Health 2024, October

How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies

How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies

Lichen is a dermatological disease, which is characterized by the formation of itchy rashes on the skin. The disease is characterized by a long course with periods of exacerbations. During the development of the pathology, the infected person experiences not only physical discomfort, but also suffers from severe cosmetic defects

Treatment of bedsores at home: features, recommendations and effective ways

Treatment of bedsores at home: features, recommendations and effective ways

Pathological changes in the dermis, which are formed in patients confined to a wheelchair or bed, are called bedsores or ulcers. They can also appear with good care. The reason is a violation of blood flow in areas of the body, the access of oxygen to which is difficult. When treating pressure ulcers at home, you must adhere to certain rules

How to get rid of warts: medicines and folk remedies

How to get rid of warts: medicines and folk remedies

Skin neoplasms, whatever their nature and origin, cause everyday discomfort. When it comes to warts, their possible degeneration into malignant tumors also begins to pose a potential danger. Therefore, the removal of such growths on the skin looks like a prerequisite for people who are worried about their own he alth

Effective treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies - an overview of methods and recommendations

Effective treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies - an overview of methods and recommendations

Sinusitis is the most common complication of rhinitis. In advanced cases, the pathology can threaten the life of the patient. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out the therapy of rhinitis and sinusitis in a timely manner, combining various methods. Good results are obtained by the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies. What methods should be used to get rid of the disease?

Insulin shock and its uses

Insulin shock and its uses

Insulin shock occurs when there is not enough or too much insulin in the body. It manifests itself in impaired consciousness, convulsions, dizziness. Since the 20th century, it has been used as a method of treatment in psychiatry, but in the USA and Europe, the painful procedure was quickly abandoned. In the Russian Federation, it continues to be used

Hypoglycemic shock: causes, symptoms, first aid and treatment

Hypoglycemic shock: causes, symptoms, first aid and treatment

Blood glucose is an important indicator of human he alth. With a sharp decrease in sugar, hypoglycemic shock can occur. Often, patients do not notice the harbingers of this life-threatening condition. During hypoglycemia, a person's well-being is rapidly deteriorating, and the patient falls into a coma. How to prevent this state? And how to provide first aid to the patient?

Aortic aneurysm of the heart - what is it? Aortic aneurysm: causes, symptoms, treatment

Aortic aneurysm of the heart - what is it? Aortic aneurysm: causes, symptoms, treatment

Among all known diseases of the heart and blood vessels, doctors identify a category that poses the greatest danger to human life. It includes myocardial infarction and aortic aneurysm. We will talk about the latter in more detail in the article

Recurrent myocardial infarction: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice from a cardiologist

Recurrent myocardial infarction: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice from a cardiologist

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a very serious disease associated with damage to the heart muscle as a result of blockage of blood vessels by blood clots. The place where the tissue died off is covered with a scar. A new attack occurring within two months of the first is called a recurrent heart attack

Causes of empty saddle syndrome. Diagnostics, treatment

Causes of empty saddle syndrome. Diagnostics, treatment

Known since the middle of the twentieth century, the term "empty Turkish saddle" is used in medicine to characterize the pathologies of the pituitary diaphragm and the consequences of this pathological condition. Most cases of primary empty sella syndrome require no treatment

Fasting with pancreatitis: how to fast properly, nutrition after leaving, tips and tricks

Fasting with pancreatitis: how to fast properly, nutrition after leaving, tips and tricks

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the pancreas that occurs quite often. The acute form of the disease, the deterioration of the condition of an individual with a chronic type of disease, is associated with a sharp, severe discomfort in the peritoneum. The patient requires therapy in a hospital setting. In addition to medications that eliminate discomfort and spasms, a person is prescribed cold lotions, bed rest. Fasting with pancreatitis is a prerequisite for improving the patient's well-being

Otitis: how to treat ear pain?

Otitis: how to treat ear pain?

