Daily requirement for iodine: consumption rate, signs of iodine deficiency, prevention of iodine deficiency, consequences and advice from an endocrinologist

Daily requirement for iodine: consumption rate, signs of iodine deficiency, prevention of iodine deficiency, consequences and advice from an endocrinologist
Daily requirement for iodine: consumption rate, signs of iodine deficiency, prevention of iodine deficiency, consequences and advice from an endocrinologist

Today we invite you to talk about the daily requirement for human iodine. In addition, we will consider no less interesting questions: why is it needed, what will happen if this element is lacking, what are the consequences of its overabundance, and so on.

We simply need iodine, because a lot depends on its content in the body:

  • activity level;
  • basic exchange rate and so on.

We suggest a little more understanding of this element. What is iodine? It belongs to the group of halogens and is the antipode of metals. It looks incredible - purple crystals. One of the most amazing properties is the ability to move from a solid to a gaseous state, while bypassing the liquid state. The richest sources of the element are, by far, seafood.

The role of iodine in our body

Before we answer the question of what is the daily need for iodine, we suggest talking about the benefits of it for our body. So, let's start with the fact that for the normal functioning of the bodyhormone production is required. And this function is performed by the thyroid gland, which simply needs iodine to work.

daily requirement for iodine
daily requirement for iodine

Thus we can conclude: iodine contributes to the production of hormones responsible for:

  • efficient metabolism;
  • cell growth;
  • metabolic processes (this includes lipid, protein, and water-s alt);
  • stable work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • memory;
  • intelligence;
  • general emotional state.

Effects of shortages

Everyone, without exception, needs to fill the daily need for iodine in the body. The lack of an element can lead to many he alth problems (the most common):

  • memory violation;
  • mental retardation;
  • impotence;
  • heart disease (eg, atrial fibrillation);
  • development of cancer cells and so on.

Special attention should be paid to pregnant women, because with a lack of iodine, the consequences can be very serious, up to miscarriage. There are also violations of the mental and physical development of the child.

daily human need for iodine
daily human need for iodine

Concomitant disease anemia, the characteristic features of which are:

  • dizzy and headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • looks weak;
  • skin is pale.


We note right away that women are more prone to endocrine diseases, which canexplained by the presence of the following factors:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • pre-birth;
  • lactation.

Lack of iodine in men is not felt as acute as in women. So, what is the daily human need for iodine? Take the average weight - 70 kg, per day for this weight you need 10 micrograms of iodine. If this condition is not met, then over time, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • puffiness;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • insomnia at night;
  • constipation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • impotence;
  • memory deteriorates;
  • vegetative-trophic changes (example - stratification of the nail on the finger).


Most common reasons:

  1. Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  2. Incomplete absorption of iodine by the body.
  3. Unfavorable environmental factor.
  4. Hazardous production (eg work with zinc).
  5. Failure to meet the daily requirement for iodine with food.


Now let's take a closer look at the question: what is the daily human need for iodine? The limits of the norm are 2-4 micrograms per 1 kg of weight. This figure varies by age.

Daily requirement (mcg) Age
25 to 45 Newborns (under 1 year old)
85 to 95 1-5 years
From 115 to 125 Schoolchildren
From 145 to 155 Active adult age
110 to 120 Elderly people

Our body constantly contains about 20 micrograms of this element, which comes with food. This amount is used by the thyroid gland.

Checking the needs of the body

Many people have probably heard about such a test: make an iodine mesh on the skin and see how quickly it disappears. If it lasts for a long time, then there is enough iodine in the body, if it evaporates quickly, then there is a deficiency of this element. As a rule, after this test, many begin to use iodine-containing dietary supplements, which lead to an overabundance of the element, which is also dangerous to he alth.

daily iodine requirement for adults
daily iodine requirement for adults

The rate of absorption of an alcohol solution of iodine does not tell us about the amount of the element in the body. Only laboratory tests after consultation with an endocrinologist will help check the indicators. These include:

  • urinalysis, which reveals the concentration of iodine in it;
  • hormone test;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

Rely only on professional research, start acting only after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.

Too much iodine

We have already talked about the daily requirement of an adult for iodine, but it is worth noting that there is an upper limit. A person can consume no more than 300 micrograms of an element per day. After overdosing, the following symptoms may be noticed:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • high body temperature;
  • exhaustion;
  • diarrhea;
  • pigment spots on the skin;
  • muscle weakness;
  • skin dystrophy;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit.
daily iodine requirement for an adult
daily iodine requirement for an adult

As a rule, an excess of iodine occurs in those who consume an alcohol solution dissolved in water. It could even be iodine poisoning. The alcohol solution contains a huge concentration of the element. It can be taken for atherosclerosis and tertiary syphilis, strictly choosing the dosage, pre-dissolve in milk.

Make up the lack

If you do not meet the daily requirement for iodine, then over time, symptoms of its deficiency will appear. The first thing to do is to consult an endocrinologist. He prescribes a number of laboratory tests and, if necessary, prescribes drugs. Do not self-medicate, taking iodine-containing dietary supplements unnecessarily leads to bad consequences.

Which remedies are most often recommended by doctors:

  • vitamins based on seaweed and sea s alt;
  • preparations containing organic iodine ("Iodine-Active");
  • drugs containing active compounds of potassium and iodine ("Jodomarin").
what is the daily requirement for iodine
what is the daily requirement for iodine

The last complexes are preferable, as they are more stable and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, blood composition, which can be explained by the content inthem potassium.

Treatment of iodine deficiency should be strictly controlled by the attending physician, since drug therapy is necessary only if the situation has become pathological. In severe situations, treatment is carried out in a stationary mode, or they resort to surgical intervention.

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We have already told you what the daily need of an adult for iodine is, now let's talk a little about the prevention of its deficiency. To do this, you need to eat right. Here is a short list of useful foods:

  • sea fish;
  • seafood;
  • seaweed;
  • persimmon;
  • banana;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • beets;
  • walnuts;
  • celery;
  • potato;
  • cauliflower;
  • radish;
  • cranberries;
  • beans;
  • eggs;
  • liver and others
what is the daily requirement for iodine
what is the daily requirement for iodine

If you choose and balance the diet correctly, then you will never have problems with the thyroid gland, and as a result, the absence of iodine deficiency.

Diet tips

There aren't many of them, actually. The first and very important rule is to replace regular table s alt with iodized s alt. What is it for? Just one kilogram of this product contains about fifty milligrams of iodine, which is easily and fully absorbed by the body.

Second - with a mild degree of iodine deficiency, you can not use medicationtherapy. At the same time, during each meal, you must eat foods rich in the element.

what is the daily requirement of iodine for an adult
what is the daily requirement of iodine for an adult

Sample menu for 1 day

To meet the daily requirement of iodine, adults need to eat right. Here is a sample menu for one day, which is suitable for those who suffer from mild iodine deficiency:

  • For breakfast, you can make a salad with carrots and tomatoes, which is complemented by a delicious omelet with celery.
  • For lunch - broccoli soup (it is better to make it thicker), for the second - fresh beet salad + walnuts, liver with mushrooms.
  • Treat yourself with persimmon and yogurt for an afternoon snack.
  • Dinner can be chic with sea fish fillets and stewed cabbage or beans.
