Drugs 2024, October

Calcium gluconate: reviews. Calcium gluconate intramuscularly - reviews

Calcium gluconate: reviews. Calcium gluconate intramuscularly - reviews

Calcium gluconate is perhaps the most popular drug for the treatment of life-threatening conditions associated with hyperkalemia or hypocalcemia

What helps "Linex" (tablets)? Reviews. Analogues of "Linex"

What helps "Linex" (tablets)? Reviews. Analogues of "Linex"

One of the most famous and popular drugs for the treatment and prevention of intestinal microflora disorders is Linex. This is a mixture of bacteria, without which the intestines cannot function normally

"Vikasol" for uterine bleeding: instructions for use, reviews, indications and price

"Vikasol" for uterine bleeding: instructions for use, reviews, indications and price

When bleeding, first aid is to prescribe the drug "Vikasol". Reviews of doctors say that it significantly reduces the amount of blood lost, as it plays an important role in the system of coagulation mechanisms

"Triozhinal" - reviews of doctors and patients

"Triozhinal" - reviews of doctors and patients

Optimal for the treatment of urogenital atrophy, especially if it is accompanied by dysuric disorders, is the drug "Triozhinal" - candles. Feedback from everyone who has used it is always positive

Ferrum Lek during pregnancy. The drug "Ferrum Lek": instructions, indications, side effects

Ferrum Lek during pregnancy. The drug "Ferrum Lek": instructions, indications, side effects

Pregnancy is often accompanied by anemia. In this condition, there are not enough he althy red cells in the blood that can deliver oxygen to the tissues of the mother and baby

"Tsiprolet" - an antibiotic or not? "Tsiprolet": instructions for use

"Tsiprolet" - an antibiotic or not? "Tsiprolet": instructions for use

Currently, in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, acting on various groups of bacteria. Among these medicines there is such a drug as "Tsiprolet"

Analogues, indications and composition of "Novopassit"

Analogues, indications and composition of "Novopassit"

"Novopassit" - a drug to calm the nervous system. It refers to natural, or phytoantidepressants

Decamine ointment: instruction and use for oral candidiasis

Decamine ointment: instruction and use for oral candidiasis

Increased activity of yeast-like fungi in the oral cavity can lead to such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis. The disease occurs in patients of various age categories. For treatment, you should choose drugs with a powerful antimycotic effect. One such remedy is decamin ointment. Let us consider in more detail in which cases it is worth using the medicine

Tablets "Betaserk" for cervical osteochondrosis: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Tablets "Betaserk" for cervical osteochondrosis: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Osteochondrosis is a complex of disorders in articular cartilage that have a dystrophic character. This pathological condition can develop in any joint

Allergy injections: features, types, composition and reviews

Allergy injections: features, types, composition and reviews

Allergies always take us by surprise when we don't expect it at all. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate its symptoms immediately, because they can be deadly. This will help us treat allergies with injections. They are more effective if the symptoms need to be treated immediately. In this paper, we suggest that you consider injections for allergies. What are the varieties, what is better to accept in any particular case. You will learn all this by reading the article to the very end

"Metformin" and alcohol: compatibility

"Metformin" and alcohol: compatibility

Can Metformin and alcohol be combined? This article describes all the features of such a dangerous combination

"Kapsicam" (ointment): instructions for use

"Kapsicam" (ointment): instructions for use

Means "Kapsicam" (ointment) for arthralgia and myalgia is applied externally to the painful area of the skin (several grams) and rubbed. The procedure is performed no more than three times during the day, the duration of treatment is ten days

Effective and inexpensive ear drops: a list

Effective and inexpensive ear drops: a list

The effectiveness of drops for the ears, first of all, depends on the correct diagnosis. A person alone or with the help of his relatives cannot determine the severity of the inflammatory process. This is due to the fact that the structure of the ear is very complex

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators: general characteristics

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators: general characteristics

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators are designed to increase the body's resistance to the effects of foreign microorganisms. This is only one side of the influence of drugs of this group on biological defense processes. Their other purpose, which can be called the main one, is to strengthen and correct the immune system in order to prevent and treat severe autoimmune pathologies

The drug "Hydroxyzine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Hydroxyzine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

According to patients who use "Hydroxysine" (analogues of the drug) in certain cases, it follows that it causes calmness and self-confidence to a greater extent than many other drugs. With panic attacks and insomnia, this substance contributes to better falling asleep and sounder sleep. True, the abolition of the drug for the first few days seriously affects the process of falling asleep, but in principle the effect of therapy is very encouraging

