The presence of different types of rashes in children is not always a benign manifestation of poor hygiene or poor dietary habits. It is considered a symptom of more than 100 ailments, many of which are extremely dangerous for both the child and his environment. The main causes of the rash are common infectious diseases, allergic reactions, diseases of the vessels, skin, blood, and parasitic infestations. Knowing typical rashes will help parents make the right decision in this situation.
Description of the main types of rashes in a child

Various infectious lesions often lead to similar problems. In order to avoid possible complications, you should consult a doctor. The placement of the rash can vary. Any part of the body can fall into the zone of active rashes.
1. A rash in a child in the form of red dots is most often provoked by allergic reactions. First of all, this is the diet, as well as clothing that is adjacent to the body. Often the rash is expressed as dotted spots of an oval or round shape. Its elevation above the others is not observedparts of the body. The rash is only noticeable because of the color. The appearance of characteristic points occurs due to strong blood supply, they sometimes have edges and edges, and they can also be solid. The problem is divided into two main types:
- roseola - the specificity of this type of rash in a child is considered to be a small size from 3–30 mm;
- erythema - this subspecies has a significant size, which starts from 3 cm.
They are located most often in the chest area and have a characteristic bright scarlet color.2. A rash in the form of pimples is the main reaction to various internal or external environmental factors. They occur due to allergies, as well as infectious diseases. This problem has different types and forms. May be represented by pustules that rise above the level of the skin and create a rounded void. Their dimensions are quite large, about 1–1.5 mm in height. The main cause of the occurrence is an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness and itching. A similar rash in the form of acne in a child can also be associated with a hereditary factor. This disease is often passed from mother to child. Stress also often provokes a similar skin reaction.
Dermatologists divide pathology into 4 categories:
- Dry rashes - the formation of such redness occurs in the winter season, most often they are formed due to the compaction of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The treatment is carried out with cosmetics that remove dead particles and moisturize the skin.
- Watery - their appearance can be caused by various reasons(consumption of poor-quality food, diathesis, use of bad cosmetics - creams, shampoos, foams, soaps). They are accompanied by severe itching. Often symptoms of chickenpox, rubella, measles, scabies and dyshidrosis.
- Abscesses - a similar rash in the form of acne in a child may initially look like small red dots, but after a few days changes begin to form. Ordinary specks are filled with pus. A similar problem is often caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. It is required to undergo a clinical analysis of blood and urine, and then consult a doctor. It is necessary to give up sweets so as not to create an active environment for the reproduction of pathogens.
- Subcutaneous pimples - they occur due to clogging of the ducts with plugs that form from the sebaceous glands. Most often, this phenomenon goes away on its own, but if there are no changes, then it is still worth contacting a specialist.
3. Rash in the form of bubbles - its manifestation can lead to a number of serious diseases.
- Pemphigus - it can be fatal. Damage to the immune system begins to occur at the time of the body's struggle with he althy and strong cells.
- Dermatitis herpetiformis is considered an autoimmune disease. Such an ailment manifests itself in the form of blisters and vesicles on the skin.
Such types of infectious rash in children can be of two forms: they occupy about 50% of the child's body or form on different parts of it. They often appear in a separate area and form only small, itchy, rounded redness. Oftenoccur due to systemic, skin or infectious diseases, as well as allergic reactions. After healing, the bubble will disappear and leave no traces. To begin therapy, it is required to identify the underlying cause and stage of the disease, for this it is imperative to go for a check-up with a doctor.
4. Rash in the form of spots - represented by small reddenings of various colors. The color will depend on the skin pigment. If melanin is present, then, accordingly, the spots will be darker.
This type of skin rash in children is typical for such ailments as rubella, measles, scarlet fever, various diseases and skin tumors. The formation can be caused by various pathogens. This type of rash tends to coalesce into large patches. The lesion is often aggravated in the chest area. It should also be noted that pimples can appear due to contact, food and drug allergies.
Photo of the main elements of the rash
Distinguish the following types of rash in a child:
- spot - non-relief formation on the skin, which differs significantly in color; spots may be reddened or, conversely, white;
- papule - a nodular rash without the formation of cavities, which reaches 3 cm;
- plaque - protruding thickening above the surface;
- bubbles and vesicles are cavitary neoplasms that collect a clear liquid;
- pustule - a cavity in which purulent contents are present;
- hemorrhagic rash is formed in the form of dots and spots of different sizes of red. If you stretch the skin at the site of the lesion or press on the stain, it will not change its tone.

