Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies - features and effectiveness

Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies - features and effectiveness
Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies - features and effectiveness

Varicose veins are an extremely unpleasant, but completely treatable disease. Many effective safe solutions are known, the use of which contributes to the implementation of therapy without the need to purchase expensive drugs. What factors provoke the formation of pathology? How is varicose veins of the lower extremities treated at home? You can get an answer to these questions by reading our publication.


Varicosis is able to make itself felt against the background of the following phenomena:

  1. Bad heredity - scientists have found that most people suffer from pathology due to a genetic predisposition. The likelihood of developing varicose veins is about 70% among people whose parents have previously experienced similar troubles.
  2. Wrong lifestyle - the presence of excess weight,lack of mobility, sedentary work, the need to be on your feet most of the day. All this provokes pathological expansion of the veins in the legs.
  3. Endocrine failures - a violation of metabolic processes in the body can lead to the development of stagnant processes in the blood ducts. This is most often observed among adolescents during the period of active hormonal changes in the body. The problem often affects pregnant women, women during menopause and the development of menopause.
  4. Permanent stress - nervous irritation negatively affects the state of blood vessels, which are constantly expanding and contracting.

Clinical picture

varicose vein treatment at home
varicose vein treatment at home

Varicosis is a pathology in which physical discomfort is noted only in the early stages. As the blood ducts expand, the pain practically disappears. Only a feeling of burdened limbs, slight itching, darkening of the skin in problem areas, and the occurrence of puffiness can remain.

If we talk about the first signs of the development of varicose veins, here it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • Change in the texture of the veins, which begin to clearly appear under the skin.
  • Pain in the limbs that make themselves felt in the late afternoon.
  • Inflammation of tissues in the ankle joint.
  • Development of hyperpigmentation and dry skin.
  • Degenerative manifestations in the tissue structure, in particular the formation of small wounds and ulcers.

So we looked at the reasonspathological varicose veins, as well as characteristic symptoms. Now let's go directly to the issue of treating varicose veins at home.


home remedies for varicose veins with apple cider vinegar
home remedies for varicose veins with apple cider vinegar

The treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar at home has proven to be excellent. The therapy using the method is as follows. Daily swollen veins of the lower extremities are treated with a non-concentrated composition. The procedure is performed shortly before going to bed and immediately after waking up. In order to eliminate the problem, also absorb a glass of water with the addition of 2 teaspoons of vinegar. The drug is drunk on an empty stomach. The combination of these solutions makes it possible to increase the elasticity of blood vessels.


Another effective treatment for varicose veins at home is the use of honey compresses. The tool makes it possible to saturate the tissues of the lower extremities with useful substances, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the venous structures. This therapy strengthens the walls of the blood ducts and provides relief from puffiness.

What is the treatment of varicose veins in the legs at home in this way? Use about a tablespoon of honey, which is applied in a thin layer on a piece of gauze. The compress is applied in the area of varicose veins. During the first procedure, the product is left for 2 hours. The duration of therapy is gradually increased by several hours. At the end of the week, the compress is left overnight. Treatment is performed once a month.

Birch leaves

treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities at home
treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities at home

Treatment of varicose veins at home with this method helps to improve the condition of the skin, which are subject to the development of destructive processes. The therapy is carried out according to this scheme. They take a natural fabric from which bags are sewn that reach the size of the knee. Devices are put on the legs, after which fresh birch leaves are poured inside. As a result of applying the solution, the limbs begin to sweat actively. As soon as the leaves get wet, they are replaced with fresh ones. Several procedures make it possible to completely remove the puffiness that weighs down the legs, as well as improve local tissues. At first glance, the treatment option may seem rather unusual. However, positive results with such treatment are not long in coming.

Green tomatoes

home remedies for varicose veins treatment
home remedies for varicose veins treatment

Treatment of varicose veins in this way involves the following steps. Take unripe tomatoes, which are cut into thin slices. The latter are applied to the areas of formation of varicose veins. Over the limb is rewound with a bandage. The procedure is performed at night. In the morning, the compress is removed and the skin is washed under running water. Treatment is resorted to during periods when particularly severe pain is felt and severe swelling is observed.

