Surdology Center: address, services, reviews

Surdology Center: address, services, reviews
Surdology Center: address, services, reviews

Any person can have a variety of he alth problems. Fortunately, modern medicine is capable of much. One of the most unpleasant disorders is total or partial hearing loss. Under some circumstances, this ailment is treated medically or surgically, in others, the only way to hear the outside world is to install a hearing aid. All these actions are performed by the audiological center. He also offers some other services.

audiology center
audiology center

What is this

Such centers are a kind of medical clinics that specialize specifically in hearing problems. Each person who has discovered some deterioration in this area can contact the audiology center for advice and undergo an examination. In the future, based on the identified root causes and other concomitant factors, he is diagnosed, and treatment methods are offered. If medication andsurgical treatment is not able to solve the patient's problem, the selection and installation of a hearing aid is carried out.

audiological center on Vernadsky
audiological center on Vernadsky

Audience Center Services

A wide range of specialists work in audiology clinics, the combination of which determines the root causes, the overall clinical picture of the disease, and also makes a verdict on the diagnosis. The center employs an audiologist, a speech therapist, a neurologist, a psychologist, a deaf prosthetist, and a deaf teacher. Depending on the ongoing research and services provided, other specialists may supplement the staff.

First of all, they will advise you, listen to complaints, conduct research on various criteria and indicators. The latest audiometric equipment is used for diagnostics. Such tools allow you to determine the presence of hearing problems and their causes in people of any age. The next step is to prescribe a course of treatment or select a hearing aid that is suitable for this particular patient.

In addition to these services, the audiology center often offers an appointment with a defectologist. Hard of hearing people who do not have the ability to perceive the speech of others, have problems with pronunciation, intelligibility of what was said. Mutual understanding with other people in this situation is difficult to achieve. To do this, defectologists conduct courses to correct speech disorders, improve intelligibility, learn to read from the face of the interlocutor, as well as courses on adaptation to hearing aids.

children's audiology center
children's audiology center

Who canneed a hearing center

The services of audiological centers may be required not only for people with a complete lack of hearing, but also for those who have noticed even a slight dullness, feel pain in the auditory canals, regularly suffer from otitis media and other diseases. Colds often entail complications in the ears, drafts, freezing provoke inflammation. Qualified help of specialists will help to cope with the disease itself and the unpleasant consequences that it can carry. Ear pain is one of the most unpleasant sensations, and sometimes it can only be de alt with by special therapeutic courses.

Hearing impairment, even among the younger population, is becoming more and more common. This is facilitated by the tense atmosphere of life in the metropolis, constant ambient noise, wearing headphones, listening to music at high volume. With age, hearing problems only intensify, which means that the sooner a person seeks qualified help, the more likely it is to maintain the much-needed ability to clearly hear the world around them.

hearing center
hearing center

Diagnosis and treatment of hearing disorders in children

Hearing disorders of varying severity are also found in the smallest patients. The reason for this may be birth trauma, hereditary diseases, genetic failures. Today, such violations are becoming more common. But the diagnosis of such diseases in children under one year old can be carried out only with the help of modern equipment with the participation of qualified specialists in this field.medicine. For such small patients there is a children's audiology center. The approach in the treatment of young children should be specific. It is impossible to explain to a child the need for certain procedures and studies. That is why special staff is needed. Teaching children intelligible speech and other subtleties after hearing restoration should be carried out by a specialist in the field of audiology and pediatrics, who knows the specifics of the approach to young patients. That is why it is so important to choose a specialized center.

audiology center on a treadmill
audiology center on a treadmill

Audiological center on Vernadsky

The City Children's Audiological Consultative and Diagnostic Center in Moscow specializes in the treatment of young patients. The audiological center is located at Vernadsky, house 9. The center employs specialists in the following areas: an oculist, a psychiatrist, an otolaryngologist-audiologist, a neuropathologist, a teacher-defectologist, and a hearing prosthetist. There is an audiometry room. All doctors and defectologists have the highest qualification category. The center operates in a consulting and dispensary mode. This medical center belongs to the category of public. Its capabilities include issuing preferential and even free hearing aids to children every four years. Most examinations are carried out under a medical insurance policy. Patient reviews report that the medical center really gave hope for a bright and he althy future for children. They also note that free procedures are very helpful. Not every family can afford the cost of these procedures.commercial clinics. The quality does not suffer at all.

audiology center
audiology center

MNPTSO named after L. I. Sverzhevsky, branch №1

This audiological center is located at the "Begovaya" metro station. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing, nose and throat problems. It is one of the most famous medical centers in this area in Moscow. It also belongs to the category of state, it is possible to get a preferential or free hearing aid, to carry out surgical treatment according to a quota. In the reviews, patients write about quality medical care. However, you have to wait for some time, as there is some waiting list for preferential public he alth services.