Often the question arises of how to treat ear pain, which can appear in various cases. Of course, effective treatment is possible only after an examination by a specialist and an accurate determination of the cause of the disease

Catalepsy is Catalepsy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Catalepsy is Catalepsy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Catalepsy is a state when a person is as if in a dream, while his sensitivity to external and internal influences decreases. This phenomenon is quite rare. A person is in a state of immobility for a long time, even in a very uncomfortable position

Why does the elbow muscle hurt: causes, diagnosis

Why does the elbow muscle hurt: causes, diagnosis

Pain in the elbow joint occurs not only with injuries, bruises, but also with various pathologies. What can cause pain? There are many reasons, and only a doctor can find out what exactly led to the pathology. After the diagnosis, he can make one of the diagnoses

Stomach disease after surgery

Stomach disease after surgery

Diseases of the stomach are associated with a disorder of its main functions, leading to a number of painful symptoms - heartburn, taste changes, increased thirst, constipation, loose stools, nausea, belching, vomiting and painful sensations

Hernia of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, diet and treatment

Hernia of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, diet and treatment

The term "hernia of the esophagus" refers to a disease of a chronic nature, characterized by the displacement of some of the internal organs from the abdominal cavity into the chest through the dilated opening of the diaphragm. According to statistics, 22% of the population of the Russian Federation suffer from the disease, while it is most often diagnosed in people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Timely seeking qualified medical help will help to avoid negative consequences and surgical intervention

Why is he pulling his left leg?

Why is he pulling his left leg?

Characteristic pain radiating to the leg is a signal that indicates that the body is struggling with some serious problem. You can let everything take its course, or you can immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason why the left leg is pulling is simple - a lack of vitamins, an unhe althy diet, or an uncomfortable posture during sleep. However, this is no reason to ignore the discomfort

Candida colpitis: causes, clinic, treatment

Candida colpitis: causes, clinic, treatment

The article describes candidal colpitis and its etiology, as well as the main clinical manifestations of this disease and the principles of its treatment

Hemorrhoids: complications, causes, examinations, recovery, prevention and advice from doctors

Hemorrhoids: complications, causes, examinations, recovery, prevention and advice from doctors

Hemorrhoidal disease is a common pathology, which is most often provoked by weakness of the venous walls. Many patients require surgery to remove the nodes and they do not cause complications of hemorrhoids

The most common symptoms of blood clots

The most common symptoms of blood clots

Thrombosis in the veins (thrombophlebitis) is a dangerous and urgent disease, the basis of which is usually varicose veins. In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms and stages of treatment of thrombophlebitis

How to calm the nervous system and how?

How to calm the nervous system and how?

No wonder there is a saying that any ailments are from nerves. Doctors completely agree with her. Therefore, each person should know how to calm the nervous system in order to prevent the development of serious diseases

Mitochondrial syndrome in a child

Mitochondrial syndrome in a child

Mitochondrial diseases, and in particular the mitochondrial syndrome, which can be manifested by lesions of the central nervous system, heart and skeletal muscle pathologies, is today one of the most important sections of neuropediatrics

Cervical osteochondrosis and VVD: symptoms and treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis and VVD: symptoms and treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis and VVD, the symptoms of which are familiar to many, often “harmoniously” complement each other. What causes these diseases, and how to deal with them, we will describe below

Signs of polio in children and adults

Signs of polio in children and adults

Poliomyelitis is an acute viral infection that occurs with a predominant lesion of the gray matter of the brain, which causes the development of paresis and paralysis. Signs of polio can be detected in children under the age of 7, but the risk of contracting it, under certain circumstances, remains in adults

Microcalcifications in the mammary gland - what is it? Causes, diagnosis

Microcalcifications in the mammary gland - what is it? Causes, diagnosis

Modern medicine is making a lot of efforts to prevent or timely detect various pathologies of the mammary glands. But, despite the abundance of information, there are many topics that remain beyond the interests of a wide audience

Pain in the back and abdomen: causes, treatment, symptoms

Pain in the back and abdomen: causes, treatment, symptoms

Unfortunately, pain often invades our daily lives. Of course, you can console yourself with the fact that if something hurts, then you are still alive, but it’s better to try to eliminate it anyway. What causes pain in the back and abdomen, and what should be done to alleviate their condition?

