Thrombophlebitis is a serious disease manifested by inflammation of the vein wall and the subsequent formation of a blood clot that closes its lumen. Its development provokes a whole range of reasons. And now we will talk about why it appears and whether it is possible to cure it.
Before you talk about how to treat thrombophlebitis, you need to discuss the prerequisites for its development. Under certain conditions, the disease can develop in the veins of any localization. However, most often it affects the vessels of the lower extremities.
Superficial, dilated varicose veins are affected. In about 10% of cases, the process also affects the deep veins.
A number of factors affect the development of the disease - altered blood composition, increased clotting, slow blood flow, as well as damage to the venous wall of any nature (disorders of a neurotrophic and endocrine nature, diseases, injuries, etc.).
The following conditions increase the likelihood of thrombophlebitis:
- Blood diseases.
- Post-thrombophlebitic disease.
- Prolonged venous catheterization.
- Injuries.
- Local purulent processes.
- Common infectious diseases.
- Oncological diseases.
- Varicose veins.
- Medical abortion and post-surgical conditions.
- Postpartum.
Sometimes the onset of the development of a disease can be caused by an acquired or hereditary tendency of blood to form blood clots, or a reduced reactivity of the body.
Another topic that should be noted before discussing how to treat thrombophlebitis. As a rule, manifestations of the disease are localized in the lower third of the thighs and the upper third of the legs. In almost 95% of cases, the disease affects the trunk of the great saphenous vein, as well as its tributaries.
A person is concerned about acute pulling pain along the affected vein, which becomes more intense when walking. The temperature often rises - it can reach 37.5-38 ° C. There is also hyperemia of the skin at the site of the lesion.

If you feel a thrombosed vein, you can detect a local increase in temperature, as well as a compacted painful band.
It is necessary to make a reservation that acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins often develops in two directions. With a favorable course of pathology, the symptoms gradually disappear. The recovery takes from 10 days to 3 months, sometimes more. In many patients, the lumen of the vein is restored, but in someobliteration of the damaged vessel occurs.
The most unfavorable outcome of the disease is the defeat of deep veins, or the proximal spread of the disease. A similar condition is accompanied by valvular insufficiency and phlebothrombosis. And this is a serious threat to the life of the patient. There is a risk of even pulmonary embolism. What is fraught with chronic venous insufficiency.
Now we can talk about how to treat thrombophlebitis. In general, therapy is always prescribed by a doctor. Only he, based on the results of diagnostics and examination, can prescribe drugs that will definitely benefit the patient.
But there are a number of tools that are most popular. If we talk about ointments, then this:
- "Troxevasin". This agent reduces the pores between endothelial cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also inhibits erythrocyte aggregation. Its regular use eliminates swelling, pain, trophic disorders and convulsions. In short, Troxevasin has five actions - venotonic, decongestant, angioprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
- "Lyoton 1000". Answering the question regarding how to treat thrombophlebitis, you need to talk about this effective gel. It is used in the treatment of arterial and venous thrombosis. This gel has an active effect on blood coagulation, and also destroys fibrin, which is the basis of blood clots. Thus, the agent prevents the formation of hematomas and blood clots. The ointment also reduces vulnerabilityblood vessels and prevents the formation of soft tissue edema, improving its metabolism.
- "Venein gel". This is a herbal remedy, which contains an extract of horse chestnut and calendula. The drug reduces capillary permeability, has a venotonic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

