This disease is not rare. Most often it occurs in people engaged in vigorous physical activity. Often also in children. This is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the phalanges of the fingers, the cause of which is most often an injury - industrial, domestic, accidental. The disease is dangerous because, without proper treatment, it flows into gangrene. And this is already fraught with amputation of the finger and other serious consequences.
In the article we will analyze the main types of the disease, tell you how to treat panaritium on the finger, how this disease occurs, what are the risk factors. Consider how to provide first aid in this condition.
What is this?
Before we figure out how to treat panaritium on the finger, let's figure out what kind of pathology it is.
This is the name of purulent inflammation of the soft tissues of the phalanges of the finger, both on the hands and on the feet. Most often it is of an infectious nature, it affects the upper limbs. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in relation to 1/3 of cases of all inflammatory diseases of the hands caused by the development of a purulent environment. Moreover, most often panaritium occurs on the index and largefingers of a person's dominant hand.
In colloquial speech, this disease is better known as "hair". Such an unusual name for physicians, meanwhile, quite accurately hints at the nature of the disease. On the fingers, you can see thin tendon fibers. They form a mesh, or even completely merge into an ear. In such a "hair" the inflammatory process spreads quite quickly, it can affect the joints, bones, cause inflammation in these tissues as well.
How to treat panaritium on the finger? The answer should be obtained from your treating doctor. After all, improper therapy leads to serious consequences: total inflammation of the three phalanges of the fingers, which comes to bone melting and subsequent amputation. If you feel general weakness, dizziness, or high body temperature after receiving a hand injury, you should immediately see a doctor!

You can see in the article on the photo of panaritium on the finger. The treatment of such a disease must be very responsible. But why does it occur?
The reason for the onset of the inflammatory process here is an infection that can penetrate into the soft tissues of the phalanges of the fingers through microtraumas, scratches, sores, abrasions, scratches, insect bites, foreign bodies (in particular, splinters). In this case, inflammation is caused by the ingestion of bacteria of various types. According to statistics, the most common cause is various strains of Staphylococcus aureus (about 58% of cases), streptococci (about12% of cases), mixed microflora (all other cases).
I must say that pyogenic microflora is ubiquitous. The cause of the infectious process in the subcutaneous tissue, it can only become if there are the following reasons:
- Damage and reduced skin resistance.
- Immunodeficiency, weakening of the body's defenses.
- Endocrine disorders. In particular, diabetes.
- Hormonal dysfunctions in the body.
Risk factors
The treatment of panaritium on the finger must be approached with all responsibility. After all, untimely, insufficient, incorrect therapy leads to irreversible consequences. There are also risk factors, in the presence of which the likelihood of developing panaritium increases:
- Frequent handwashing with soap or other cleaning products containing harsh chemicals.
- Having bad habits: putting fingers in your mouth, biting their tips, tearing off or biting off burrs and nails.
- Abuse of cosmetic procedures that may be accompanied by trauma to the soft tissues of the finger - manicure, pedicure.
- The use of drugs, the side effect of which is a decrease in immunity. In particular, derivatives of vitamin A.
- Taking medications designed to suppress the immune system as part of the complex therapy of oncological and autoimmune pathologies. In particular, chemotherapy, immunosuppressants.
- Chronic inflammatory processes on the skin. They are accompanied by allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, redlupus, other skin diseases.
- Diabetes mellitus, beriberi, immunodeficiency.

Disease development
Treatment of panaritium of a finger or toe should only be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist. After all, the inflammatory process in this part of the body progresses very quickly.
One of the main functions of the skin is protective. It protects the body from the penetration of infections into the subcutaneous tissue. Accordingly, various skin lesions open the entrance for pyogenic microflora. It can cause cellulitis - inflammation of the soft tissues of the finger. Thus, even a small abrasion can lead to infection, accompanied by the formation of an inflammatory infiltrate. Then an abscess develops with a high content of inflammatory fluid - pus.
Panaritium by its nature is an infectious inflammation of fiber in the soft tissues of the phalanges of the fingers or toes. The structure and communication of this tissue prevents the infection from spreading to other parts of the arm or leg. But at the same time, it also contributes to the formation of abscesses.
Due to increased tissue pressure (which is facilitated by inflammation and swelling), the patient notes severe pain in the hand (foot). With the further development of the disease, improper treatment, the inflammatory process passes to the tendons, joints, bone.
The deeper the inflammation spreads from the skin, the more difficult it is to treat the disease. At an advanced stage, panaritium can lead to damage to all anatomical structures.finger, the development of gangrene. Here the situation is solved only by amputation. Moreover, abscessing forms of the disease often recur. Therefore, it is necessary to open all the affected cells of the subcutaneous tissue, clean them from already inflamed tissues. Treatment of panaritium on the toe, hands in this case is carried out in a hospital.
On the foot panaritium occurs much less frequently. This is due to the fact that the fingers of the hand are injured more often than the foot ones. The development of the inflammatory process is the same in both cases.
Classification of disease forms
Treatment at home panaritium of the toe is unacceptable without the permission of a doctor. Self-medication often leads to the need for extreme measures - amputation of the finger.
If we turn to the ICD-10, then inflammatory diseases of the soft tissues of the phalanges of the infectious nature here refer to one of the forms of cellulitis. In the International Classifier, the disease is marked with the code L03.0.

