The drug "Glutargin" refers to hepatoprotective drugs, the action of which is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in liver cells by removing toxic substances from them and stabilizing the state of cell membranes. The use of this drug is associated with many features of the patient's body and its current condition. We will talk about this and much more in the article.

Composition and release form
The active substance of the drug is arginine glutamate. In all pharmaceutical forms, this substance is contained in different concentrations. Among the dosage forms of the drug "Glutargin" instructions for use mention the following:
- Powder for self-preparation oral solution with 1g arginine glutamate per serving;
- oral tablets 0, 25, 0, 75 and 1g;
- composition for the preparation of infusion solutions (concentrated) witharginine glutamate content 0.4 g per 1 ml;
- ready-made solution in ampoules with a concentration of active ingredient 0.04 mg per 1 ml.
Powders for making a drink are packed in polymer bags of 2 or 10 pieces in a cardboard box, along with them comes instructions for use. Tablets are placed in blisters of 2 or 10 pieces, 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 blisters in a cardboard box (also with instructions included). The concentrate and the finished solution are poured into glass ampoules. Those, in turn, are placed in plastic cuvettes, 5 pieces each. One carton box may contain 1 or 2 cuvettes, instructions for use of the drug and scarifiers for opening ampoules.
Terms of release and storage
The drug "Glutargin" instructions for use refers to over-the-counter drugs. To purchase this medication, you do not need to take a special prescription from your doctor, but this does not mean that it can be taken by all patients without exception.
It is necessary to store the medicine in rooms where direct sunlight does not penetrate, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of issue. After this time, tablets, solution or powder "Glutargin" instructions for use recommend that they be disposed of with household waste.
The pharmacological action of the drug is based on its ability to quickly bind and remove ammonia from the body. The harmful substance is converted into a non-toxic form - glutamine, which is removedfrom the CNS naturally. At the same time, the active component of the drug normalizes the state of cell membranes, thereby activating the body's natural defense processes. Arginine glutamate also has antioxidant efficacy, which allows it to protect body cells from free radical damage.

The ability of arginine glutamate to positively influence the energy supply of liver cells allows the use of the drug in alcohol intoxication. This property is based on the stimulation of ethanol metabolism by blocking the processes of inhibition of the corresponding enzymes. At the same time, arginine glutamate increases the amount of succinic acid synthesized in the body and has an exciting effect on the neurotransmitter centers of the central nervous system.
Indications for use
Medication "Glutargin" instructions for use recommends taking patients suffering from the following diseases and disorders of the body:
- Liver disease, including acute or chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy (alcoholic or otherwise).
- Leptospirosis, accompanied by liver damage.
- Hyperammonemia, in which the patient is in a state of coma or precoma.
- Poisoning from toxic substances, including toadstool venom, drugs, chemicals and alcohol.
- Withdrawal syndrome and/or post-intoxication condition caused by prolonged alcohol intake.
Take "Glutargin" (tablets) instructions for use and recommends as a prophylactic before drinking alcoholic products. This helps to avoid intoxication of the body and quickly restore its normal functioning.

Despite the fact that the drug contains only one active ingredient, its use is contraindicated in many diseases or organ dysfunctions. So, the drug "Glutargin" instruction (reviews of doctors fully confirm this) does not recommend taking with any form of phenylketonuria and hypersensitivity to the main and / or any auxiliary substance. You should not use any dosage form of the drug for therapeutic purposes for people with severe disorders of the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys in particular.
The list of contraindications to the use of dosage forms of the drug "Glutargin" instructions for use (reviews of doctors - direct confirmation of this) includes pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, as well as the patient's age up to 18 years.
With extreme caution, this drug should be prescribed to patients with pronounced excitability and in a feverish state. Organic or physiological changes in the functions of the urinary system, which caused the inability of the kidneys to eliminate nitrogen-containing metabolites, should also raise concerns about taking the drug. As a rule, if necessary, therapy withusing this drug, the patient remains under round-the-clock supervision of the medical staff.

How to take Glutargin
Let's move on to the main issue - the rules for taking the drug, depending on its dosage form. The drug "Glutargin" (tablets) instruction advises taking 750 mg three times a day. Based on the patient's condition, the attending physician may increase the dosage, which in any case should not exceed 2 g per dose. Tablets should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water (about 100 ml).
Powder, better known as "Glutargin 4", instructions for use recommends using in the form of a solution. To do this, dilute the contents of one package in 75 ml of water immediately before taking. In acute alcohol intoxication, the solution is taken four times a day on the first day, the next 2-3 days - one serving of the drink twice a day. As a prophylactic, the drug "Glutargin" (powder) is drunk in a double dose (2 packets per 1/2 glass of water) one hour before meals.
Solution "Glutargin" (ampoules) instructions for use recommends using in acute alcohol poisoning. Ready-made or prepared from a concentrate, the drug is administered intravenously twice a day by the drip method at the rate of 2 g of the drug per procedure. The rate of administration should not exceed 70 drops per minute. The course of treatment lasts at least five, but not more than 10 days. Upon completion of therapy, it is recommended to take Glutargin powder or tablets for 20 days (no more than 1 gper day).

Adverse reactions and overdose
Among the adverse reactions in the treatment of the drug, patients and doctors in their reviews call such phenomena as nausea and discomfort in the stomach. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own in a short time and do not require the use of special drugs.
If the norms recommended by the instructions are not followed, the drug "Glutargin" can cause an overdose. Its symptoms are a short decrease in blood pressure, lack of sleep, pain behind the sternum, nausea and the urge to vomit. Also, according to experts, the patient may be disturbed by allergic reactions. Treatment for overdose is symptomatic, in rare cases, antihistamines and / or glucocorticosteroids are required.
Special instructions and compatibility with other drugs
All dosage forms of the drug "Glutargin" do not affect the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms. The drug does not affect vision and the speed of psychomotor reactions.
Special attention when prescribing the maximum dosage is required for patients with impaired functioning of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, acromegaly. Doctors say that the drug itself causes slight fluctuations in hormone levels, but in combination with the drug "Aminophylline" it can cause a surge in the content of endogenous insulin and growth hormone in the blood.

In addition, drugs containing arginine glutamate (including "Glutargin Alkoklin") instructions do not recommend taking together with the drugs "Vinblastine" and "Dipyridamole", as they significantly reduce each other's effectiveness.
Analogues of the drug "Glutargin", prices
Today, the pharmaceutical market can present several analogues of the drug "Glutargin". Some instructions refer to the pharmacological group of hepatoprotectors of synthetic or natural origin: Karsil, Thiotriazolin, Dipana and Hepa-Merz. A complete analogue of the drug - "Glutargin Alkoklin" - contains the same active substance, i.e. arginine glutamate.
Compared to analogues, Glutargin has a lower cost: about 75 rubles for 10 tablets with a dosage of 0.25 g and 100 rubles for a package of the same 10 tablets containing arginine glutamate, 1 g each. The powder costs a little more - from 97 to 130 rubles for a package containing 10 bags. The most expensive dosage form is a solution in ampoules. One pack of 10 ampoules of 5 ml each costs at least 1,000 rubles.

Opinion about the drug
There are a lot of reviews about the drug "Glutargin". Patients in most cases talk about a good effect of the drug. At the same time, they mention the appearance of some discomfort in the stomach (up to nausea). According to those who have repeatedly resorted to the help of the drug "Glutargin", unpleasant symptoms quickly passed without takingany special means. In addition, consumers noted the availability of the drug, as it is inexpensive.