These are the three best-known topical products that quickly penetrate the skin, so the effect of their application comes quickly. Therefore, if you want to know how to treat thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, you should consider one of the ointments listed as an option. The main thing is to use one drug. Combining them, you can provoke an allergy, or completely reduce therapy to "no".
Talking about how to treat thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, it should be noted that therapy is not complete without injections into muscles and veins. As a rule, doctors prescribe such substances for administration:
- Streptokinase. This medicine is injected into a vein through a drip. Treatment is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions under the supervision of medical specialists.
- Heparin. This remedy is diluted with saline. Introducing it either intravenously or intramuscularly. It quickly thins the blood, reducing its clotting. To increase fibrinolytic activity, a minimum dose is sufficient. By the way, taking heparin, you can prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
- Exanta. This tool is considered a new invention of pharmaceuticals,which is focused on the treatment of thrombosis. It is a powerful inhibitor of alpha-thrombin, which, being rapidly absorbed into the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots.
The doctor treating thrombophlebitis may also prescribe antibiotics. This is necessary if there is a suspicion of an infectious infection. They are taken in short courses, since long-term use can lead to thickening of the blood.
Analgesic injections can also be shown to relieve severe pain. The course of treatment is also a maximum of three days. The patient is then switched to weaker nonsteroidal drugs.
When discussing how to treat thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities, it should be mentioned that drugs of this series are usually prescribed to restore normal blood flow, prevent recurrent thrombosis, and also to dissolve clots in the vessels.
Here are the most famous anticoagulant drugs:
- "Warfarin Nycomed". An indirect anticoagulant that reduces excessive blood viscosity. Blocks the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors. The effect appears after 36-72 hours from the start of taking the drug. The activity of the marked elements is restored 4-5 days after the drug is discontinued.
- Xarelto. A product with high bioavailability. You should remember its name if you want to know how to treat deep vein thrombophlebitis, because it is for this purpose that it is used. Also, Xarelto prevents vein embolism andarteries after surgery.
- "Pradaksa". Direct thrombin inhibitor. It is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, subsequently turning into dabigatran, the main active substance in the blood plasma. This remedy inhibits the activity of thrombin, and also prevents clumping of blood clots, dissolves clots, relieves swelling and stops the inflammatory process.

The doctor treating thrombophlebitis individually prescribes the dosage of a particular drug. Anticoagulants can only be purchased with a prescription.
You can't do without taking these funds. Talking about how to treat thrombophlebitis on the legs, you need to list the most common and well-known anti-inflammatory drugs, which include:
- "Trombo Ass". A medicine based on acetylsalicylic acid. Not only reduces the activity of inflammation, but also eliminates pain. Its mechanism of action is based on the irreversible inactivation of the COX-1 enzyme. The effect is maintained for one week after taking the drug.
- "Ibuprofen". Since we are talking about how to treat vein thrombophlebitis, we need to remember this well-known anti-inflammatory agent. "Ibuprofen", in addition to this action, also has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.
- "Diclofenac". The basis of this drug is a derivative of phenylacetic acid. The tool has analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. If applied topically, it also eliminatespain and swelling.
- "Cardiomagnyl". This antiplatelet agent has a venoprotective and anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps to normalize cardiovascular activity.
Much has been said above about how to treat thrombophlebitis on the legs in women and men. But it is also worth mentioning phlebotonizing medicines. They have a complex effect on the entire body, strengthening blood vessels, increasing their elasticity, improving blood microcirculation and outflow of lymphatic fluid. Using phlebotonics, you can eliminate the inflammatory process in the veins and increase vascular tone.

The following drugs are popular:
- Detralex. Minimizes vein distensibility, eliminates blood stasis, reduces capillary permeability and increases their resistance.
- "Troxevasin". Earlier it was mentioned about the ointment, now it's worth talking about the pills. The drug in capsules perfectly eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins, prevents the appearance of edema, blood and lymphatic congestion, and even stretching of the vascular wall.
- "Flebodia 600". It is a bioflavonoid with a venotonic effect that helps improve microcirculation, oxygen diffusion and lymphatic drainage, as well as reduce the adhesion of leukocytes to the venous wall with further migration to the paravenous tissues. Phlebodia 600 also has an anti-inflammatory effect and blocks the synthesis of thromboxane and prostaglandins, as well as the production of free radicals.
As alternatives, you can consider the drugs "Vazoket", "Venolek" and "Venarus" - their use helps to strengthen the walls of the veins, normalize the outflow of blood, increase the lumen of the vessels and reduce congestive processes.
Treatment of ulcers
Trophic ulcers are an unpleasant complication of a neglected disease. It is difficult and long to eliminate such defects, since they appear as a result of prolonged venous stasis and serious disorders of the lymphatic system. If you don’t catch it, then these neoplasms will continue to progress, and as a result, they will be complicated by the addition of a secondary infection. This is fraught with erysipelas.
How to treat ulcers with thrombophlebitis? Only a doctor can answer this question, since therapy is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions, after a diagnosis. The complex includes the following activities:
- Elastic compression. A special jersey is applied to the affected areas, which normalizes the outflow of lymph and blood from the limb and pushes out the interstitial fluid.
- Medication taking. Local application of such agents as Hepatrombin, Proteox, Venorutin, etc. is recommended. Injections are also prescribed - Actovegin, for example.
- Ozone therapy. Exposure to this remedy helps to destroy germs, clean the ulcer, and also speed up healing.
- Physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage massage.
- Following a diet.

