One of the common diseases of the urinary tract is cystitis. It occurs due to the poor functioning of the immune system due to the presence of infections in the body.

Viral cystitis is a problem associated with dysfunction of the urinary tract. The disease is manifested by inflammation of the bladder and its mucous membranes. It also breaks its functionality. The problem can be infectious or non-infectious. There are two types of phases: acute and chronic. The course of the disease can have both primary and secondary factors.
In order to choose the right treatment for viral cystitis, you need to conduct a complete diagnosis. Depending on the symptoms present, the patient will be prescribed certain drugs.
The patient may become inflamed either the entire bladder or a separate part of it. The form can be chronic or acute. They differ from each other not only in the method of treatment, but also in the main symptoms. For example, if the phase is acute, then the patient has sharp pains, problems with urination appear, and the temperature also rises. Induring chronic pathology, all symptoms grow slowly and do not bring much discomfort.
The causes of viral cystitis are the infection of individual strains of virions. The symptoms of this disease do not differ much from the manifestations of other types of pathology, however, general therapy has some features.
The inflammatory process can develop in representatives of any gender and age. A similar problem occurs to a greater extent in women, since the urethra is short and is located next to the anus. Most often, cystitis is diagnosed between the ages of 18 and 30 years. In children, such a pathology is detected due to problems with the immune system.
When diagnosing viral cystitis, it is imperative to identify which pathogen caused the problem. Most often, those viruses that are provocateurs are in the body in a latent and inactive form. Some types of pathogens are able to live peacefully in the body without causing any complications. Aggression on their part is manifested only in the case of the formation of inflammation and a decrease in the functions of the immune system. The reason for their activity can be infections, pathologies of the endocrine system during menopause, problems with hormones, problems with the thyroid gland.
Viral cystitis can cause diseases that have entered the genitourinary system through the bloodstream and provoked inflammation. Sometimes it occurs due to respiratory infections. The cystitis of the described problem can be provoked by an attack of a herpesvirus, a monocytic infection, strainspolyomaviruses.

Hemorrhagic type lesion
If the patient has pink urine, then he has inflammation of the hemorrhagic type. With this pathology, the tissue structures of the genitourinary system begin to be affected, the vessels are destroyed. The blood supply starts to break down.
If the bleeding is persistent and severe, the ureter may become blocked. Because of this, urine will be difficult to come out, and the bubble will begin to stretch. If the blood loss is abundant, then in 95% of cases the patient begins to develop anemia. This is a pathology in which the number of red blood cells decreases.
Most often this form of viral cystitis occurs in elderly patients. Symptoms include fever, feeling cold and feeling unwell.
Pathology quickly turns from an acute form into a chronic one, and often recurs. In women, treatment should not be postponed for a long time, because with constant manifestations, the muscle tissue of the bladder begins to break down.
In the absence of therapy, complications will appear in the form of nephritis or pyelonephritis. The excretory system can also be severely affected.
Herpetic disease
The herpes virus infects bladder tissues as soon as the immune system fails. Most often, infection occurs through contact with an infected person. When the virus enters the body, it begins to settle on the nerve roots. Over time, as soon as the defense mechanisms weaken, inflammation sets in.
This infection is difficult to recognize when diagnosing a viralcystitis. This is due to the fact that its manifestations are similar to ordinary inflammation. If therapy is untimely or incorrect, then scars and ulcers will occur. Because of this, the patient will experience pain when urinating, a constant desire to void, especially at night, as well as skin rashes.
The main symptoms of viral cystitis of this form: increased temperature (up to 38 ˚С), unpleasant smell of urine, pain in the lower back and pelvis, decreased urine output, constant desire to go to the toilet, feeling that the bladder has emptied not completely, pain during sex.
These manifestations are inherent in many types of cystitis, so it will be difficult to immediately identify the disease. In order to determine the diagnosis, an extensive diagnosis should be carried out and the right methods of treatment should be selected.

Diagnostic Methods
When diagnosing a problem, it is necessary to do a blood and urine test to determine the presence of viral-type antibodies. Be sure to collect tank-sowing. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed, as well as some urological examinations, if there is evidence for this.
Through such measures, one can understand the cause of the disease, and it will also determine whether there are tumor growths that can cause similar symptoms.
Treatment methods
Treatment of viral cystitis has its own difficulties. They are associated with the fact that it is quite difficult to get rid of the pathogen in the blood and tissues of the genitourinary system. As a rule, herpes virions remain inbody for life. That is why therapy will be aimed only at reducing its activity. How and with what the problem should be treated, the doctor will determine after the results of the diagnosis.
The basis of therapy are antiviral drugs. Treatment of viral cystitis in women and men without the use of these funds is impossible. In some situations, additional antibiotics are prescribed. During treatment, it is imperative to achieve relief of the infection itself, strengthen the immune system and activate the process of phagocytosis.

Used medicines
In order to fight viruses, drugs such as Foscarnet, Cidofovir and so on are prescribed. What course and dosage will be prescribed depends entirely on the severity of the disease. If the patient has a hematological syndrome, then those means are necessarily prescribed that will help saturate the body with iron. Often prescribed "Durules", "Ferrum-Lek". In order to reduce blood loss, they use Askorutin, Etamzilat and other means.
Gelon is used to restore bladder tissues. This is a powder immunomodulator. The result is noticeable after several applications. The remedy is used twice a day for no more than a week. To make the virus less active, special tools are used. We are talking about those created on the basis of animal interferons, for example, "Viferon". How exactly to use the drug depends on the results of diagnostic measures. A good result is noticeable after use onfor two weeks.
If there is severe pain, the doctor may prescribe pain medication. Well help "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol". Often, anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are used additionally. The set of prescribed remedies depends entirely on which virus caused the disease.

At the moment, Monural is considered to be very effective. With cystitis, it is imperative to read the instructions for use in order to prevent the development of side effects.
If the doctor prescribed the drug in the form of tablets, then each should be washed down with plenty of water. When taking the powder form, you need to dissolve the sachet in warm water (no more than half a glass). It is necessary to use an antibiotic before going to bed, after emptying the bladder. The dosage does not depend on the gender of the patient. For children, the average dosage should be reduced, for the elderly - increased. For them, the doctor individually must calculate the dose.
The drug remains active in the body for about three days, so most often the relief of the condition occurs after the first dose of "Monural" with cystitis. A lot of useful information is written about this in the instructions for use.
Contraindications are minimal. The drug should not be given to patients with acute or chronic renal failure, patients who have intolerance to individual components, and children under six years of age. Most of the side effects are manifested in the form of problems with the intestines and vagina.

"Furagin" is an excellent tool that brings good results in the treatment of cystitis. Due to the fact that the drug is not an antibiotic, the intestinal microflora remains in a normal state. The drug has a disinfecting and antimicrobial effect.
Many patients are interested in how to drink "Furagin" with cystitis. The maximum course duration is a week. The first two days you need to drink two tablets four times a day, on the third day - skip one dose. The remaining days of the course you need to take two doses in the morning and evening.
Repeated therapy with the drug is carried out if the disease is in a chronic form. When taking the remedy, you should not drink alcohol, eat smoked meats, spicy, sour foods, marinades, spices and pickles should also be excluded. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

The disease is difficult to treat, because viruses are almost impossible to eliminate. However, if you start treatment immediately after the first manifestations, you can achieve minimal complications and long-term remission. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor in time.