How is nut tincture prepared at home? Unfortunately, few people know the answer to this question. Therefore, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

Basic information
Nut tincture can be made from different types of nuts. But most often, pine nuts or walnuts are used for medicinal purposes. This is due to the fact that such raw materials have a unique composition. It contains a lot of useful acids, minerals and vitamins.
Properties of green walnut (walnut)
To make the nut tincture as useful as possible, only green nuts of milk ripeness are used for its preparation. The bark of such fruits is still young, and the inner partitions are light and soft. It is in this form that nuts are most useful, since they contain a record amount of vitamin C. It should be noted that during subsequent ripening, the volume of this antioxidant decreases rapidly.
Yuglon is another unique ingredient in this product. It is a natural antibiotic. Thanks to him, the nut tincture has a powerful antiparasitic, bactericidal and antifungal effect.
It should also be noted that walnutshave a huge calorie content. This is very important for those who need to maintain their optimal body weight. The fats contained in such fruits are polyunsaturated. They take part in all metabolic processes, have a positive effect on the immune system and the state of the internal organs of a person.
Walnut tincture on vodka will also be useful for those who lack natural iodine. This is because the product in question is the source of that element. It is able to improve the condition of the thyroid gland, as well as significantly reduce the risk of developing pathologies associated with iodine deficiency.

All of the listed elements are not the only valuable components of this natural medicine. Green walnut is also rich in vitamins such as A, K, E, PP and group B. In addition, it contains unique trace elements (Ca, K, Mg, Zn, Fe), which significantly improve a person's condition.
Properties of pine nuts
The use of nut tincture made from pine nuts is very popular in Siberia. However, absolutely anyone can cook it.
Thanks to the proteins, fats and other substances contained in such fruits, their healing and nutritional properties are very high.
Among the amino acids in pine nuts, arginine predominates, which is essential for a growing body. That is why such a product is very often recommended for pregnant women, adolescents and children.
Tocopherols contained in cedar fruits prevent atherosclerosis, and the complexB vitamins have a beneficial effect on the development of the human body, improves blood composition and normalizes the state of the National Assembly.
The digestibility of the product in question is very high. However, nuts should not be stored for too long. Therefore, most people make a tincture of them. When used correctly, this healing agent is able to satisfy the daily human need for such trace elements:

- Zinc (quickly heals wounds and restores tissues, promotes skeletal growth and muscle contraction, as well as the normal functioning of the prostate gland).
- Manganese (helps with the absorption of glucose, necessary for cartilage and hormones, takes part in reproduction and fat metabolism).
- Potassium (normalizes heart contractions, regulates water balance).
- Copper (involved in the brain, necessary for the production of red blood cells).
- Molybdenum (prevents anemia, participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism).
- Silicon (contributes to the elasticity of connective tissues).
- Magnesium (the most important component of soft tissues, necessary for the formation of bone structure).
- Vanadium (prevents the formation of cholesterol, participates in the formation of bones and teeth).
- Calcium (necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the main component of bones and teeth, affects blood clotting and heart activity).
- Phosphorus (required for quick release of energy, involved in the preservation and formation of teeth and bones).
- Nickel (required for proper blood formation).
- Tin (its lack slows growth).
- Boron (increases exercise capacity and mental acuity).
- Iron (an important component of hemoglobin and protein).
Choosing raw materials
Now you know which raw materials make homemade tincture the most useful.