Drug "Akineton": instructions for use, description, reviews

Drug "Akineton": instructions for use, description, reviews

The main substance biperiden is an anticholinergic agent of central action. The use of the drug helps to eliminate the tremor of the extremities, which occurs when using cholinergic drugs (for example, pilocarpine), as well as catalepsy and muscle rigidity while taking neuroleptics. Has the ability to provoke psychomotor agitation

Preparation "Derinat" (drops, solution). Instruction

Preparation "Derinat" (drops, solution). Instruction

The product is recommended for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, as part of combination therapy for pathologies in the upper parts of the respiratory system of acute and chronic types

"Amphotericin B": instruction, mechanism of action. Patient reviews about the drug

"Amphotericin B": instruction, mechanism of action. Patient reviews about the drug

The most effective and effective means to eliminate fungal diseases include the drug "Amphotericin B". Instructions, release forms and reviews of this medicine will be presented below

Drugs for the normalization of intestinal microflora: a list and description of medicines

Drugs for the normalization of intestinal microflora: a list and description of medicines

Intestinal microflora is a set of different microorganisms that interact with each other. Some of the bacteria are vital for the human body. Some negative factors can upset the balance and provoke dysbacteriosis. Existing preparations for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, consist of bacteria that allow you to restore the biological balance

Drug "Malachite green"

Drug "Malachite green"

"Malachite green" is a drug used to treat aquarium fish. With it, you will save your pets from ringworm, fin rot, invasive diseases that can be caused by protozoan parasites

Penicillin inhibits the ability of bacteria to grow and reproduce

Penicillin inhibits the ability of bacteria to grow and reproduce

This remedy was discovered almost a century ago and brought medicine to a whole new level. Many diseases became curable after his discovery. We are talking about penicillin - the first antibiotic. Penicillin inhibits their synthesis in bacteria, which prevents development and reproduction. The significance of the discovery of this drug for pharmacology cannot be overestimated. Penicillin saves lives today. But what was before its discovery? Who made such a gift to mankind? About this in the article

Salicylic acid: reviews, instructions for use

Salicylic acid: reviews, instructions for use

There are so many skin care creams on the shelves of pharmacies that your eyes run wide. But their prices are sometimes completely “space”. We will tell you about a very budget remedy for peeling, fighting youthful acne and pimples, a talker for rashes and dermatitis

Tablets "Solpadein" from what is prescribed? Instructions for use, composition, reviews

Tablets "Solpadein" from what is prescribed? Instructions for use, composition, reviews

Recently, advertising has often begun to promote more and more new medicines to the masses. These include "Solpadein". What this drug is from, what are the indications and contraindications for its use, we will tell in the article

What is oxolinic ointment used for?

What is oxolinic ointment used for?

During the peak of influenza epidemics, we often hear people ask for it in pharmacies. High hopes are placed on this ointment, it is considered a reliable protection. In the article we will tell you what oxolinic ointment is, what it is used for, how to use the remedy correctly, and why it is bought up so quickly in pharmacies when flu epidemics are raging

Ointment "Evkabal": instructions for use for children, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Evkabal": instructions for use for children, analogues and reviews

One of the most proven methods of treating colds is rubbing. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of products suitable for this procedure. Ointment "Eucabal" is of plant origin and can be used to treat babies. Let us consider in more detail what effect the drug has and what are the features of its use

The most effective warming ointments

The most effective warming ointments

Warming ointments for joints and muscles are used, as a rule, for local therapy of some pathological symptoms of the musculoskeletal system. They include a variety of natural ingredients that have a pronounced analgesic activity. After applying such an ointment to the area of inflammation, pain, swelling and stiffness of movements disappear

How to take "Mildronate": before meals or after? Features of taking the drug, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

How to take "Mildronate": before meals or after? Features of taking the drug, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Mildronate" is a drug that has a beneficial effect on the heart, and also enriches the human body with oxygen, preventing the development of coronary artery disease. The drug is prescribed in situations where it is necessary to carry out therapy for life-threatening heart diseases

Oxygen capsule: easy and he althy breathing

Oxygen capsule: easy and he althy breathing

Oxygen on Earth makes it possible for all living organisms to exist. A person with a lack of this gas becomes lethargic and ages faster. The skin, losing the necessary moisture, coarsens, peeling and wrinkles appear. Scientists have developed an apparatus called an oxygen capsule, whose work is aimed at restoring the human body

"Flemoklav Solutab" and alcohol: compatibility and consequences

"Flemoklav Solutab" and alcohol: compatibility and consequences

Is it possible to combine "Flemoklav Solutab" and alcohol? Many patients ask the same question. When treating with antibacterial agents, the likelihood of side effects and complications is directly dependent on the amount and strength of alcohol consumed. Also, the consequences of combining alcohol with antibiotics depend on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the human body. The article will consider which group of antibiotics "Flemoklav Solutab" belongs to