Featured location
Different types of skin rashes in children have their own locations. Rashes can be found on almost any part of the body, causing itching, irritation and even sharp pain.
- rash forms on elbows and arms, wrists, forearms;
- can form on the legs, more often on the inside, the main reason for this is an allergic reaction to food, but there are more serious cases;
- rashes affect the face, and the cheeks are considered the focal center;
- the trunk is also subjected to this process, often rashes are formed in the chest area, and also in the scapular area.
The types of rash can be different, and the factor of their appearance is both the same and different, so you need to decide why it arose. For a child's body, this phenomenon is considered normal, as it is a reaction to external factors. There are main reasons why various rashes may appear:
1. An allergic reaction is the most common factor that is most often causedfood, pollen, pet dander, cosmetics, clothing, medicines and insect bites. It is required to treat types of allergic rashes in children under the supervision of a doctor, since an uncontrolled reaction can develop into Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.
2. Severe stress - there are cases when the baby is covered with significant spots due to intense experiences. After time, they disappear on their own.
3. Insect Bites – Even if a child does not have any type of allergy, mosquito bites can leave nasty spots that are very itchy. Parents need time to notice the wound and treat it properly. Such a rash goes away on its own after some time. If uncharacteristic large spots were noticed in the baby after a bite, then there is an allergic reaction.
4. Mechanical damage - various types of rashes in a child without fever can form due to tight and tight clothing, while they go away on their own after a certain time.
5. Infectious diseases - small spots on the body can indicate infection with rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles and even meningitis.
6. Blood clotting disorder - the baby's skin begins to become covered with small bruises and bruises.7. Allergy to the sun or cold - this category is recommended to be considered separately, since the mechanism of such a reaction is significantly different from the standard reaction to cats or citrus fruits. This ailment can be attributed to seasonal problems.
When to call a doctor
There may be little time to determine the type of rash in children, as the child may have a high temperature, so a doctor should be called immediately. In addition, the main danger factors include severe shortness of breath, swelling of the tongue and face, incredible headache, drowsiness, loss of consciousness and vomiting. In the case when the rash takes on a brown, maroon or black color, its elements are located as if in the depths of the skin and do not turn pale when pressed, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Viral infections
Photos of types of rash in children that provoke viruses are different, and they can be considered further. These pathologies include the following diseases.

1. Measles - with it there is a small rash, initially crimson-red in the mouth, and then all over the body. Often there is such a phenomenon as the merging of elements that create irregularly shaped foci of influence. She has a high temperature. Very rarely, but still, the disease can be quite severe and lead to death. Without vaccination, measles is very easy to spread from person to person.
2. Rubella is manifested by pink-red small spotty rashes that initially form on the head, and then are distributed throughout the body of the baby. There may be complaints of sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, nasal congestion, fever and chills.
3. Chicken pox - usually spreads from top to bottom, initially on the scalphead, and then observed on the chest, back and other areas. It manifests itself as bright red small spots, which later degenerate into bubbles, and then burst and gradually dry up, forming crusts. If the case is neglected and severe, then scars may remain. Accompanied by slight itching.
4. Herpes - manifests itself in the form of clustered vesicular rashes inside the mouth or on the lips, which linger for several weeks. It also happens that this virus penetrates the nuclei of nerve cells, and the rashes pass into the chronic stage.
5. Infectious mononucleosis - is expressed in the form of densely located light red or pink spots with a diameter of 6-15 mm, with this disease they most often become painful. And then the occipital and cervical lymph nodes also increase. Almost always there is a sore throat, sometimes severe weakness, migraine, cough and fatigue begin to bother.
6. Enteroviruses - appear as blisters and patchy rashes and are distributed throughout the body.7. Roseola is pink spots that do not begin to appear immediately, but after the temperature is normalized. This usually happens within 4-5 days. Babies aged 6 months to 3 years are most often affected.
Bacterial infections
Photos of types of rashes in children who have a similar infection are presented below.

