Inflammatory processes in soft tissues, joints and bone structures often manifest themselves as pain, which can be combated with the help of various drugs. The medicine "Melbek", the instructions for which will be detailed in this article, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that can not only eliminate pain, but also relieve inflammation in the tissues. How does this remedy work? What dosage forms of the drug can be found in pharmacies and how to use them? Let's find out about it right now.

Release form, composition
The instruction describes the drug "Melbek" as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The drug is available in tablets and as a solution for injection. Both dosage forms contain the same active substance - meloxicam. Its solution contains 15 mg, in tablets "Melbek Forte" - the same amount. A slightly smaller volume of this compound is contained in Melbek tablets - 7.5 mg.
Additional substances that are part of the drug for oral administration are included in the standard list of components that allow meloxicam tounchanged to reach the stomach and intestines. These are lactose, magnesium stearate, aerosil, sodium citrate and povidone. Solution for injection, in addition to meloxicam, contains water, sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide, glycofurfural and glycine.
Description of dosage forms
Tablets "Melbek" the instruction describes as follows: round light yellow with a risk on one of the surfaces. The same dosage form, but with a high content of the active substance ("Melbek Forte") looks the same, with the only difference being that two cross-shaped risks are applied to the tablets. Both types of tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces each.

The instruction describes the solution for injection as a clear yellowish liquid that does not contain any foreign inclusions. It is poured into transparent glass ampoules of 1.5 ml each. One package contains no more than 3 ampoules with a solution.
Pharmacological action
A feature of the active ingredient of the drug "Melbek" instruction calls the ability to act on the centers of synthesis of prostaglandins of the second level (COX-2), while practically not affecting COX-1. Thus, drugs practically do not cause adverse reactions from the digestive system of patients.
At least 89% of the active substance is absorbed from the digestive tract. A stable level of meloxicam is observed three days after the start of therapy with Melbek. The instructions for use also contain information that with prolongedtreatment with a drug (even for more than 1 year), there is no effect of accumulation of active substances and their metabolites in tissues.
As a result of metabolism, meloxicam almost completely decomposes to the simplest inactive substances that are excreted from the body within a day, a maximum of two. Their half-life is 20 hours.

Tablets "Melbek" and "Melbek Forte" instructions for use prescribe to take with the following diseases:
- rheumatoid arthritis (as symptomatic therapy);
- osteoarthritis, arthrosis and other degenerative diseases of the articular apparatus (as an anesthetic);
- myalgia, dorsalgia, lumbago and sciatica.
In addition, the drug successfully fights toothache, muscle and headache, and also alleviates the condition of patients in the postoperative period or with injuries.
In the same situations, it is recommended to use the Melbek solution. Injections instructions, reviews of doctors and patients are considered very effective for pain of any origin, however, there are some features of their use. We will talk about this a little later, in the section on the dosage of the drug "Melbek".

Medicine dosing and administration
How does the use of the drug "Melbek" instructions for use recommend? Tablets at a dosage of 7.5 mg are indicated for the treatment of pain ininflammation of the joints with degenerative dynamics. The number of tablets per day should not exceed 1 piece. Only with intense persistent pain can you increase the daily dose to 15 mg.
In rheumatoid arthritis at the initial stage of treatment, the daily dose is 15 mg. After the patient's condition stabilizes, it is reduced by half, to 7.5 mg per day.
Tablets "Melbek" instructions recommend drinking enough liquid, best of all with water. Eating does not affect the absorption of the active substance. However, experts advise taking the tablets after meals. In this way, irritation of the stomach lining can be avoided.
What does the instructions for use say about the method of using the Melbek solution? Injections should be given only in the first days of therapy. After the analgesic effect of the drug becomes stable, it is necessary to change this dosage form to oral. To achieve a positive effect, it is important that the solution enters the deepest layers of the muscles.

The maximum daily dose of this dosage form is, as in the case of tablets, 15 mg.
Adverse reactions
Side effects when taking Melbek are considered typical for all drugs belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are characterized by a direct negative effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Hence the most common undesirable reactions in the treatment with the medicine "Melbek" in the form of dyspepticdisorders, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and flatulence. Strengthening of these symptoms up to ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract occurs in case of non-compliance with the dosages recommended by the instructions.
Among the side effects in the treatment with Melbek and Melbek Forte, the instruction mentions disorders in the hematopoietic system, central nervous system, sensory organs and respiration. In addition, the drug in some cases can provoke an increase in blood pressure. Also, patients may experience swelling, palpitations, and a feeling of a rush of blood to the head and face.
In some cases, there was a negative effect of the drug on the skin. In particular, about 1% of patients suffered photosensitivity and allergic rashes. In very rare cases, when taking any dosage forms of the drug "Melbek", severe reactions can occur, up to anaphylactic shock.