What is the secret behind the effectiveness of this therapy? The fact is that the juice of green tomatoes is rich in the active substance lycopene, which is a natural antioxidant. Actioncomponent on the tissue is to increase the elasticity of the walls of the blood ducts, as well as the release of tissues from the accumulation of free radicals. Moreover, the substance prevents the deposition of cholesterol, which provokes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Thus, the effect of blockage of the arteries is eliminated, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

Datura tincture

varicose veins treatment at home reviews
varicose veins treatment at home reviews

As the reviews show, the treatment of varicose veins at home can be performed quite effectively through the use of Datura tincture. Prepare the product according to the following recipe. Take about 100 grams of plant seeds. Raw materials are carefully ground using a coffee grinder. The basis of the medicine is poured with strong alcohol in a volume of 0.5 liters. The remedy is sent to infuse in a dark place for several weeks. Shake the tincture lightly daily.

In order to treat varicose veins at home, use 15 drops of the finished medicine. The healing liquid is dissolved in a glass of water. Absorb the remedy shortly before meals. Take the composition once a day. Every day, the dosage is increased by 1-2 drops until 25 drops are obtained. Use the medicine in this dosage for a month.

Additionally perform compresses based on Datura tincture. In this case, the above norm of the drug is also used. The agent is applied to cotton swabs, which are applied to the swollen veins of the lower extremities. Feet are rewound with plastic wrap.

It is worth noting that Datura is a poisonousplant. Therefore, approaching therapy using tinctures based on such herbs should be done with caution. At the first signs of poisoning with the drug, which is expressed by a feeling of intoxication, slight nausea and dizziness, it is recommended to drink plenty of milk. To prevent trouble, in the future, you need to resort to using a smaller dose of the drug, starting therapy with 2-4 drops of the composition.

Horse chestnut tincture

home remedies for varicose veins treatment
home remedies for varicose veins treatment

Extremely effective remedy for the treatment of varicose veins at home is a tincture prepared using horse chestnut. A noticeable relief of well-being with such therapy is felt already in the first days. The tool makes it possible to remove puffiness in a short time, tone the walls of the blood duct. The result of the application of the healing composition is the disappearance of a pronounced venous network.

This folk method of treating varicose veins at home involves the following. Use about 50 grams of horse chestnut flowers. Raw materials are poured with half a liter of alcohol. The medicine is poured into an opaque glass container and sent to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. The bottle with the composition is shaken daily.

At the end of the above period, the tincture is carefully filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is consumed in the amount of one tablespoon 3 times a day. The drug is washed down with water. Therapy is continued for a week. Then a break is performed for a similar period of time, after whichresorting to treatment again.

Carrot juice and spinach leaves

varicose vein treatment at home
varicose vein treatment at home

Carrot juice is rich in biologically active flavonoids, which reduce capillary fragility. In turn, spinach contains an abundance of oxalic acid, known for its ability to cleanse the blood ducts. The combination of components helps to restore he althy vascular tone, and also prevents the accumulation of lime deposits in the tissues. A remedy prepared on the basis of such ingredients saturates the body with vitamins and antioxidants, which makes it possible to prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms.

How is varicose veins treated at home? In order to prepare a healing composition, carrot juice and spinach leaf juice are combined in a ratio of 10:6. The resulting product is taken daily in an amount of about 0.5 liters. Each time a new portion of the medicine is prepared. Storage of the mixture is not recommended. After all, this causes the destruction of most useful substances.

Garlic and lemon

Garlic is known for its ability to dissolve cholesterol and mineral deposits in body tissues. This effect has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. As for the lemon, citrus juice is rich in vitamins and essential trace elements for the body.

Preparing a remedy for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs at home according to the following scheme:

  • Crush 4 heads of garlic and a few unpeeled lemons in a meat grinder.
  • The resulting base is transferred to a 3-liter jar, whichfill to the top with boiled water.
  • The mixture is infused at room temperature for three days.
  • The contents of the container are periodically stirred.
  • At the end of the above period, the composition is carefully filtered, and the resulting liquid is sent for storage in the refrigerator.

The finished medicine is consumed 2-3 times a day, absorbing about 100 ml of liquid in one sitting. Drink the healing liquid during the meal or immediately after the meal. A full course of therapy involves the use of four cans of the composition. Drink each container of medicine for 10 days.

In closing

As you can see, there is a whole mass of effective folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins at home. It is most advisable to use the solutions indicated in our publication when the first characteristic symptoms of pathological dilation of veins and blood vessels appear. In this case, it is possible to prevent the destruction of the walls of the blood ducts, remove puffiness, and stop the growing pain syndrome. The natural origin of the ingredients of such medicines guarantees the absence of negative consequences of therapy. It is recommended to resort to alternative treatment of varicose veins for persons whose body is susceptible to the development of allergic reactions when using pharmacological preparations.
