This article is not a guide to the use of the therapeutic drug "Neo-Penotran Forte". These are small excerpts from the annotation on the use of this medication, patient reviews, opinions and advice from doctors. Also here is information about some analogues of "Neo-Penotran Forte". Before you start using this drug, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication is not allowed!

"Neo-Penotran Forte" - what is it?
This drug is a combination medicine widely used in gynecology for the prevention and treatment of various female diseases. The drug "Neo-Penotran Forte", the instructions for use of which only confirms this fact, has the following medicinal properties:
- Antibacterial.
- Antifungal.
- Antiparasitic.
Description of actionsdrug
Contributes to the destruction and minimization of a variety of microbes in the female body such a drug as Neo-Penotran Forte. Analogues of this drug also have an antimicrobial effect. The positive effects on the human body of this medication are due to the therapeutically effective properties of its constituent components:
- Miconazole is a derivative of imidazole. This substance disrupts the development of fungi, thereby serving as an obstacle to their reproduction.
- Metronidazole - has antiparasitic and antibacterial therapeutic action.
- Lidocaine is a kind of anesthesia. It gives an analgesic effect, and also helps to reduce itching, burning and irritation.

Metronidazole works very effectively against the following microorganisms:
- Streptococcus.
- Gardirellam.
- Trichinella.
- Fungi of the genus Candida.
Form of release and composition of the medicinal product
An antimicrobial medication is a flat-shaped vaginal suppositories (candles). This drug is sold in packs of 7 pieces each. To date, Neo-Penotran Forte candles are produced in several compositions, these are:
- "Neo-Penotran" - 100 mg of mikanazole nitrate and 500 mg of metronidazole.
- Suppositories - 200 mg micanazole nitrate and 750 mg metronidazole.
- Vaginal suppositories "Neo-Penotran Forte-L" - 200 mg mikanazole nitrate, 750 mg metronidazole, 100 mglidocaine.

Indications for use
This drug is prescribed only for women, it is not intended for the male population. "Neo-Penotran Forte", an analogue of the drug, that is, a substitute with similar therapeutic actions, is prescribed for the following diseases:
- Vaginal candidiasis.
- Trichomonas vaginitis.
- Mixed vaginitis.
- Vaginitis of bacterial properties.
- Vulvovaginitis of fungal origin.
According to the advice of doctors, this drug is used during the week before and after surgery. According to clinical trials, Neo-Penotran reduces the risk of complications after surgical interventions by almost half.

Side effects
"Neo-Penotran Forte" is a medicine, which means, like any medicine, it can negatively affect the human body as a whole. Candles "Neo-Penotran Forte" may contribute to the following symptoms:
- Allergies: itching, hives, rashes, swelling, redness of the face and even anaphylactic shock.
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dry or metallic taste in the mouth, stomatitis, taste bud disturbance, constipation, abdominal pain.
- Vaginal discomfort: itching, burning, redness, irritation. In case of severe irritation, stop treatment with this drug.
- Disorders of the nervous system such as fastfatigue, dizziness and weakness, convulsions, irascibility and mood changes, false sensations, headache.
- Irregularity in blood readings, such as a decrease in the number of white blood cells.
After the end of the therapeutic course, all of the above symptoms disappear by themselves. Some side effects are theoretically possible due to the slight absorption of lidocaine when using a suppository.

Contraindications to the use of "Neo-Penotran Forte"
During pregnancy during the first 3 months of bearing a child, therapy with these candles is strictly prohibited. In the second and third trimester, the use of the drug is possible only under strict instructions. That is, if the expected benefit of treatment for the mother outweighs the potential danger to the unborn child.
During lactation, if the mother is being treated with such a therapeutic agent as Neo-Penotran Forte, doctors' reviews and advice is to stop breastfeeding the baby. This must be done because the medicine can pass into breast milk, and this is fraught with consequences for the he alth of the baby.
In addition, the antifungal drug is contraindicated for the following symptoms:
- Hypersensitivity to the drug and its components.
- Heart disease: heart failure, hypotension, heart block, etc.
- Epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system.
- Severe liver dysfunction.
- Porfiria.
"Neo-Penotran Forte", analoguesthis medicine is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age.

