For the treatment of ulcerative skin lesions and poorly healing wounds, the drug "Vundehil" is often used. This ointment is based on natural ingredients, so it almost does not cause side effects, except for cases of individual intolerance to its components.
The named remedy is used to accelerate the healing of serious skin lesions and even sluggish purulent processes. Suitable for use anywhere: on the face, on the mucous membrane of the rectum and vagina. All patients who do not have individual intolerance can use Wundehill (ointment). Its price is quite low (depending on the pharmacy, from 150 to 200 rubles), and the effectiveness is amazing.
What is in the ointment
The described drug helps well in the treatment of pain, swelling and inflammation in many skin diseases. But unlike most drugs, it is easily tolerated and does not cause side effects. This can be explained by the special composition of the drug "Vundehil". The ointment containscomponents:
- carophyllene isolated from calendula;
- propolis tincture;
- sophora extract;
- yarrow;
- Potentilla tincture.
The basis for these herbal ingredients is beeswax, olive oil, lanolin and lard. They contribute to better distribution and faster absorption of active ingredients. True, due to the large amount of fat, the ointment can stain hands and clothes.

What effect does Wundeheal have
Ointment effectively restores the skin and destroys the infection. Due to the complex effect of plant components, the drug has the following effect:
- reduces pain;
- stops bleeding and strengthens capillary walls;
- reduces swelling and reduces inflammation;
- promotes the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes;
- kills bacterial microflora;
- helps cleanse the wound from pus;
- normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells and mucous membranes;
- helps accelerate the formation of granulation tissues at the site of injury;
- prevents the bandage from drying to the wound.

Indications for use of the drug
Vundehil is an ointment with a fairly wide spectrum of action. So, it can be successfully used to treat the following diseases:
- psoriatic skin lesions;
- poorly healing trophic ulcers;
- neurodermatitis;
- diabetic ulcers;
- various types of dermatitis;
- thermal and radiation burns;
- serious injury;
- postoperative wounds;
- bedsores and hematomas;
- hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
- cervical erosion.
But only a specialist can prescribe it.

"Vundehil", ointment: instructions
The price of the drug is such that it can be used by many patients. It costs about 160 rubles. Its advantage among medicines in this price category is high efficiency and good tolerability. It is not recommended to use the drug only if there are allergic reactions to any of its components.
But most often "Vundehil" helps to cope with severe skin diseases and completely restores the skin in one course of treatment. It can be used in several ways, the choice of which depends on the characteristics and localization of the disease. How is Wundehill used? The ointment, the instructions for which are presented in our article, recommends doing it this way:
- apply a thin layer on the affected area;
- oint-soaked tampons inserted into the vagina or rectum;
- in difficult cases, apply dressings with the drug for several hours.
Procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day. After application, the product must be kept on the skin for several hours, and then washed off with a solution of calendula tincture or Furacilin. Most often forcure is enough for 1-2 weeks, but in difficult cases the course can be extended up to 30 days.

Features of use in some diseases
Despite the low efficiency, few ordinary people know what Wundehill (ointment) is. The instruction, price and features of its use are known mainly to dermatologists and surgeons who use it in difficult cases. Depending on the skin disease, the ways of using the drug differ.
- For hemorrhoids or fissures in the anus, a tampon soaked in ointment is inserted into the rectum. It is advisable to rinse and dry this area first. After 2-3 hours, the tampon is removed. Do this in the morning, afternoon and evening until complete healing, but no more than 30 days.
- Effective ointment for thermal and sunburns. But you need to use it as quickly as possible, then the damage will heal faster. For treatment, the agent is gently applied in a thin layer to the affected skin and left for several hours. After that, you need to remove the remnants with a soft cloth.
- Vundehil is often used to treat cervical erosion. To do this, a cotton or gauze swab is well impregnated with ointment and inserted deep into the vagina. After 2-3 hours, it must be removed.
Vundehil is absolutely safe, but very effective. Therefore, it is recommended to have it in the home first aid kit for anyone who is often exposed to traumatic skin lesions or suffers from chronic skin diseases.