Melbek medicine is not recommended if the patient has previously had cases of allergic reactions in the form of asthma, angioedema and urticaria to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, in particular, to aspirin. In addition, tablets are prescribed very carefully for erosive and ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage. Also, do not prescribe the drug to people with impaired liver and kidney function. A serious contraindication is the patient's age under 15.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Manypatients with pain syndrome, the question arises as to whether the use of the drug "Melbek" during pregnancy is allowed. Instructions for use, injections and tablets, which are described in sufficient detail, contain information that it is better not to use both dosage forms during the bearing of a child. The fact is that the active substance of the drug penetrates the synovial fluid and overcomes the placental barriers. Despite the fact that no teratogenic effect was detected during laboratory studies, the risk to the fetus remains high.
Special Instructions
In a number of diseases and situations, it is necessary to be very careful about the dosage of the drug. In some cases, it may be necessary to cancel the drug "Melbek". For example, if there is a high risk of bleeding in the digestive tract, the drug should be discontinued as soon as possible. The same applies to patients with impaired renal function, in particular with a reduced level of blood flow in these organs. With the continuation of the course of treatment with the medicine "Melbek", the instruction warns of the possibility of developing acute renal failure.
Experts note that renal failure is also often seen in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, congestive heart failure and those who, due to concomitant diseases, are forced to take diuretics.
Long-term treatment with Melbek is contraindicated for elderly patients.

When exceedingrecommended doses of the drug, patients may experience symptoms similar to those described in the section on side effects. There is no specific medicine that can eliminate poisoning, so experts recommend gastric lavage, as well as ingestion of absorbents. In addition, symptomatic therapy has a good effect. At the same time, doctors note that hemodialysis and other methods of removing fluid from the body, including forced diuresis, do not give any result with an overdose of meloxicam. The only thing that can help the rapid removal of this compound from the body is the drug Colestyramine.
Drug Interactions
Regarding the joint use of the medicine "Melbek" with other drugs, the instruction for use advises to pay special attention, because in some cases the combination of funds may not be the most favorable for the patient's he alth. Here are some examples of how taking several drugs at once, including Melbek, can affect the condition of patients:
- Anticoagulants such as Heparin and Ticlopidin combined with meloxicam reduce blood clotting and can cause severe bleeding.
- Medications containing lithium, when taken simultaneously with Melbek, can cause an overdose of lithium.
- Alpha-blockers and other painkillers taken with meloxicam are less effective.
- Diuretics taken during treatment with Melbek may be so strong thatsignificantly increases the risk of dehydration and the development of acute renal failure.
- The effectiveness of intrauterine contraceptives when taken together with the drug "Melbek" is reduced, so it is important to take additional measures to protect against unwanted pregnancy.
- Cyclosporine in combination with the drug "Melbek" can provoke an increase in the nephrotoxic effect of the latter.
Given all of the above factors, it is important to take seriously the issue of prescribing medications along with Melbek in the form of tablets and injections. Experts advise always informing them about the possibility of taking various drugs together.
Analogues of the drug "Melbek" on the active (active) substance are the following drugs: "Meloxicam" (including "Meloxicam-Prama" and "Meloxicam DS"), "Movalis", "Mokasin" and "Mesipol ". These medicines, if necessary, can replace the drug "Melbek". They have the same indications, side effects and contraindications.
Analogues in terms of their action are considered to be other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with antirheumatic action, not containing meloxicam. These include drugs "Ketanov", "Ambene" and "Faspik". Their use is justified if the patient has intolerance to meloxicam.
Reviews of doctors
According to experts, Melbek is one of the best drugs to help reduce pain in diseases such as arthritis andarthrosis. In addition, they note that against the background of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, this medicine does not have a pronounced negative effect on the digestive system, even with prolonged use. This is what is considered an important point when prescribing a course of treatment with NSAIDs.
Regarding the duration of taking the drug "Melbek" instructions, reviews of experts indicate that it can be taken for several months. At the same time, it is important to constantly be observed by a doctor in order to detect the appearance of unwanted reactions of the body to the drug in time.