In case of accidental ingestion of an antibacterial drug into the body, patients are washed with a stomach and prescribed symptomatic treatment. According to the observations of specialist doctors, with an excessive amount of the drug "Neo-Penotran Forte" (candles) in the human body, patient reviews confirm this information in every possible way, the following manifestations may occur:
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Itching.
- Convulsions.
- Black urine.
- Hypotension.
- Ataxia, that is, unsteadiness when walking.
- Collapse and others
Instructions for use and doses
The duration of the course of treatment with this drug is determined depending on the disease, complication and effectiveness of therapy. Using candles "Neo-Penotran Forte" (instructions for use must be strictly observed), it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme and dosage, which are as follows:
- Suppositories are applied intravaginally 2 times a day: in the morning and at night before going to bed for 7 days.
- In advanced conditions, treatment increases up to 2 weeks.
For therapeutic measures against thrush, the drug is prescribed twice a day, 1 suppository intravaginally for a week. If the manifestation of thrush still does not disappear in 7 days, then treatment can be extended up to 14 days. Longer therapy may provoke symptoms of overdose, which are describedabove. The suppository must be inserted deep into the vagina while lying down with the help of disposable fingertips, which are included in the package. According to patients, it is very hygienic, painless and comfortable. In addition, it is very easy to open an individually wrapped candle: no need for scissors.
When prescribing antifungal suppositories to patients older than 65 years of age, no change in the dosing regimen is required.
Special Instructions
There are some special rules when using Neo-Penotran Forte, patient reviews and medical recommendations agree. Special instructions for using the medicine:
- It is highly discouraged to take alcoholic beverages simultaneously with the course of treatment with this drug. Alcohol can be consumed without damage to he alth in acceptable norms naturally only after 24-48 hours after the end of the course of therapy.
- Neo-Penotran Forte-L must not be taken orally. The analogue of the drug is used only intravaginally.
- There are some restrictions, as well as the inability to use an antimicrobial agent with other drugs. A list of possible therapeutic agents with which Neo-Penotran Forte may interact negatively is indicated in the instructions for use.
- Be careful when using suppositories at the same time as contraceptive items such as vaginal diaphragms or condoms. There is a risk that the candle may damage the rubber product.
- A patient with Trichomonas vaginitis needstreat simultaneously with their sexual partners.
- Possibly, the active substances of the antimicrobial drug affect the level of glycemia in the determination of glucose, as well as the activity of liver enzymes in the blood.
- It is important to know that "Neo-Penotran Forte", analogues of this drug, does not affect the ability to drive cars and other mechanisms and assemblies.
Many patients wonder if it is possible not to interrupt treatment during menstruation. Menstruation, according to the instructions for use, is not among the contraindications. Numerous reviews and advice from doctors indicate that it is undesirable to interrupt therapy. During the period of menstruation, it will be necessary to use not hygienic tampons, but pads. For the future - if it is possible to use this drug after the onset of critical days, then this should be done.

Analogues "Neo-Penotran Forte"
Exact substitutes for the above medicine do not exist today. "Klion-D 100" is almost identical in chemical composition to such a medicine as the candles "Neo-Penotran Forte". The analogue contains the same active substances, that is, metronidazole and miconazole nitrate. The only difference is that the active ingredients in this preparation are in a different amount.
Other substitutes with similar medicinal properties are also produced, these are:
- Metromicon Neo.
- Metrogil.
- Laktonorm and others
Storage conditions and termexpiry date
The drug can be used for 3 years from the date of manufacture. It is clear that the opened package cannot be stored for such a long time. Candles "Neo-Penotran Forte", including analogues of the drug, are dispensed by prescription. It is necessary to store this product:
- Out of the reach of children.
- In a dark place.
- At room temperature. It is not recommended to store this drug in the refrigerator.
Information about the drug "Neo-Penotran Forte" is presented in this article for informational purposes only. This article is not a self-treatment guide. It is necessary to consult a specialist doctor before using this drug. It is also advisable for the patient to read the instructions for use of "Neo-Penotran Forte", approved by the manufacturer.