In order to prepare an effective remedy, the raw materials for it must be collected in time, so as not to miss the moment of the “milkyness” of the green nut. Such a fruit should have a soft peel that can be easily pierced with any sharp object. It is also characterized by a jelly-like core in the context.
How to make walnut tincture at home?
The easiest green walnut vodka tincture recipe takes about 2 weeks to prepare. To do this, you will need to collect about 30-40 fruits. To minimize the loss of nutrients, it is essential to grind them immediately after harvesting.
The finished mass must be poured into a dark bottle, then pour it with 1 liter of ordinary vodka and place in a dark place for 14 days.
How to take?
As soon as the walnut tincture on vodka reaches the desired state, it will acquire a special aroma and a dark, rich color. It can be taken 1 large spoon three times a day, after meals.
According to consumer reviews, this healing drug is good for heart pain, hypertension and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Make alcohol tincture
Nutalcohol tincture is prepared in a similar way. To do this, about 30–40 chopped green nuts should be poured with 70% alcohol, and then insisted in a dark place for 2 days.
Ready medicinal drink must be filtered and diluted with ordinary water in a ratio of 1:1. If desired, you can add about 25 g of honey to it. Experts say that such a bee product goes well with green nuts.

Use the finished product should be 1 dessert spoon three times a day, before meals.
How long can you take a healing drink like walnut tincture? Treatment with any kind of tincture should not last more than one month. If necessary, you can continue the course of therapy only after consulting with your doctor.
The use of folk medicine according to Lebedev
Nut tincture according to Lebedev is taken in a special way. This method of administration was invented for the purpose of complex treatment of cancer. In addition to oncology, it can also be used in the treatment of other diseases.
So how to take nut tincture according to Lebedev? To do this, follow the following rules:
- In the morning, 20-30 minutes before breakfast, you should drink 1 large spoon of tincture, which must be diluted in advance with 50 ml of pure water.
- Three times a day you need to consume 5 ml of pumpkin seed oil. This should be done ¼ hour before a meal.
- Three times a day, 20 minutes after eating, you need to eat ground cloves. In the first days of treatment, this dose should notbe larger than one pea. After that, the amount of product can be doubled.
- Every day after the last meal, you should drink a water decoction made from wormwood. To do this, dry grass must be mixed in 10 ml of water, and then put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. After taking the decoction, it is advisable to eat one spoonful of honey.

This method of taking tinctures and other remedies helps to fight not only oncology, but also well eliminates worms and other parasites.
Preparing cedar tincture
As mentioned above, the remedy in question can be prepared not only from walnuts, but also using cedar fruits. Such a folk remedy is no less useful. How is nut tincture prepared on moonshine using cedar fruits?
The taste and color of this drink is quite reminiscent of cognac. To prepare it at home, we need about 40 g of inshell nuts, as well as 2-3 g of orange peel and 1-2 g of vanilla.
If you decide to get the zest yourself, we recommend that you cut off only the top layer of the fruit, without capturing its white flesh, as it gives a strong bitterness. The extracted peel should be dried for a couple of days in the sun, and then crushed.
Also, the recipe for pine nut tincture recommends using a few blackcurrant leaves. They will help get rid of the harsh taste and aroma of alcohol and make the drink much softer.
If you decide to insist a drink on moonshine,it is better to use moonshine double distillation.
Thus, after preparing the pine nuts, put them in a deep container, add 1 large spoonful of sugar, all prepared spices and currant leaves. Further, the listed components are required to be poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol, mixed well and left warm for 10-30 days. After the drink is infused, it should be filtered and bottled.

How to take and store?
Take cedar tincture in exactly the same way as any other. It has a very unusual taste. This drink will cheer you up and enrich your body with useful substances.
Ready-made tincture of cedar has a taste of oak decoction and a dark brown color, reminiscent of cognac. You can store it for a very long time.
It is most useful to take such a remedy in autumn and spring, when a person's immunity is especially weakened.
Any alcohol tincture is contraindicated:
- for stomach ulcers;
- hyperthyroidism;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- alcoholism.
In addition, this drink should not be consumed in case of diabetes, overweight, allergic reactions to certain components. If the use of tincture is still necessary, then it should not be prepared with vodka or moonshine, but with the use of honey. But even in this case, you must first consult a doctor.
As you can see, to prepare a nut tincture inat home, no big deal. The main thing is to choose the right raw materials and base (vodka, alcohol, moonshine, honey, sugar, etc.).
It should also be noted that homemade tincture requires a long exposure. The longer the drink is infused, the better and he althier it will turn out.