Health 2024, October

Problems with the gallbladder: signs, symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and consultation with a gastroenterologist

Problems with the gallbladder: signs, symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and consultation with a gastroenterologist

Problems with the gallbladder occur quite often under the influence of certain provoking factors. It is imperative to take into account the existing symptoms in order to timely recognize the course of the pathology and carry out appropriate treatment

Treatment of helminths in children: necessary tests, a list of drugs and a doctor's prescription

Treatment of helminths in children: necessary tests, a list of drugs and a doctor's prescription

Today, like many years ago, helminths have been and remain unwanted guests of the human body. Most often, these parasites settle in the child's body and live at the expense of it. Helminths are capable of delivering incredibly much harm to the children's body. Therefore, it is necessary to start treating the pathology as early as possible. From this article you will learn how to treat helminths in children, as well as what are the causes of this disease, how to recognize it

Consequences of complications of sinusitis

Consequences of complications of sinusitis

Complications of diseases usually pose a threat to human he alth. Sinusitis is no exception. It can cause disruption of many organs and systems

Pterygopalatine node: anatomy and the most common diseases

Pterygopalatine node: anatomy and the most common diseases

The human nervous system is conditionally divided into somatic and vegetative, the element of the parasympathetic part of which is the pterygopalatine ganglion. The specified organ resembles a triangle in shape and is localized in fatty tissue

Obesity of the second degree: causes, signs, diet, treatment and prevention

Obesity of the second degree: causes, signs, diet, treatment and prevention

Obesity of the second degree is a serious and dangerous pathology, which for some reason is not always associated with real obesity and therefore is often not taken seriously. What are the causes and symptoms of second degree obesity? How to diagnose and treat it?

Pulmonary fluke - the causative agent of paragonimiasis. Paragonimiasis in humans: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Pulmonary fluke - the causative agent of paragonimiasis. Paragonimiasis in humans: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Infectious diseases are one of the most widespread groups of human pathology. Parasitic diseases form a separate group among them. One such process is lung paragonimiasis

Amnesia - what is it? Causes and symptoms of amnesia

Amnesia - what is it? Causes and symptoms of amnesia

It is human nature to sometimes forget some things. Thus, our brain protects itself from an excess of information. This situation is a variant of the norm. However, in some cases, the loss of memories is the main symptom of such a disease as amnesia. What is memory loss, what are the main causes of this condition?

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes a person begins to notice some disturbances in the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus: while walking, the head is spinning, movements are poorly coordinated. This is mainly due to poor blood circulation in the brain. In this case, the specialist can establish the following diagnosis: "vestibulo-atactic syndrome"

The causative agent of sleeping sickness. Symptoms and treatment of sleeping sickness

The causative agent of sleeping sickness. Symptoms and treatment of sleeping sickness

People who travel often, and especially on the African continent, it is important to know about such a disease as sleeping sickness. The causative agent of sleeping sickness - trypanosoma - can enter the human body after the bite of a tsetse fly

Toxic erythema of newborns: causes, treatment

Toxic erythema of newborns: causes, treatment

A newborn baby, after being born, learns to live in a new environment for him. He needs to learn how to breathe, and the body - to regulate its own body temperature. Often there are all sorts of adaptive reactions of the child's body, and toxic erythema of newborns is one of them. What is it and how can you help your child?

Fibroadenoma of the breast: treatment without surgery. Benign breast tumor

Fibroadenoma of the breast: treatment without surgery. Benign breast tumor

Fibroadenoma of the mammary glands is a benign formation that most often occurs in fairly young women (up to 30 years old). After 40 years, such a disease is diagnosed much less frequently. If a pathology such as breast fibroadenoma is detected, treatment without surgery is still possible in some cases

Cystic fibrosis in a child: signs, symptoms, treatment

Cystic fibrosis in a child: signs, symptoms, treatment

One of the most common inherited diseases is cystic fibrosis. The child develops a pathogenic secret, which leads to disruption of the digestive tract and respiratory organs. It is characteristic that this disease is chronic and most often manifests itself if both parents have a particular defective gene. If only one parent has such a site with a mutation, then the kids will not inherit the disease

Teeth grinding in a dream: reasons

Teeth grinding in a dream: reasons

Bruxism, the Carolini phenomenon, odonterism - it is under such scientific terms that the pathology that many people often encounter is hidden. Unconscious grinding of the teeth often appears episodically and lasts for a short time period without causing significant harm to he alth. When bruxism becomes permanent, which causes a lot of problems, you need to think about its treatment

Ribs hurt when pressed: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Ribs hurt when pressed: causes, possible diseases, treatment

