Health 2024, October

How to treat thrombophlebitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

How to treat thrombophlebitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Thrombophlebitis is a serious disease manifested by inflammation of the vein wall and the subsequent formation of a blood clot that closes its lumen. Its development provokes a whole range of reasons. And about why it appears and whether it is possible to cure it, now we will talk

Stress in men: symptoms, causes and consequences

Stress in men: symptoms, causes and consequences

During the evolutionary process, living organisms have developed special methods to cope with overvoltage. Humans also have such mechanisms. Psychological overload becomes a problem when the individual is not able to resist them. The article will focus on stress in men, symptoms, causes, methods of dealing with this condition

How to treat panaritium on the finger: the most effective methods of treatment

How to treat panaritium on the finger: the most effective methods of treatment

What is panaritium? Causes of the disease, risk factors. Disease development. Classification of panaritium forms. Disease stages. characteristic symptoms. Panaritium treatment: home, medication, auxiliary, surgical

Growth in the mouth: photo, reasons, how to remove?

Growth in the mouth: photo, reasons, how to remove?

A growth in the mouth on the cheek? Don't panic right away! It is possible that the papilloma virus, which is in the body of every person, became the cause of the formation of the wart. However, this does not mean that such a disease does not need to be treated. If you do not pay enough attention to the build-up in time, then in the future it will cause a lot of discomfort. So we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main methods of treating warts, as well as ways to prevent them

Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis

Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis

Why do you feel strong heartbeats? non-pathological causes. What to do in this case? What symptoms are dangerous? When the cause is a disease: endocrine, cardiovascular, mental disorder. Strong heart beats during pregnancy, unstable blood pressure. Diagnosis, first aid, treatment, folk remedies, prevention

Bitterness on the lips: a sign of what disease, diagnosis and treatment

Bitterness on the lips: a sign of what disease, diagnosis and treatment

The appearance of a feeling of bitterness on the lips in the morning can be associated with a serious illness. Another reason is failures in the body. Bitterness on the lips can occur regularly or periodically and last for a long time. Do not ignore this symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor

Glandular cheilitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Glandular cheilitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Glandular cheilitis is a dental disease. It is commonly understood as congenital or acquired pathologies of the structure of the salivary glands. As a result of the ongoing changes, the secret is produced in excess quantities. Abnormal process, as a rule, extends only to the lower lip

The release of bile into the oral cavity: causes and methods of treatment

The release of bile into the oral cavity: causes and methods of treatment

How does bile flow in the body? What is reflux? Pathological and non-pathological type of reflux. Dangerous and non-dangerous causes of the release of bile into the stomach, esophagus and oral cavity. Condition symptoms. Diagnosis, directions of treatment, medications, advice from gastroenterologists

Respiratory tract burn: signs, degrees, first aid and further treatment

Respiratory tract burn: signs, degrees, first aid and further treatment

Inhalation of toxic chemicals, hot vapors of liquids and gases cause injury to the mucosa and lead to burns of the respiratory tract. As a rule, such injuries are difficult to proceed and are treated, and the organs must constantly perform vital functions. Often, serious complications develop, leading to disability, and sometimes death

Proteus Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

Proteus Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

Today, Proteus syndrome is considered a very rare genetic disease, which is accompanied by unnatural growth of bones, muscle and connective tissues. Unfortunately, the diagnosis and treatment of such a disease is a very difficult and not always possible process

Third degree burn: signs, first aid, treatment time

Third degree burn: signs, first aid, treatment time

A third-degree burn is a serious thermal or chemical injury to the skin. People with such an injury need urgent hospitalization. How to provide first aid to the victim, and what to do is strictly prohibited. Signs and duration of therapy

Viral cystitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Viral cystitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

One of the most common diseases of the urinary tract is viral cystitis. It occurs due to the rather poor functioning of the human immune system due to the presence of all kinds of infections in the body

Acute urinary retention: first, emergency care, causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute urinary retention: first, emergency care, causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute urinary retention is a relatively common complication that is characteristic of various diseases. Therefore, many people are interested in questions about the features and main causes of this condition

Burning when urinating: causes and treatment

Burning when urinating: causes and treatment

Discomfort when emptying the bladder is a common symptom in both men and women. This feeling manifests itself in completely different ways. In some cases, it occurs at the beginning or at the end, and in others after the completion of the urination process. All these signs may indicate serious problems associated with diseases of the urinary system

Pediculosis: symptoms of lice, treatment

Pediculosis: symptoms of lice, treatment

Lice are different - head and pubic. In both cases, these are small parasites that feed on human blood, cause itching in the place where they live, and also constantly multiply. What are the symptoms of lice, and how to get rid of them - let's talk in our article

Rett syndrome in children: causes, symptoms, signs, treatment. What is characteristic of Rett syndrome?

