Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis

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Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis
Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis

Video: Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis

Video: Strong heart beats: causes and diagnosis
Video: Thyroid storm - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology 2025, January

Such a symptom can noticeably disturb each of us. When we begin to feel strong heartbeats for no apparent reason with a normal pulse, we cannot understand what exactly is happening with the body. Is it dangerous? Indeed, there are many reasons why strong heartbeats can be felt. Some of them are non-pathological, some should make you alert and pay an urgent visit to the doctor. We will consider in more detail the causes of this condition, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Non-pathological causes

Strong heartbeats with a normal pulse do not always indicate the development of pathology. Even in the case when the symptom developed suddenly, it worries you with its increase. This tachycardia usually lasts for several minutes.

If you do not notice pain in the chest, in the head during strong heartbeats, then the reason is probably as follows:

  • Heavy physical activity.
  • High pace when doing sports.
  • Intense run or fastwalking.
  • Strong emotional reaction: from anger to wild joy.
  • Fatigue at the end of the day.
  • Overeating. Especially in the evening, before going to bed.
  • A large number of cigarettes smoked in a short amount of time.
  • Too strong coffee or tea, energy drink.
  • Strong excitement, worries about an upcoming event - an exam, an important meeting, going to the doctor.
  • A strong blow to the heart area can also provoke a malfunction of this organ. In particular, speed up the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • For women - a characteristic symptom of approaching menstruation. In some cases, strong heart beats may indicate complications of menopause, be a consequence of menopause.

What should I do?

If, for these reasons, a strong heartbeat bothers you periodically, other incomprehensible symptoms are added, you should still pay a visit to a specialist. Violation of the heart rhythm, first of all, speaks of the development of pathologies of the endocrine, cardiovascular system. It is these diseases that lead to circulatory disorders.

If you are worried about strong heartbeats with a normal pulse, reconsider your sleep pattern, try to avoid stressful situations. Normalize your diet, give up bad habits.

Strong heartbeats in the sternum at rest can also indicate a mineral imbalance in the body. Therefore, it is worth taking a blood test. In particular, check the level of potassium. The lack of an element changes the rhythm of the heart, disrupts its normalfunctioning. This leads to tachycardia.

The recommendation here is the same - turn to a he althy diet, get plenty of rest, take multivitamin complexes, eliminate stressful situations.

strong heart beats
strong heart beats

Dangerous symptoms

At the same time, a number of alarming symptoms accompanying an increased heartbeat stand out, which require urgent medical attention, as they speak of serious pathologies. This is the following:

  • Feeling a strong heartbeat at night. Such that you wake up with a symptom.
  • Strong blows are accompanied by panic attacks. It seems to you that you are terminally ill, that you will die soon.
  • Along with a strong heartbeat, there is pain in the chest, burning, tingling.
  • The skin is very pale or reddened.
  • You feel your heart beating irregularly, out of rhythm.
  • Hand tremor is noted.

In such cases, urgent complex diagnostics are usually prescribed. It is necessary to establish what exactly is wrong with the heart in order to prescribe adequate treatment. In standard cases, the following is carried out:

  • Ultrasound examination of both the heart and abdominal organs.
  • Removing an electrocardiogram.
  • Taking blood for analysis to determine the level of hormones, hemoglobins, proteins.
  • In special cases, patients are additionally assigned computed tomography to exclude the fact of damage to the lungs, oncological formations.

We must also remember that strongheartbeat is also diagnosed in such dangerous conditions as stroke, coronary disease, pre-infarction period. Here, not only the state of he alth, but also the life of the patient depends on the timely provision of medical care.

Endocrine diseases

If you often notice that the heart beats with strong beats, this may indicate the beginning of the development of endocrine diseases. The connection here is that in a pathological, inflamed condition of the thyroid gland, the hormonal balance is disturbed, which ensures the normal functioning of the vital systems of the body.

In addition to very strong heartbeats, the patient also notes the following symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Memory problems.
  • Weight gain.
  • Susceptibility to depression.
  • Sagging and dry skin, the appearance of rashes on it.

In particular, palpitations, arrhythmias are observed in hypothyroidism. Because of this, a person cannot fully work, do household chores, devote time to his favorite hobbies. Consultation with a specialist endocrinologist is required.

The treatment here is to take drugs that stop the cause of the disease, normalize the hormonal background. Artificial, synthetic analogues of hormones are also prescribed in the required volume. When taken periodically, they normalize well-being, even out the patient's condition.

strong heart beats with a normal pulse
strong heart beats with a normal pulse

Unstable blood pressure

Strongheart beats at rest can also occur with unstable blood pressure. With its sharp decrease, the circle of blood circulation quickly slows down. In order to normalize the flow of oxygen to the organs again, the brain makes the heart work hard. As a result, a person notes his stronger blows against the background of maintaining a normal pulse. This may add to the sensation of ringing in the ears.

What is the cause of the jump in blood pressure? Among the main factors stands out:

  • Profuse blood loss.
  • Dehydration.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The following is subsequently added to periodic strong heartbeats:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • Drowsy state.
  • General weakness.

