The use of optical radiation for therapeutic purposes, the source of which is a laser, is called "laser therapy". Indications and contraindications for the use of this technique will be considered in today's article.
General information
In a treatment method such as laser therapy, devices deliver optical radiation in the infrared or red range with a clear directed particle beam. Numerous medical studies conducted in various countries have shown the almost absolute indispensability of laser therapy in the treatment of many diseases.

Laser therapy techniques
In laser therapy, infrared or red optical radiation is used, which is generated in pulsed or continuous modes. The output radiation power can reach 60 mW. Pulse repetition frequency - 10-5000 Hz.
In medical practice, laser radiation affects the lesion and adjacent tissues, segmental-metameric and reflexogenic zones (defocused beam), the projection area of the affected organ,motor nerves, back roots and biologically active points (laser puncture). Laser puncture is carried out by the contact method, in which the emitter is installed on the skin or mucous membranes of the patient. Laser therapy, depending on the technique of irradiation, is stable and labile. With a stable method throughout the procedure, the emitter is fixed in one position. The labile technique implies an arbitrary movement of the emitter over the fields into which the irradiated zone is divided. During one procedure, 3-5 fields are irradiated simultaneously, the total area of which should not exceed 400 cm2. With the labile method, the emitter slowly moves towards the center in a spiral, while capturing he althy skin areas by 3-5 cm along the circumference of the pathological focus.

Healing effects of laser therapy
Doctors who use this method of treatment as laser therapy leave mostly positive reviews. This technique helps:
- correct humoral and cellular immunity;
- increase the body's nonspecific resistance;
- improve the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation;
- regulate the hemostatic potential of the blood;
- have a vasodilating effect;
- normalize the oxygen transport function of the blood and its acid-base state;
- improve proteolytic activity;
- increase the antioxidant activity of the blood;
- stimulate hematopoiesis;
- activate intracellularDNA repair systems in radiation injury;
- improve metabolic processes (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, energy);
- stimulate regenerative processes;
- provide anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, detoxifying effect.

Laser therapy: indications and contraindications for the procedure
Due to the fact that it is possible to adjust the radiation spectrum, intensity, wavelength and precisely control the zone of influence of a quantum light beam, the technique can be used to treat many diseases. The procedure "laser therapy" is prescribed exclusively by a doctor on an individual basis, based on the general condition of the patient and the results of the tests.
For therapeutic purposes, the method of laser therapy is used for:
- specific and nonspecific inflammatory processes of acute or chronic form;
- sepsis;
- inflammatory processes against the background of previous illnesses, operations or injuries;
- various forms of poisoning;
- diseases of the thrombobliterating limbs (atherosclerosis obliterans, endarteritis obliterans of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage of the disease);
- thrombophlebitis and phlembothrombosis of various localization in the acute or chronic stage;
- cerebrovascular insufficiency and chronic ischemic disease;
- diseases of the lymphatic vessels of various origins, including for the treatment of acquired lymphostasis;
- immunodeficiency states of different course andnature, which were provoked by diseases, injuries, operations;
- various autoimmune diseases (bronchial asthma, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis) and various allergic reactions;
- pancreatitis in acute or chronic phase;
- gastroduodenitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
- neurodermatitis, dermatoses, psoriasis;
- burns;
- diabetes;
- slow regeneration of wounds, trophic ulcers.

Prophylactic therapy with this method is carried out in order to prevent:
- complications after surgery;
- complications after trauma to the chest, abdomen or limbs;
- recurrence of psoriasis and neurodemitis;
- infectious complications in people with hemoblastoses;
- recurrence of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
- exacerbation of the condition in patients suffering from bronchial asthma;
- immunosuppressive conditions during cytostatic or radiation therapy.
In order to improve the body, laser therapy is prescribed for:
- decrease in efficiency and loss of strength;
- frequent colds;
- hyperlipidemia;
- past illnesses and after injuries as a means of rehabilitation.
Also, laser therapy is widely used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the skin, eliminate stretch marks, and accelerate healing.wounds, smoothing scars.
This treatment method is absolutely contraindicated for:
- hematopoietic disorders;
- change in blood composition;
- bleeding tendencies;
- poor blood clotting.
Depending on the characteristics of the course and nature of the disease, the doctor may prohibit the use of this method of treatment for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. As a rule, laser therapy is contraindicated in cerebral sclerosis, malfunctions in the blood flow of the brain, and some disorders in the functioning of the respiratory organs.
Renal and liver failure in the stage of decompensation, oncological diseases in most cases act as a contraindication for this technique.
Application of laser therapy in gynecology
Due to the high therapeutic efficacy, laser therapy has recently been increasingly used in gynecology (indications and contraindications for the procedure will be discussed below). In addition, this method of treatment is becoming more accessible.
Laser therapy in gynecology is carried out in several variations. This may be contact with the skin of the abdomen or the insertion of a special sensor into the vagina. In certain cases, a combination of the above methods is used. The laser can also be used intravascularly. Why is this treatment used in gynecology?

Laser therapy allows:
- normalize biochemical processes;
- improve blood circulation and saturation of cells with nutrients and oxygen;
- activate tissue repair process;
- strengthen the therapeutic effect of drug therapy;
- reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, in particular pain.
Laser treatment is well tolerated and completely painless. Laser therapy in gynecology is indicated for:
- chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
- adhesive processes that prevent the normal functioning of the pelvic organs;
- menstrual dysfunction, ovarian dysfunction;
- endocervicitis;
- mild and moderate forms of endometriosis;
- some causes of infertility;
- removal of papillomas, warts.
Laser therapy is also used to improve the course of the postpartum or postoperative period.
When is the use of a laser in gynecology contraindicated?
Specialists do not recommend using this technique for various neoplasms. These include fibroids, cysts, mastopathy. In this case, the laser can cause further growth of the formation and even provoke its degeneration into a cancerous tumor. In addition, laser therapy is contraindicated in the presence of acute inflammatory processes. It is known that the laser can activate inflammatory mediators and free radicals, which will adversely affect the general condition of the body.
Laser therapy in the treatment of adenoids
Laser therapy for adenoids is also popular today. The procedure is absolutely painless and completely eliminates the risk of complications that are often observed aftersurgery.
Removal of adenoids by this method is a rather lengthy process, usually including ten to fifteen sessions. During the procedure, they act directly on the affected tissues, which makes it possible to quickly remove their inflammation and swelling. In order to consolidate the result obtained, the course of treatment is recommended to be carried out two to three times a year.

When is laser indicated for adenoids?
Laser therapy for adenoids is carried out, as a rule, at the initial stage of the disease (1st, 2nd stages). At a later date, it is no longer so effective, therefore, in such cases, surgical treatment is already used, in which the overgrown edematous mucosa is excised.
The use of a laser for adenoids is contraindicated in:
- anemia and other blood diseases;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- thyroid disorder;
- open tuberculosis.
Rules of conduct after laser therapy of adenoids
After a session of laser therapy follows:
- exclude outdoor games and physical activity;
- avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures on the nasal cavity;
- refuse to eat hot food.

Cost of procedure
How much does laser therapy cost? The price of the procedure depends on the clinic where the treatment is carried out and the region. In Russiathe cost of one session is within the following limits:
- rectal laser therapy - 250-2450 rubles;
- vaginal laser therapy - 150-2450 rubles;
- urethral laser therapy - 270-2450 rubles;
- laser therapy ENT - 500-1500 rubles;
- intravenous laser therapy - 400-5500 rubles.
From this article, you learned more about such a method of treatment as laser therapy, the indications and contraindications for which we have considered. We hope you find the information useful. Stay he althy!