The last resort is surgery. Surgeon firstexcised the affected vein, and then removes the ulcer.
Folk remedies
A few words should be said about how to treat thrombophlebitis at home. But first you need to make a reservation that you need to do this only after consulting a doctor. The disease is serious, and amateur performance can lead to horrific consequences. Which doctor treats thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities? Phlebologist. You should contact him.
Here are some folk remedies that a specialist may approve of:
- Tincture of Kalanchoe, intended for rubbing the affected areas. Preparing elementary: you need 2 tbsp. l. grind the plants well, then pour one glass of vodka and set for 10 days.
- Healing baths with essential oils of myrtle, peppermint and geranium. For 5 liters of hot water, 15 drops of these funds should go.
- Compresses from acacia tincture. For its manufacture, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. raw materials with one glass of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours.
- Shilajit ointment. To prepare it, you need to dissolve the mummy in vaseline or peach oil. The ratio should be 1:5.
- Aromatherapy. Everything is simple here: you need to add 1-2 drops of tea tree, myrtle and cypress oils to the venous cream, and then gently rub the resulting mass into the skin of the legs. Then lie down for 30 minutes with raised legs.

Talking about how to treat thrombophlebitis with folk remedies, you need to tell about healing bandages. They help eliminate vascular inflammation andprevent the development of tissue necrosis. And they are made elementary - you just need to thoroughly soak a clean cloth in a healing composition, and apply it to the affected area. The following components work great:
- Grated carrots.
- Crushed celery leaves to be mixed with any oil.
- Sea buckthorn oil.
- Ointment made from cudweed decoction with butter and natural honey (4:1 ratio).
- Crushed cabbage leaves mixed with egg white.
And since we are talking about how to treat thrombophlebitis at home, we must talk about a remedy that helps with ulcers. It is done simply: burdock roots (50 g) should be poured with sunflower oil (100 ml), let it brew for a day, and then boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Then strain and use.
So, which doctor treats thrombophlebitis, it's clear. This is a phlebologist, and he draws up a detailed treatment regimen for each of his patients. But besides this, the specialist necessarily prescribes a special diet, compliance with which is the most important factor when it comes to recovery.
The goal of proper nutrition is to improve metabolism and blood circulation, reduce blood viscosity, improve its trophic properties, strengthen venous walls, reduce pressure on blood vessels, normalize stool, and minimize swelling.
We will have to give up the following products:
- Everything spicy, smoked and fried.
- Any food with animal fats.
- Sausages, meat broths.
- Mayonnaise, cream.
- Lentils.
- Chokeberry.
- Mango and bananas.
- Rosehip.
All these foods increase blood viscosity. And products containing cholesterol also contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques with their further deposition on the vascular walls.
Still have to give up foods fortified with vitamin K, because it leads to thrombosis. It is found in the highest concentrations in the following foods:
- Leaf cabbage.
- Seaweed.
- Cress.
- Spinach.
- Broccoli.
- Pork or beef liver.
- Celery.
- Beans.
- Cauliflower.
It is useless to be interested in the question of how to treat thrombophlebitis at home if proper nutrition is ignored. Diet is important, and the first step in your diet is to include foods with flavonoids (quercetin, silymarin, resveratrol, isorhamnetin, rutin, etc.), as well as with antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamins E and C). Their consumption will prevent damage to the endothelium of the veins and increase the impermeability of their walls.
The most useful are large-leaf green tea, citrus fruits, fresh juice, red grape leaves, vegetables and berries. The lemon-honey mixture with the addition of chopped garlic and onions will bring benefits (proportions in grams: 50 x 100 x 100 x 200). It is rich in vitamins P, E and A, which should be consumed by patients with thrombophlebitis.

Also included in the list of allowed productsfollowing items:
- Lean, skinless rabbit, turkey and chicken meat.
- Lean beef and its liver.
- Fatty fish (red and white). These are herring, sturgeon, mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, salmon.
- Some permitted seafood: oysters, mussels and crabs.
- Products with unsaturated fatty acids. These are sunflower, cottonseed and olive oils, as well as cauliflower, nuts and flaxseeds.
- Grains and dairy products.
- Zucchini, bell peppers, jacket-cooked potatoes, carrots, beans, garden greens.
- Apples, strawberries, apricots, cherries.
- Dried fruit, whole grain bread.
- Bay leaf, cinnamon, red pepper, ginger.
It is recommended to drink non-carbonated mineral water, herbal teas, freshly prepared juices from fruits and vegetables (grape juice is especially useful), compotes, jelly and fruit drinks.