Requires an appeal to a therapist, a cardiologist. Treatment here is aimed at normalizing blood pressure, maintaining it within working limits with the help of medications. A revision of the patient's diet is also required - he needs to consume more protein foods, fruits, clean water.

hard blow to the heart
hard blow to the heart

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

With a normal pulse, a rapid, strong heartbeat provokes the following vascular and heart diseases:

  • Arrhythmia. An accelerated pulse may be noted. The heart beats unevenly due to disturbed electrical impulses in the cells of the heart tissue. Atrial fibrillation indicates that the heart is out of rhythm, works in impulses. It strains unevenly: it works at half strength, then with a vengeance. It may also be accompanied by shortness of breath, pain.
  • Extrasystole. The disease overtakes people who subject themselves to significant physical exertion, systematically dramatically changing the position of the body in space. As a result of this negative impact, the heart is forced to make extraordinary contractions, to work in an increased rhythm.
  • Infectious diseases. In particular, myocarditis and endocarditis. In addition to a strong heartbeat, there is a fever, changes in the condition of the mucous membranes and skin, disruption of other organs.
  • Changes in the state of the heart tissue. It makes sense to talk about cardiosclerosis or myocardial dystrophy.
  • Defect of the heart. Both congenital and acquired.
  • Hypertension. Chronically elevated working blood pressure (greater than 140/80).
  • Tachycardia paroxysmal. Here there is a significant acceleration of the work of the heart. The speed of strokes can reach up to 110-170 per minute.


Pregnancy is also the cause of strong heartbeats with a normal pulse in some cases. Moreover, the symptom sometimes manifests itself so brightly that a woman can lose consciousness. In most cases, this condition comes out as a consequence of anemia, that is, a lack of hemoglobin. Namely, he is the carrier of oxygen in the blood.

The doctor will help solve the problem. The woman will be prescribed special easily digestible preparations containing iron and essential vitamins.

Psychological illness

Frequent neuroses,psychoses have a negative impact on the activity of the heart muscle. Frequent changes in emotional states, prolonged depression are not good either.

We should not forget about the overdose of drugs prescribed to people with psychological problems. A side effect here just might be an increase in heart rate.

strong heart beats in the chest
strong heart beats in the chest

First Aid

If you wake up at night with a strong heartbeat, you may panic because of the unexpectedness of the symptom, its incomprehensible reasons. You can help yourself with these simple steps:

  1. Wash with cool water. Rinse your hands with it up to the elbow.
  2. Drink a few sips of iced water or sweet tea.
  3. Walk around the room, try to cough a little - this will help stimulate the movement of blood in the body.
  4. Take a mild sedative. For example, valerian tincture, Corvalol, Valocordin.

If these measures do not help, you began to feel other symptoms that disturb you, it makes sense to seek medical help immediately.


To determine what happened to the applicant, the doctor first conducts a visual examination of the patient. He asks him questions about disturbing symptoms, the duration of the pathological condition. Measured blood pressure, pulse, heart rate.

In addition, the following diagnostic measures are also prescribed:

  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Ultrasonicexamination of the heart and adjacent organs.
  • Complete blood count.
  • Donate blood for hormonal analysis.
  • Keeping a diary of blood pressure, heart rate throughout the day.
heart beats hard
heart beats hard


Heart palpitations are not a disease in and of themselves. This is a symptom, a sign of a certain pathology. To eliminate it, you need to fight the cause - the disease itself. As you can see, the reasons can be very different. If it was problems with the cardiovascular system that caused a strong heartbeat, then the patient will be prescribed the following medication:

  • Drugs from the group of cardiac glycosides. These are Digoxin, Korglikon, Novodigal.
  • Beta blockers. Atenolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol.
  • Special antioxidant complexes. "Preductal", "Triducard".
  • Sedatives. Tincture of valerian, peony, motherwort, "Sedafiton".

Folk remedies

As an adjunctive therapy, you can use proven folk remedies. But only with the permission of your doctor. For example, the following:

  • Means that help fight the unpleasant symptom of a strong heartbeat, strengthen the myocardium. This is a decoction of the following herbs: St. John's wort, wild rose, motherwort, hawthorn. The course of treatment here is 10-14 days. The decoction is drunk several times a day. You can slightly sweeten it with honey.
  • Softcalming effect. Refer to decoctions of valerian root, chamomile, lemon balm.
why strong heartbeats
why strong heartbeats

Preventive measures

Now you know why strong heartbeats sometimes piss us off for relatively no reason. Here are some universal tips for preventing this condition:

  • Return to an active life - long walks in the fresh air, swimming, dancing, exercise therapy.
  • Regular use of mild sedatives. For example, tinctures of valerian, "Sedafiton", "Persena".
  • Give up a sedentary lifestyle. Try to walk at a comfortable pace for 1-2 hours every day.
  • Do breathing exercises or yoga.
  • Make the right diet. Both overeating and debilitating diets are not needed.

All this together will strengthen the heart muscle. Gradually, frightening bouts of strong heartbeat will leave you. The body learns to cope with the additional load during stress, physical and emotional overstrain. For prevention, it is necessary to donate blood annually for analysis to check the level of potassium and hemoglobin.

strong heart beats with a normal pulse causes
strong heart beats with a normal pulse causes

Severe heartbeats are not an independent disease. They can be the result of both a non-pathological condition and a serious pathology. Therefore, if you periodically suffer from this symptom, there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.
