autosuggestion.