1. Scarlet fever - manifests itself in the form of minor millet-like rashes, with increased color in the folds of the skin. Everything is accompanied by a slight itch,and as the rash subsides, plastic peeling is formed. The disease is characterized by a pronounced change in the pharynx, a raspberry-red tongue and a sharp sore throat.
2. Meningococcal infection - quickly forms small "blots" of red-blue color, which resemble stars. There is always a high temperature.
3. Fungal lesions of the epidermis (trichophytosis, ringworm, ringworm). A clear sign of the presence is an annular formation that itches. Dandruff begins to form on the hair, patchy baldness is possible.4. Streptoderma - at the time of the disease, large blisters begin to appear, in which purulent contents are present, often with a yellowish-brown dry crust.
Allergic reactions
There are various types of rashes in children on the arms and all over the body, which are provoked by malnutrition, natural ingredients or things, such diseases include the following ailments.
1. Urticaria - Similar in appearance to nettle burns, it appears as raised bright red or pale pink blisters that suddenly appear and subside. With them, there is a pronounced itch, extensive swelling is possible.2. Atopic dermatitis (diathesis, childhood eczema, neurodermatitis) - this type of rash appears in children on the elbows, neck, face, and also occurs on the legs, under the knees. The epidermis turns red and begins to peel off, sometimes weeping crusts are observed.
Other reasons

Very often various rashesindicate malfunctions in the work of internal organs. This is:
- vascular ailments;
- changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- kidney failure.
Infant acne - the problem occurs in the first year of life in children who are breastfed. It is a consequence of the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the cause is an increase in the level of maternal hormones.
Milia (whiteheads) - look like tiny "pearls" and form more often in infants. They pass by themselves, as they have a physiological nature.
Erythema toxicum of the newborn are yellow blisters that may appear 2-5 days after birth. Generally, no action is required.
Scabies - expressed in pairs of dots, most often in interdigital places. There is severe itching, the source is mites that affect the skin.
Types of rash in children under one year old
Miliary prickly heat can often be found in young children who are tightly wrapped or improperly bathed. Appears as a scattering of small, non-itchy red blisters that are concentrated in natural skin folds.
Against the background of a tendency to allergies and immunodeficiency, diaper rash is formed, which is an area with a bright red, moist and swollen surface. Often located in the folds of the neck, buttocks and groin.
Often, diaper rash turns into gluteal erythema - this is a concentration of bright red erosions and nodules.
Often, a baby rash occurs due to an allergic factor,such ailments include urticaria and various dermatitis.
Toxic erythema, which forms in the first year of a child's life, is considered completely harmless. This is a mixed rash consisting of papules and vesicles. The rash will go away on its own within a few weeks.
Pemphigus of a newborn is a rather dangerous disease caused by staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or streptococci. After a slight reddening, blisters with a cloudy content begin to appear, which burst and form erosions. Often found on the thighs and around the navel.
Among the infectious diseases that cause the appearance of a rash, one can single out congenital syphilis, the main symptom of which is syphilitic pemphigus. In this case, the rashes are presented in the form of dense blisters filled with a clear liquid, which becomes cloudy over time. Inflammations are very often present on the trunk, face, and almost always on the palms and soles.
We already know what types of rashes children have, now you need to figure out what to do in order to help your baby.
When, in addition to redness, the following symptoms are present, a doctor should be called immediately:
- significant and sharp increase in temperature;
- baby has difficulty breathing;
- hemorrhagic stellate rash present;
- rashes cover the whole body and cause significant itching;
- starts losing consciousness and vomiting.

In order to protect the baby from infection, you need to vaccinate him on time. In order not to get an allergic reaction, it is required to introduce complementary foods correctly and not to rush with new products. It is necessary to accustom your child to a he althy diet and harden. This will help set up children's immunity in the right way and the child will not have such problems.
If a rash has been noticed on the body, do not panic and call the doctor immediately. It is necessary to figure out whether the case is really critical or whether it is just a reaction caused by a chocolate bar eaten or an insect bite. For bathing, it is better to use decoctions of herbs, and buy clothes made of cotton fabric. Dyes also often cause reactions in the body.
When an epidemic of rubella or chickenpox begins in the kindergarten, it is recommended to leave the baby at home, as the disease spreads very quickly from infected sources.
In the summer, it is imperative to ventilate the room, and then use a fumigator.
You should not allow children to squeeze pimples and open them. This often provokes the spread of infection.
Every parent must know the types of rashes and the causes of rashes in children in order to help the child in a timely manner.
If the baby has a fever, you should definitely call the doctor.