If the ribs hurt when pressed, then this may be a sign of various kinds of diseases, and discomfort is also observed as a result of injury. Be sure to determine the cause of pain and treat

Physical exercise in pancreatitis: permissible load, effect on the body

Physical exercise in pancreatitis: permissible load, effect on the body

Many people are interested in whether physical activity is acceptable for pancreatitis, especially if sports or physical labor was always present before the illness and it is almost impossible to avoid it. To give a definitive answer and maintain a balance between lack of activity and exhaustion, you need to figure out what effect physical activity has on the body of a patient with pancreatitis

Hands and feet sweat: causes, how to treat

Hands and feet sweat: causes, how to treat

Sweating hands and feet: the causes of hyperhidrosis. Stress, hormonal disorders, high ambient temperature, elevated body temperature, other causes. Treatment options: traditional and non-traditional, surgery and cosmetic procedures

Septicemia what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of septicemia

Septicemia what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of septicemia

Septicemia - what is it? You will receive the answer to this difficult medical question from the materials of this article. We will also tell you about the symptoms of this disease and how it should be treated

Remove a wen on the face: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Remove a wen on the face: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Not everyone can boast of perfect facial skin. Acne, rashes, wrinkles, and blackheads can greatly spoil the mood and overall perception of appearance. Small white wen are considered one of the most unpleasant rashes on the skin of the face. So that they do not cause discomfort, it is necessary to find out how to treat this problem, as well as prevent its occurrence in the future

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is an ailment that is accompanied by the accumulation of lipid droplets in hepatocytes. Such a process affects the functioning of the body and can lead to dangerous complications. Unfortunately, the clinical picture is often fuzzy, and therefore the disease is diagnosed, as a rule, already at the last stages of development

Renal failure: symptoms and treatment, causes

Renal failure: symptoms and treatment, causes

Renal failure is a complete or partial loss of the kidneys of their physiological functions. It develops slowly, sometimes over decades. More often women are ill than men. In some cases (usually with congenital pathologies), children get sick. Chronic renal failure does not have a reverse course - there are no cases in medicine when a person could be cured and fully restore kidney function

Spasm of the abdominal muscles: possible causes, methods of therapy

Spasm of the abdominal muscles: possible causes, methods of therapy

Spasm of the abdominal muscles is a fairly common occurrence. The human musculature is constantly tense. Muscle contractions ensure their normal operation. But sometimes the fibers shrink involuntarily. If the spasm is too strong, the person feels discomfort. In case of frequent occurrence of such a symptom, it should not be ignored

Thyrotoxic goiter: causes and treatment

Thyrotoxic goiter: causes and treatment

Thyrotoxic goiter is a chronic thyroid disease of autoimmune origin. This disease is accompanied by an increase in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which, accordingly, affects the state of the whole organism. As the disease progresses, the tissues of this endocrine organ begin to hypertrophy - the gland increases in size

Smell of urine from the mouth in adults and children: causes, possible diseases, methods of elimination

Smell of urine from the mouth in adults and children: causes, possible diseases, methods of elimination

Why can there be a smell of urine from the mouth? Its main causes: improper diet, sinusitis, rhinitis, stomach infections, chronic kidney disease, uremia. General recommendations of doctors. Physiological and pathological halitosis. Types of bad breath and their causes

Colitis in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Colitis in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

One of the common ailments of the colon is colitis. The disease causes inflammatory-dystrophic changes in this organ. In newborns, pathology leads to damage to the small intestine. The symptoms of colitis in children cause a lot of discomfort. This usually leads to problems with stools, abdominal pain, and malaise. About the symptoms and treatment of colitis in children is described in the article

Catarrhal duodenitis: what is it, symptoms of the disease, diagnosis and treatment methods

Catarrhal duodenitis: what is it, symptoms of the disease, diagnosis and treatment methods

Catarrhal duodenitis has become widespread in recent years. What it is? What causes it to appear? By what symptoms can the disease be recognized and how can it be cured? We will answer these questions in this article

From what the child has bruises under the eyes: possible diseases, diagnosis and treatment

From what the child has bruises under the eyes: possible diseases, diagnosis and treatment

Often, parents go to the doctors because the child has bruises under the eyes. If there was no injury, then this is usually regarded as a sign of a serious illness. What do bruises under the eyes mean in children? The causes of this phenomenon can be both dangerous and harmless. More about this in the article

Hyaline membrane disease in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Hyaline membrane disease in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Hyaline membrane disease is synonymous with the so-called respiratory distress syndrome (RDSD). This clinical diagnosis is made in premature newborns with respiratory failure and in those who have respiratory difficulties and tachypnea, including

A child has a temperature for a week: causes and treatment. Antipyretics for children