From what the pressure in a person rises - causes and treatment

From what the pressure in a person rises - causes and treatment

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, you no longer surprise anyone with headaches, and the phrase “probably pressure” is becoming commonplace. From what the pressure in a person rises and how to deal with it, we will find out in more detail

Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas - a fatal outcome? Prognosis for pancreatic necrosis

Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas - a fatal outcome? Prognosis for pancreatic necrosis

One of the most serious diseases of the human digestive system is pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas, in which, according to statistics, death occurs in 40-60% of cases

Surgery to remove gallstones. Preparing for a planned operation

Surgery to remove gallstones. Preparing for a planned operation

Cholelithiasis has become today one of the most common occurrences among the pathologies of the abdominal cavity, and surgery to remove stones in the gallbladder is one of the methods of cardinal solution of the problem

Case history: type 2 diabetes mellitus, decompensation stage, subcompensation, severe course, insulin-dependent, insulin-requiring, diabetic polyneuropathy. Forecast

Case history: type 2 diabetes mellitus, decompensation stage, subcompensation, severe course, insulin-dependent, insulin-requiring, diabetic polyneuropathy. Forecast

Probably not many people are happy with their medical history. The type 2 diabetes mellitus listed in it can cause even more discouragement. But is it worth it to give up and despair? What is dangerous this disease, and how to deal with it - we will understand

Anemia of chronic disease: diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines

Anemia of chronic disease: diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines

Anemia of chronic disease (also called anemia of inflammation) is a common type of pathology that develops in patients suffering from one or another infectious, inflammatory or neoplastic disease. A distinctive feature of such anemia is a decrease in serum iron

Pulmonary artery valve: norm and pathology

Pulmonary artery valve: norm and pathology

Often, disorders of the pulmonary valve (pulmonary artery valve) develop against the background of cardiac rheumatism or thrombosis. But in most cases, defects in the right side of the heart develop already against the background of defects in the valvular system of the left ventricle. And even less often, according to statistics, it is a congenital defect

Arsenic poisoning: signs, causes, first aid, consequences

Arsenic poisoning: signs, causes, first aid, consequences

Arsenic poisoning in ancient times was much more common than in the modern world. Today, this is rather a unique case, since even medicines and foodstuffs contain arsenic

Kidneys are Where does a person have kidneys? Kidney disease - symptoms

Kidneys are Where does a person have kidneys? Kidney disease - symptoms

Kidneys are two organs of the human body, each of which consists of a parenchyma (organ tissue) and a strong capsule. They also include a system that accumulates and evacuates urine from the body

Why does mucus flow down the back of the nasopharynx? How to treat it?

Why does mucus flow down the back of the nasopharynx? How to treat it?

Patients often turn to ENT doctors complaining of constant nasal congestion, although there is no mucous discharge accompanying a simple runny nose. After examination and examination, the doctor diagnoses nasopharyngitis, or postnasal drip syndrome - an inflammatory pathology that affects the lymphatic ring, tonsils or nasopharynx

Catarrhal pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Catarrhal pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

What is catarrhal pharyngitis, what are its causes and symptoms of the disease, what are the methods of its treatment with medicines and folk methods, how the disease proceeds in children and the forms of its treatment - the answers to these questions are set out in the article

Removal of tonsils in a child: causes, procedure for the operation, consequences, reviews

Removal of tonsils in a child: causes, procedure for the operation, consequences, reviews

Tonsillitis is a pathological disease that can develop not only in adult patients, but also in children. Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic, and the treatment of such a disease involves the use of surgical or conservative methods. In some cases, it becomes necessary to completely remove the tonsils from the child, since otherwise the body is exposed to negative consequences

Liver disease, how to fight

Liver disease, how to fight

The liver can be called the largest organ of the entire human body. It is entrusted with a large number of functional tasks, without which the body cannot live. The liver removes toxins, secretes a special secretion and bile, synthesizes many biologically active substances, and clearly keeps the energy balance of the entire human body

Acute tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Acute tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the palatine tonsils. It occurs due to the fact that bacteria or viruses enter the lymphoid tissue. At a time when inflammation begins to progress, the focus expands to the entire body. Accordingly, soft tissues are affected

Symptom of infectious mononucleosis in adults and children, treatment

Symptom of infectious mononucleosis in adults and children, treatment

Change in blood composition is the most important symptom of infectious mononucleosis. It is important to identify the disease as early as possible to prevent the development of complications

Kidney adenoma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney adenoma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney adenoma is a benign tumor of the upper layer of the organ. This neoplasm does not belong to oncological ones, it is easily treatable, leaving no metastases. The danger of kidney adenoma can only be in the absence of timely treatment