Rett syndrome in children: causes, symptoms, signs, treatment. What is characteristic of Rett syndrome?

Rett syndrome is a type of progressive degenerative disease characterized by damage to the central nervous system. This is a rare genetically determined pathology that develops mainly in girls at an early age

Rashes on the lips: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Rashes on the lips: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

In the modern world, rashes on the lips often appear, which can occur due to the influence of various internal and external provoking factors. When the first signs of pathology appear, the patient needs to seek medical help, where a correct diagnosis will be made and competent treatment determined

Herpetic eruptions on the skin: types, diagnosis and treatment

Herpetic eruptions on the skin: types, diagnosis and treatment

Herpetic eruptions are a whole group of infections with a high prevalence, transmitted from person to person. Herpes belongs to the Herpesviridae family of viruses. Penetrating into the human body, it remains there forever, and manifests itself during periods of a decrease in the protective function of the immune system. The virus is divided into several types, each of which is characterized by a different rash. Read more about the infection, its symptoms and treatment in this article

Rotavirus infection in a child: how long is the incubation period and treatment features

Rotavirus infection in a child: how long is the incubation period and treatment features

Parents definitely need to know how long a rotavirus infection lasts in a child, how exactly it proceeds, and also what features of therapy. All this will help to avoid dangerous complications and quickly normalize the well-being of the baby

What types of rashes does a child have? Description and photo

What types of rashes does a child have? Description and photo

The presence of different types of rashes in children is not always a benign manifestation of poor hygiene or poor dietary habits. It is considered a symptom of more than 100 ailments, many of which are extremely dangerous for both the child and his environment

Infectious diseases: the causative agent of diphtheria

Infectious diseases: the causative agent of diphtheria

The causative agent of diphtheria, better known in medicine as Corynebacterium diphtheriae, was discovered and then successfully isolated on nutrient media in pure culture 100 years ago. At the same time, after several years of active study, its role in the onset and pathological development of an infectious disease was established. This became possible only after obtaining a specific toxin that the bacterium produces

What do patients with interstitial cystitis complain about? Causes and treatment of the disease

What do patients with interstitial cystitis complain about? Causes and treatment of the disease

Inflammatory diseases of the bladder are quite common in modern medical practice, and most of them are easy to diagnose and treat. But with interstitial cystitis, things are different: to this day, the causes of its occurrence have not been fully studied. As for therapy, its scheme is drawn up individually in each case

Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies - features and effectiveness

Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies - features and effectiveness

Varicose veins are an extremely unpleasant, but completely treatable disease. Many effective safe solutions are known, the use of which contributes to the implementation of therapy without the need to purchase expensive drugs. What factors provoke the formation of pathology? How is varicose veins of the lower extremities treated at home? You can get answers to these questions by reading our publication

Why does the nose bleed: causes and consequences

Why does the nose bleed: causes and consequences

Among all patients who visit ENT doctors, about 10% complain of the occurrence of spontaneous sudden bleeding from the nose, and most of them are hospitalized due to emergency indications, most often in cases after injury

Severe consequences of myocardial infarction

Severe consequences of myocardial infarction

To better understand why the consequences of myocardial infarction are so serious, let's figure out what this serious disease is, which is getting younger and taking more lives every year. What triggers dangerous symptoms?

Nervous eye tic: causes and treatment

Nervous eye tic: causes and treatment

Arbitrary twitches of various muscles can appear at any age. This phenomenon is called a nervous tic of the eye. It is characterized by involuntary contractions of the facial muscles. Muscle twitches are not controlled by a person, are obsessive and become noticeable to others

Heart neurosis (cardioneurosis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Heart neurosis (cardioneurosis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Patients who call themselves "cores" and have symptoms of such a neurosis constitute a rather impressive category. Heart neurosis is one of the disorders of the nervous system. Such patients very often call an ambulance and visit doctors, undergoing various examinations

"Broken Heart Syndrome" or Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms and Treatment

"Broken Heart Syndrome" or Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms and Treatment

"Broken heart syndrome" is a pathological reaction of the body that occurs in response to an emotional shock. Unlike ordinary stress, it often causes organic damage to the tissues of the heart muscle, which requires treatment