A child has a temperature for a week: causes and treatment. Antipyretics for children

High body temperature in children most often overtakes parents suddenly. If a child has weakness and a hot forehead, the baby asks his mother to kneel and presses against his chest, all first aid methods are instantly eroded from his head. What causes a fever in a child for a week, we'll talk in our article

Sweating - what is it? Photos, causes, symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Sweating - what is it? Photos, causes, symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Skin diseases are among the most common. Prickly heat is a type of dermatitis that manifests itself as skin irritation from excessive sweating. The disease appears from an increase in temperature, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, which disrupts the activity of the glands. Usually prickly heat is a disease of newborns, because their skin is very thin, but it also occurs in adults. The symptoms and treatment of the disease are described in the article

Feeling sick with a hangover: what to do, how to get rid of withdrawal symptoms

Feeling sick with a hangover: what to do, how to get rid of withdrawal symptoms

If you feel sick with a hangover, then the best solution is to empty your stomach as much as possible. Vomit will leave the body, and with them the degree of intoxication will decrease. The problem is that the withdrawal syndrome is characterized not only by the presence of nausea, but also by a number of other symptoms that are much more difficult to deal with. If a person has a withdrawal syndrome, then it is likely that chronic alcoholism has already developed

The face is red and burning: possible causes and treatments

The face is red and burning: possible causes and treatments

Most people don't go to the doctor for facial redness. But the cause of this phenomenon can be a disease, an allergy, a sunburn. If you ignore the problem, there is a risk of starting the disease and complicating its treatment in the future. If the face turns red and burns, it is necessary to identify the cause of this, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes therapy. Read more about the features of the problem in the article

Pressure 120 over 90: reasons, what to do?

Pressure 120 over 90: reasons, what to do?

The normal pressure is 120 over 80 mm Hg. Art. But often this parameter changes - increases or decreases. Blood pressure 120 over 90 what does it mean? This value can lead to bewilderment, since one indicator is normal, and the second is slightly overestimated. To determine the reasons for the changes, you need to conduct an examination. About pressure 120/90, symptoms, treatment is described in the article

Headache and nosebleed: causes and what to do

Headache and nosebleed: causes and what to do

Headache and nosebleeds are symptoms of serious pathologies. Some of these ailments are a direct threat to life. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. When such symptoms occur, an examination is necessary. Why does my nose bleed and my head hurt? This is discussed in sections of the article

What is a wen and why is it dangerous? Signs and Treatments

What is a wen and why is it dangerous? Signs and Treatments

Many people, having discovered a lipoma, are wondering what a wen is and why it is dangerous. In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor? What complications can arise? Is it possible to get rid of the disease at home and how to do it correctly?

Type 2 diabetes - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diet and treatment of the disease

Type 2 diabetes - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diet and treatment of the disease

Let's figure out that this is type 2 diabetes. Currently, this disease is becoming more common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. According to the latest information, over the past ten years, the number of patients has increased by sixty percent. In this regard, it is important to understand the symptoms, provoking factors and available treatment options for this disease. What is type 2 diabetes, it is important to find out in advance

Anorexia: life stories

Anorexia: life stories

The stories of anorexia are both shocking and sad. For the sake of a ghostly goal, girls torture themselves with the strictest diets, bring their own body and nervous system to exhaustion. Anorexia is recognized as a psychiatric illness. Alas, until now, some cases of the disease lead to death. Real stories of anorexia indicate that girls aged 16 to 24 are more likely to get sick

Pemphigus vulgaris: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs. Autoimmune diseases

Pemphigus vulgaris: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs. Autoimmune diseases

How does a disease like pemphigus manifest itself? The treatment and symptoms of this disease will be discussed below

Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta - what is it: symptoms and treatment, diet

Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta - what is it: symptoms and treatment, diet

The sedentary lifestyle of a modern person, together with malnutrition, leads to diseases of various organs. The body suffers especially from the use of foods rich in cholesterol. It is for this reason that atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta most often occurs. What is it, what are the symptoms of the disease and how to treat it correctly, you will learn from today's article

Types of necrosis, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Types of necrosis, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The article discusses various types of necrosis, the causes of this disease and effective methods of treatment

How to cure heartburn forever with folk remedies and medicines? Causes of heartburn

How to cure heartburn forever with folk remedies and medicines? Causes of heartburn

How to cure heartburn forever? Quite often, people who are faced with a similar problem do not take any measures to eliminate it, believing that heartburn does not pose any danger to human he alth. But if this pathology is not cured, then it can provoke severe pain. You can find more details in our article on how to cure heartburn forever, what are the reasons for its appearance