Pain-relieving suppositories are produced on the basis of analgesic substances that contribute to the local removal of discomfort. Depending on the site of application, suppositories can be intended for both rectal and vaginal administration.

Indications for use
As an anesthetic, suppositories are used in the following cases:
1. Hemorrhoids.
2. Postoperative and post-traumatic pain syndrome.
3. Gynecological pathologies.
4. Rheumatic pains.
5. Gout.
6. Migraines.
7. Other pathological processes that cause severe pain.
Contraindications for the use of anesthetic suppositories can be:
1. Individual reaction to the components that make up the candles.
2. Diabetes mellitus.
3. Tuberculosis.
4. History of an allergic reaction to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
5. peptic ulcer inperiod of exacerbation.
6. Inflammatory process in the intestines, occurring in an acute form.
7. Blood clotting disorder.
8. Severe liver or kidney failure.
9. Kidney pathologies, progressive.
10. Heart failure at the decompensation stage.
11. Hemorrhagic syndrome.
12. Digestive disorders in chronic form.
13. Lactation period.

Side effects
Most often, adverse reactions when using analgesic suppositories are local in nature and are expressed by an allergic manifestation in the form of a rash and itching, as well as irritation and pain in the rectum, diarrhea, tenesmus and spotting.
Allowed during pregnancy?
Most suppositories with analgesic effect are prohibited for use during the period of bearing a child. Some drugs impose a restriction on use only in certain trimesters. Most often, the use of anesthetic suppositories for hemorrhoids in the first and second trimester is allowed, however, all manufacturers warn about the need to assess all risks before prescribing a particular drug.
Anti-inflammatory candles
Most often, pain is the result of an inflammatory process, so doctors prescribe drugs from the category of anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, for this purpose and for pain relief, the following suppositories are prescribed:
1. "Ketonal". Is a non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drug. It does not contain hormones or drugs. The basis of "Ketonal" is ketoprofen. The substance has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. The scope of the drug is quite wide, suppositories are used for pain relief with a very different nature of the pain syndrome. What other anesthetic suppositories are used for pain?
2. "Relief". The drug is produced on the basis of phenylephrine hydrochloride. Most often, candles are prescribed to eliminate cracks, anal itching, eczema and hemorrhoids. The active ingredient of the drug affects the mucous membrane located in the rectum. The main properties of suppositories are analgesic, regenerating and hemostatic. Sometimes candles are prescribed as a prophylactic to prevent constipation.

3. "Diclofenac". Helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain. In the form of suppositories, the active component of the drug enters the affected area faster, without passing through the gastrointestinal tract. "Diclofenac" is often prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain relief in gynecological practice, when it is necessary to eliminate spasms in the pelvic area.

4. Flexen. The basis of the composition of the drug is ketoprofen. The substance has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, in addition, candles help relieve fever and prevent blood clots.
Suppositories for hemorrhoids
There is also a separate groupanesthetic suppositories, which are intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The most effective of them are:

1. "Anestezol". The composition of suppositories includes zinc, benzocaine and bismuth. The drug is intended for pain relief, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Bismuth and zinc are anti-inflammatory and benzocaine is an analgesic.
2. "Anuzol". It is similar in composition to "Anestezin", however, the anesthetic component in it is replaced by belladonna extract, which is a plant substance. It should be borne in mind that the plant is poisonous, so the use of suppositories during pregnancy, as well as against the background of intestinal weakness, is strictly prohibited.
3. "Procto-Glivenol". The composition of these suppositories includes lidocaine as an analgesic agent, as well as tribenoside venotonic. The latter helps to strengthen blood vessels, increases the tone of the walls and reduces their permeability. The drug perfectly tones and relieves inflammation, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, eliminating stagnation. Lidocaine is a well-known anesthetic. These pain-relieving suppositories after surgery are prescribed by a doctor.

4. "Ginkor Procto". Contains gingko biloba extract and butamen, which is an anesthetic. Gingko biloba is a venotonic and helps to strengthen the vascular system. The drug improves blood flow and normalizes the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.

Also, anesthetic suppositories in gynecology are used very often.
For cystitis
Cystitis is a common problem in women. This pathology is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process and a sharp pain syndrome in the region of the organs of the urinary system. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, the following rectal suppositories are used:
1. "Papaverine". The basis is the substance of the same name - papaverine hydrochloride. The main advantage of the drug is the possibility of prescribing suppositories to women during pregnancy. Papaverine does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, while helping to relieve spasm from the uterus. With cystitis, "Papaverine" is prescribed as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

2. "Methyluracil". It is also an anti-inflammatory drug. Suppositories help to quickly heal wounds that have arisen against the background of the inflammatory process. In addition, the drug is intended to eliminate the symptoms of fractures, burns, inflammatory kidney diseases, intoxication and intestinal ulcers. The most optimal is the use of the drug for preventive purposes.
3. "Indomethacin". These suppositories with analgesic effect not only relieve inflammation and anesthetize, but also have an antipyretic effect. The drug is prescribed not only for the relief of symptoms of urethritis and cystitis, but is also widely used for pain relief in arthritis, headache, and also indental practice. The drug has a fairly large list of contraindications, so its appointment should be on the recommendation of a doctor.

Anuzol is considered the leader among rectal analgesic suppositories. Reviews about him are extremely positive. The drug is often prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids and successfully copes with this task, according to numerous reviews.
Quite a few patients complain of local adverse reactions when using rectal suppositories. Most often there is itching and irritation at the injection site of the suppository. Experts believe this is a consequence of the improper use of suppositories (it is necessary to introduce a candle after defecation, as well as hygiene procedures), as well as as a result of exceeding the prescribed dosages.
Who will help you choose?

Pharmacists are ready to offer a very large selection of suppositories with analgesic effect, produced both in our country and abroad. The appointment of a remedy for a particular patient should be provided to the attending physician, since only a specialist can assess the individual characteristics of the patient and prescribe a drug that is safe and effective for each specific case.

What does the price say?
It should be borne in mind that the cost of suppositories is not an indicator of the effectiveness of the drug. That is, inexpensive options for rectal suppositories for pain relief are far from always worse than expensive imported ones.analogues in terms of efficiency and speed of impact on the body.
Rectal analgesic suppositories are the ideal solution to relieve the symptoms of the inflammatory process of different localization, when injection or oral administration is not possible.