Kidney infarction: causes, symptoms and treatment

Kidney infarction: causes, symptoms and treatment

Kidney infarction, like any other disease, overtakes a person suddenly. A man or woman may not even suspect that a blood clot has matured in a vein on the leg, which will soon come off and enter the renal artery. This will cause acute circulatory disorders and necrosis of the parenchyma area

Heart arrhythmia: treatment, causes and symptoms of the disease

Heart arrhythmia: treatment, causes and symptoms of the disease

Arrhythmia is a violation of the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions. Because of this, diseases and various disorders in the autonomic, endocrine, electrolyte and other structures of the body can develop. Often there are metabolic disorders that are caused by cardiac arrhythmia

Methods for diagnosing cervical osteochondrosis

Methods for diagnosing cervical osteochondrosis

One of the most vulnerable parts of the spine is the cervical region. The reason for this phenomenon is a weak muscular corset and the proximity of the vertebrae. Therefore, this zone is most susceptible to various deformations and injuries, as a result of which the blood supply to the brain is disrupted and motor activity is reduced. Preliminary diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is the study and analysis of clinical manifestations of pathology

Dislocation of the hip joint in adults: symptoms and treatment

Dislocation of the hip joint in adults: symptoms and treatment

The structure of the hip joint allows it to move freely. At the moment when the displacement of the acetabulum of the head of the joint occurs, an injury is formed. Dislocation of the hip joint in adults most often occurs due to the influence of great force and impact. But the symptoms of pathology and methods of treatment are described below

Glomerulonephritis: pathogenesis, features of manifestation and treatment

Glomerulonephritis: pathogenesis, features of manifestation and treatment

Human he alth is very fragile, and quite often some ailments become the causes of other more serious and complex diseases. One of these diseases is glomerulonephritis - kidney damage, which is caused by simple infectious pathologies, often causing kidney failure, and later disability

Rehabilitation for bronchial asthma: the main stages of rehabilitation, disease prevention

Rehabilitation for bronchial asthma: the main stages of rehabilitation, disease prevention

Household and physical rehabilitation for bronchial asthma consists of basic measures aimed at reducing inflammation in the bronchi and reducing their reactivity. It consists of several stages that can reduce the duration of periods of suffocation and their number. Correct behavior helps to restore the functions of the respiratory system and return the patient to a good condition

Treatment of pink lichen in humans - drugs, diet and recommendations

Treatment of pink lichen in humans - drugs, diet and recommendations

Pityriasis rosea (Gibera) is an allergic and infectious skin disease that looks like flaky roseola. Viruses and bacteria are introduced into the human body, which cause this reaction. The main cause of the disease is a decrease in the protective properties of the human body, its immunity

Arthroscopy of the knee joint: indications, features of the operation, postoperative period, consequences

Arthroscopy of the knee joint: indications, features of the operation, postoperative period, consequences

Arthroscopy of the knee joint is one of the methods of treatment and diagnosis, often used in all world clinics. Using this method, it is possible to provide assistance to patients with joint problems with high quality and with minimal trauma

Dry cough in children without fever: possible causes and treatment features

Dry cough in children without fever: possible causes and treatment features

Dry cough in a child without fever has a non-infectious and infectious nature. Parents definitely need to know the fundamental reason for its appearance in order to help their child. Therefore, the child must certainly be shown to a qualified doctor

Polyarthritis: symptoms, treatment, photos

Polyarthritis: symptoms, treatment, photos

Arthritis is an inflammation of a single joint, and if we are talking about the defeat of several, then there is such a disease as polyarthritis. Its symptoms are different and are characterized solely by the severity of their own manifestations, arising under the influence of various factors, so each of the patients notes a different course of the disease

Sinoauricular blockade: causes, treatment and prevention

Sinoauricular blockade: causes, treatment and prevention

Sinoauricular or sinoarterial blockade is a type of intracardiac conduction disorder. This condition is characterized by a slow speed or complete cessation of the cardiac impulse to the atria from the sinus node. There are interruptions or fading of the heart, general weakness, short-term dizziness

How and how to cure a runny nose at home

How and how to cure a runny nose at home

A runny nose can be of varying intensity, mixed with blood, with clots, or, on the contrary, watery. It depends on the disease that provoked it; SARS, other viruses, allergic reactions or chronic sinusitis. How to cure a runny nose at home for an adult is described in detail in this article