Anti-inflammatory cream-balm "Special ointment": instructions for use

Anti-inflammatory cream-balm "Special ointment": instructions for use

A tool called "Special Lubricant" is described by the instruction as a drug designed to improve the condition of the skin and promote its faster healing. It contains special essential oils and extracts that can maintain the he alth of the epidermis, soften and stimulate regeneration

Organic nitrates: pharmacology, composition, use in medicine, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Organic nitrates: pharmacology, composition, use in medicine, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Given the significant prevalence of coronary disease, the relevance of the considered medications is very high today. Until now, nitroglycerin and other drugs created on its basis, as well as drugs close to them, isosorbide mono- and dinitrate, are considered the most effective antianginal drugs

Tablets "Tetracycline hydrochloride": instructions for use, dosage, composition, price

Tablets "Tetracycline hydrochloride": instructions for use, dosage, composition, price

Modern pharmacology is represented by a wide variety of means. Many drugs are self-administered by patients. Most often, these are antipyretic and analgesic drugs. But there are some medicines that should be used only as directed by a doctor. All antibiotics are

"Carmolis" (gel): price, instructions for use

"Carmolis" (gel): price, instructions for use

Every time people experience joint pain, people try to reduce it by rubbing a variety of drugs into the skin. When choosing, preference is given to effective and natural preparations. In this article, we will consider an anesthetic drug based on the healing properties of essential oils - Carmolis (gel)

Triclosan - what is it? The effect of triclosan in soap, paste and cream

Triclosan - what is it? The effect of triclosan in soap, paste and cream

For a better and easier disposal of dirt, mankind has invented various antibacterial agents. One of the components of such funds is triclosan. What it is, how it affects the body as a whole, in what products it can be found, we'll talk in this article

Ful Marks lice remedy: reviews and instructions for use

Ful Marks lice remedy: reviews and instructions for use

Many parents, mostly girls, sooner or later face the problem of pediculosis, because, closely communicating with peers in a team, the child brings home a variety of diseases, including lice. This is very frustrating for some mothers, but there are now many drugs in the pharmacy network that successfully fight this scourge. At the same time, they are quite safe, and there is no need to cut the hair. In this article we will consider one of these tools - "Full Marks"

Medicine for warts in the pharmacy. The best remedy for plantar warts in the pharmacy. Reviews of remedies for warts and papillomas

Medicine for warts in the pharmacy. The best remedy for plantar warts in the pharmacy. Reviews of remedies for warts and papillomas

Warts are, perhaps, one of those troubles that makes life in a team uncomfortable. Agree, when shaking hands, stretching out a hand with a wart is not very pleasant, as well as shaking it. For many people, warts on the soles of their feet have become a major problem, as they severely restrict their ability to move. In short, this problem is quite relevant, and there are many ways to solve it. Consider what the pharmacy chain offers us at the moment to combat this scourge

Drug "Flamydez": instructions for use, description, indications and reviews of doctors

Drug "Flamydez": instructions for use, description, indications and reviews of doctors

Everyone has experienced pain more than once. Experiencing discomfort, it is difficult to enjoy life, it is difficult to think constructively, and in general, with severe pain, you can lose consciousness. No wonder there are many drugs that help reduce or eliminate it. In this article, we will consider a drug that has a quick analgesic effect - Flamidez

Ointment "Rozeks": reviews, instructions, description, analogues

Ointment "Rozeks": reviews, instructions, description, analogues

In adolescence and in adulthood, sometimes unpleasant rashes and acne appear on the face. In this case, various ointments and gels are prescribed, which are designed to fight bacteria that cause clogged pores and inflammation

Drug "Besser Alter": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Drug "Besser Alter": reviews, instructions for use, composition

At the age of about 50, every woman goes through menopause, when the body completes its reproductive function. This period can last quite a long time - up to 10 years. Such a restructuring very rarely goes smoothly and imperceptibly for women

Vitamin preparation for women - indications for use, characteristics and reviews. "Cyclovit" - what is the peculiarity of this supplement?

Vitamin preparation for women - indications for use, characteristics and reviews. "Cyclovit" - what is the peculiarity of this supplement?

The market for dietary supplements is very wide - it presents complexes for children, even for the smallest, for men, for special occasions - for example, to combat stress. In our article we will talk about the new product, give its characteristics and reviews. “Cyclovita” is the name of the supplement. This is a special drug designed for girls and women. Read its full description, reviews and application features