In clinical practice, the following classification of panaritium forms is used:
- Dermal. This is a lesion of surface structures. An intradermal abscess is formed, containing pus. Most often it is a bubble, a blister on the back or side of the finger. At first it is filled with serous fluid, then purulent or bloody. This form of panaritium is accompanied by an increase in nearby lymph nodes.
- Subcutaneous. Here, an abscess develops in the subcutaneous tissue. Most often - on the palmar side of the finger. The infection comes through a cut, a scratch. The patient notes a sharp, intense, throbbing pain, which increases when you press on the wound. Accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin.
- Periungual (paronychia). This is an infection of the tissue surrounding the nail. Areas of the periungual roller redden, swell. An abscess (suppuration) may form. When pressing on the affected area, the patient feels intense pain. Most often, this is a consequence of a manicure, pedicure, carried out without antiseptics.
- Subungual (hyponychial). Accordingly, purulent inflammation of the tissue that is under the nail plate. May be the result of neglected paronychia. Direct infection is also possible. For example, from a splinter under the nail. In some cases, hyponychium is a consequence of a hematoma that has arisen due to a blunt strong blow to the nail (hit with a hammer, on furniture).
- Bone. This is already a kind of osteomyelitis of the finger bone, a deep form of the disease. By its nature, it is secondary - the result of the above-designated forms of panaritium. Complication of infection due to untimely provision of medical care or its absence.
- Articular. This is the name of serous-purulent inflammation of the joints of the metacarpus and fingers. The disease can be primary - deep wounds, injections, cuts reaching the joints. There are also secondary forms - progressive cutaneous, subcutaneous or tendon panaritium. Characterized by spindle-shaped swelling of the finger, a sharp violation of the functions of the interphalangeal joints. There may also be abnormal mobility in the affected joint.
- Tendinous. It is considered the most severe form of the disease: inflamedtendons themselves, tendon sheaths, a primary infection (through a deep cut or puncture) and a secondary one (neglected forms of skin, subcutaneous felon) may occur. The patient experiences severe pain along the entire length of the tendon, which increases with finger flexion. It is impossible to completely straighten it with this form of panaritium. Urgent surgical intervention is needed. Otherwise, motor function may be lost due to tendon necrosis.
Stages of the disease
How to treat panaritium on the finger? Therapeutic measures should be started already at the first stage of the disease. In total, there are three of them:
- Infection. Here the pyogenic microflora enters the soft tissues of the finger. The danger is that it is asymptomatic.
- Infiltration. The patient begins to notice unpleasant symptoms - pain, soft tissue swelling, redness, inflammation.
- Abscess formation. This is a purulent fusion of inflamed tissues with the formation of abscesses (purulent cavities).
Conservative (drug) treatment is carried out only in the first two stages. The third one needs surgery. Therefore, the treatment of panaritium in a child on a toe or hand should be started immediately - when you just notice an inflamed wound.
Panaritium is recognized by the following symptoms:
- Sharp throbbing pain in the affected finger. They are aggravated at night, with pressure on the wound, with finger movements.
- Redness, swelling, local increase in temperature of the affectedbody area.
- Increased nearby lymph nodes.
- General malaise.
- Slight increase in body temperature in general.

Treatment directions
How to treat panaritium on a finger or toe? Therapy depends on the stage of the disease. On the first and second conservative treatment is allowed - with the help of antibacterial drugs. At the stage of suppuration, an urgent surgical operation is required.
All treatment methods can be divided into the following areas:
- Home treatment.
- Drug therapy.
- Auxiliary treatment.
- Surgical intervention.
Let's look at them.
Home Treatment
How to treat panaritium on the finger? If you just found an inflamed wound, then you can resort to such first aid:
- Baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect - chamomile, calendula, string.
- Trays with a solution of s alt and soda. They reduce the signs of inflammation, prevent the formation of an inflammatory fluid, in which the pyogenic microflora multiplies.
- Bandage with "Levomekol" or Vishnevsky's ointment. How to treat panaritium on the big toe? You can use this kind of bandage - do it at night. Similar remedies are effective at the abscess stage as well.
Make sure that the water temperature in the baths is no higher than room temperature - too warm liquid contributes to more active reproductionpathogenic microflora. Cold compresses can also be used to relieve pain.

Drug therapy
How to treat panaritium on a toe or hand? The surest way is to contact a therapist or surgeon. In the first stages of the disease, the doctor will prescribe you effective medicines:
- First generation cephalosporins.
- Penicillin drugs active against staphylococci. In particular, "Methicillin", "Oxacillin".
Drugs are prescribed in the form of intramuscular, intravenous infections. The duration of the course of therapy is 7-10 days.
How to treat panaritium on the finger? In the absence of the desired effect, Biseptol, Doxycycline, Clindamycin are additionally prescribed. If the disease has developed as a result of injury, tetanus toxoid is administered. In case of an animal bite, rabies vaccine.

How to treat panaritium on a child's finger? Children are additionally prescribed physiotherapy. In particular, electrophoresis with sodium chloride.
Auxiliary Treatment
How to treat panaritium on the finger at home? With the permission of your doctor, you can apply, in addition to the main therapy, to the following folk remedies:
- Applying nightly dressings with gruel from the pulp of aloe leaves.
- Wound dressings with boiled onions.
- Applying dressings with garlic pulp, which has an antibacterial effect.
- Compresses with propolis tincture, which has both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
How to treat panaritium on the toe? In advanced cases, surgery is needed. Subcutaneous, skin panaritium is opened with a disinfected scalpel. The instrument cleans the subcutaneous tissue from inflamed tissues. If the purulent process is localized under the nail, then the abscess is opened with medical instruments on both sides, gauze turunda is threaded through, left for several days. It provides a drain of pus and protects against relapse.

Tendon, bone, articular forms of the disease require treatment in a hospital, in the department of purulent surgery. Openings, cleanings are carried out here regularly. Additionally, the patient is prescribed drug therapy - immunomodulators, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory steroids, vitamins.
Panaritium is a fairly serious disease that begins with a harmless inflamed wound on the finger. It requires timely initiation of treatment at an early stage. Ignoring the symptoms leads to irreversible consequences - gangrene and amputation of the finger.