Colds of viral, bacterial and fungal origin can disturb a person at any time of the year. Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, their treatment should begin as soon as possible, because it is the common cold that most often carries the risk of severe complications.

Hexaspray (biclotymol), the instructions for which will be detailed in this article, is the safest and most effective remedy for diseases caused by various microorganisms. What is this drug? Let's deal with everything in order.
Indications for use
The drug "Gexaspray" instructions for use recommends the use of colds of various etiologies. These can be inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, provoked by bacteria, viruses and fungi entering the mucous membranes. Symptoms such as sore throat, redness and swelling in the nasopharynx andthroat, perspiration should be a signal to start treatment with the drug "Gescaspray". The instruction at the same time indicates that it is better to start therapy after prior consultation with your doctor.
Composition of the drug "Hexaspray", description
Biclotymol has become the main active ingredient, which has a versatile effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, mouth and throat. One gram of the drug contains at least 25 mg of this component. In addition, the composition of the drug includes synthetic components: microcrystalline cellulose, parabens, lecithin, alcohols, gilcerin and purified water. Hexaspray uses natural ingredients as aromatic and flavor additives: anise oil and saccharin.

The drug itself looks like a thick solution. This structure is due to the presence of microcrystalline cellulose in it. This was reflected in the pharmacological properties of the drug in a positive way. Readers will learn more about this from the corresponding section of the article. The solution is poured into metal (aluminum) bottles with a volume of 30 g, equipped with a special dispenser. They, along with instructions for use, are packed in cardboard boxes.
Pharmacological properties
The instruction refers to the drug "Hexaspray" as a universal drug, since it contains biclotymol. It is this component that exhibits antiseptic, antifungal and bactericidal activity, which allows it to be used for any type of oral infection andnasopharynx. The substance affects the ability of pathological microorganisms to reproduce (divide), due to which there is a gradual decrease in their number. In addition, the substances included in its composition relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and reduce the likelihood of complications. Anise oil makes breathing easier to a certain extent.
The main feature of the Hexaspray medicine is the instruction for use, which calls it a peculiar consistency (we talked about this above). The fact is that when applied to the mucous membranes of a gel-like substance, a gradual absorption of the active components occurs. Due to this effect, there is a uniform distribution of substances in the mucous membranes, as well as a long-term maintenance of the concentration necessary for the therapeutic effect.

How to use
Drug "Gexaspray" instructions for use advises using 3 times a day. The optimal dosage for adult patients is considered to be a double spray of the drug, for children - a single dose. Before use, shake the vial with the drug, and only then spray into the oral cavity. The instruction at the same time recommends holding it vertically, bottom down. Compliance with these recommendations ensures that the spray nozzle works properly and releases the set amount of solution with each press of it.
Before using the product, there is no need to pre-treat the oral cavity with special products or saline. Onlyrinsing the mouth with cool boiled water. After getting the product on the mucous membrane, it is necessary not to swallow saliva for one to two minutes, and to refrain from drinking and eating for half an hour. During this time, the active substances penetrate into the tissues affected by pathogens and begin to fight microorganisms.
After using the drug, rinse the spray nozzle under running water, and then rinse with a disinfectant solution or boiled water with diluted soda in it.
Use in children and during pregnancy
The use of Hexaspray during pregnancy is not prohibited, but before starting treatment, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. Experts recommend that expectant mothers consult with a doctor leading their pregnancy regarding the use of any medicines, including cold sprays. Regarding the use of the Hexaspray drug, the instruction for children contains only one restriction - the age of the child should not be less than 2.5 years. When prescribing this remedy for the treatment of babies, it is important to adjust the dosage by halving it.

Contraindications for use
The main contraindication to the use of Hexaspray for children and adults is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This can be expressed in local reactions: severe sore throat, burning sensation and excessive dryness of the mucous membranes. In addition, spasms in the bronchi can often occur (when inhaling disperseddrug fractions) and laryngospasm. If breathing is difficult, it is important to gargle with clean water as soon as possible and discontinue use.
You should not use the drug for the treatment of colds in young children (under 2.5 years), as it is they who very often swallow the remnants of the drug or inhale it when sprayed into the mouth. The natural origin of some components allows the use of the drug for the treatment of children. In this case, it is worth considering the fact that they most often cause allergic reactions.
Special Instructions
As with other medicines, the use of Hexaspray should only be started after consultation with your doctor. Despite the fact that this medicine belongs to external agents, it cannot be excluded from entering the digestive tract or respiratory tract. Therefore, when spraying, it is necessary to hold your breath for a short time.

Duration of treatment with the drug should not exceed 10 days. If within 5 days from the start of therapy there are no visible changes in the patient's condition, it is necessary to contact the clinic to find out the true causes of uncomfortable symptoms that may not be associated with colds.
The Hexaspray drug does not affect the nervous system and sensory organs, so it can be used by patients who, by occupation, are in contact with complex mechanisms and drive vehicles.
Adverse reactions and overdose
Among the adverse reactions to the Hexaspray drug, the instructions for use mention local reactions in the form of hyperemia of the mucous membranes and possible breathing difficulties. As a rule, after reducing the dosage, such phenomena disappear. However, if you experience any symptoms atypical for a cold that were absent before starting treatment with the drug, you must report them to your doctor.
Due to the special structure of the Hexaspray solution, it does not cause an overdose even when the recommended doses are exceeded. The fact is that the systemic effect on the body of its constituent components is initially very low. Considering that substances penetrate the tissues very slowly, the risk of overdose is practically reduced to zero.

Compatibility with other drugs
Simultaneous use of "Gexaspray" with systemic drugs does not entail undesirable consequences for the body. Topical medications, on the other hand, significantly reduce the effectiveness of the spray. Based on this, drug manufacturers do not recommend using various sprays and tablets (lozenges or dragees) for resorption with it, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Terms of storage and dispensing from pharmacies
Drug "Hexaspray" when buying does not require a special prescription, as it does not apply to potent drugs. It must be stored in a dark and cool room. Temperature inroom should not exceed 22 degrees. Otherwise, the components of the solution may react with each other, due to which the medicine will lose its beneficial properties. In rare cases, gross non-compliance with the storage standards of medicines leads to the formation of dangerous compounds for humans.

Particular attention should be paid to the illumination, since direct sunlight on the bottle with the Hexaspray solution can cause an increase in pressure in it and provoke a rupture of the walls of the bottle. The same rule can be attributed to the spent medicine, or rather to its packaging. After the expiration date of the product, it is disposed of as household waste. It is important not to throw the aluminum vial into a fire, as it may explode and ignite in conditions of a sharp increase in temperature.
Reviews about the drug "Gexaspray"
The Hexaspray drug, reviews of which in most cases are positive, differs from analogues in a lower cost. It is this indicator that consumers call decisive when choosing drugs from this group. In addition, the drug, according to the testimony of patients and their doctors, has an effect no worse than expensive advertised drugs and practically does not give side effects. It can be easily used in children, as anise oil gives the solution a pleasant aroma and taste.