Pineapple Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

Pineapple Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment
Pineapple Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

Pineapple is an allergen that causes a reaction like fruit-latex syndrome, which combines a rather extensive list of berries and fruits into a group, including all citrus fruits. The reasons for the development of an allergy to pineapple are external factors, such as exposure to irritants from the outside, and internal - the body's own reaction to the chemical composition of the product.

Pineapple ingredients

Pineapple is considered a dietary food and is often used in various weight loss diets.

The composition of pineapple includes 4 vitamin groups, monosaccharides, macro- and microelements:

  • vitamins: A, PP, C, B (B1, B2, B12);
  • sucrose;
  • potassium and calcium;
  • magnesium, iron, zinc, copper;
  • iodine, manganese, bromelain, papain.

A 100-gram slice of fruit has only 48 kilocalories, which is only 2 kcal more than an apple and 8 kcal less than the ascorbic acid-rich and very popular kiwi fruit in many diets.

Woman cutting a pineapple
Woman cutting a pineapple

Benefits of pineapple

Both the beneficial properties of pineapple and contraindications to it are 80% associated with one element that is part of the fruit - bromelain. This enzymehas the ability to instantly break down proteins that enter the body with food, simplifying them to the state of amino acids, but, contrary to myths, its effect does not apply to fatty acids. Weight loss with the participation of this element is associated with the indirect effect of bromelain on the formation of enzymes of the enzyme group of lipase, which is a natural fat burner in the body.

The combination of biologically active substances in pineapple, expressed mainly by phytonutrients of the terpinoid group, has a detoxic, metabolic, immunostimulating and diuretic effect on the body. Only 100 g of the product, eaten during the day, will replenish half of the daily requirement of its vitamins.

girl eating pineapple
girl eating pineapple


Due to the high content of fruit acids in the fresh product, pineapple has an extensive list of contraindications. The beneficial properties of pineapple also mainly depend on the ability of these acids to cope with protein metabolism, so the indications for its use for medicinal or dietary purposes depend on the individual characteristics of the human body.

Do not recommend eating this product:

  • for diseases associated with acid imbalance in the body;
  • with existing ulcers, gastritis, as well as high risks of their formation;
  • people who often suffer from caries or have severe damage to tooth enamel;
  • with individual intolerance to the active elements of the fruit.

Fresh fruits may help to terminate a pregnancy, butonly at the stage of formation of the fetal egg. Starting from the end of the first trimester of pregnancy and until the very birth, a woman can safely consume fruit in small quantities without fear for her he alth.

Woman closing her mouth
Woman closing her mouth

Prerequisites for the formation of allergies

Individual intolerance to some elements in the composition of pineapple is due to a deficiency in the human body of enzymes from the protease category - a special enzyme group responsible for the breakdown of protein compounds into simple structural components. Disturbances in the body associated with the following factors contribute to the development of a pathological condition:

  • autoimmune system failure;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hereditary transmission of the syndrome;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • toxic poisoning.

Recent studies in this area have deduced a pattern between an allergy to pineapple and disorders in the human nervous system. Therefore, people who are subject to frequent stress or have mental illness are at risk of developing a negative reaction.

Mouth pain from allergies
Mouth pain from allergies

Causes of an allergic reaction

Incorrect response of the immune system to the chemical elements of the protein in the fresh product is the main cause of pineapple allergy. Separately, the reaction of the body is isolated, which is manifested only on a canned, dried or other processed product, while the use of fresh fruit is negative.carries no consequences. In this case, it is not an allergy to pineapple, but intolerance to substances from the group of preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Citric acid and synthetic fructose are among the most common allergens that are artificially introduced into the product to improve its taste or extend its shelf life. The true origin of an allergy can only be determined by evaluating the body's reaction to different types of pineapple.

Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice


Standard pineapple allergy symptoms are expressed in external skin manifestations that become noticeable in the first few hours after eating the product:

  • rash on the face, chest, buttocks - punctate or confluent in the form of red spots;
  • severe itching;
  • swelling of the face, spreading from the bridge of the nose and the back of the hands;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders such as diarrhea or constipation;
  • deaf cough without sputum, runny nose, watery eyes.

Two critical degrees of development of an allergic reaction to a fruit are: Quincke's edema (extensive swelling, asphyxia, semi-consciousness) and anaphylactic shock (loss of consciousness, lack of response to stimuli). What to do if you are allergic to pineapple and which remedy should you use first of all?

Pineapple Allergy Symptoms
Pineapple Allergy Symptoms

Medicated treatment

Depending on how the allergy to pineapple manifests itself, the treatment regimen will be determined. Firstthe turn should be to exclude the allergen from the food component, and only then begin therapeutic actions. Most often, the clinical picture, expressed by a rash and slight swelling, is quickly stopped by antihistamines:

  • "Suprastin".
  • "Tavegil".
  • Erius.
  • Zodak.

These drugs can be purchased without a doctor's prescription and official prescription, but keep in mind that only the latest generation of oral antihistamines do not cause drowsiness and do not lose effectiveness with prolonged use.

In addition to tablets or syrups - blockers of histamine receptors, auxiliaries are used to relieve the symptoms of an allergy to pineapple:

  • sorbents - drugs that bind and absorb toxins and poisons, with their subsequent removal from the body (activated carbon, "Smekta");
  • immunomodulators - drugs to strengthen the protective properties of the body ("Lymphomyosot" "Timalin");
  • non-hormonal ointments - are part of the symptomatic treatment and eliminate the consequences of an allergic reaction on the skin ("Fenistil", "Gistam");
  • corticosteroids - are prescribed in different forms, depending on the severity of the manifestation of an allergic reaction, with its development and the uncontrollability of antihistamines ("Prednisolone", "Florinef").

If the allergy manifested itself in childhood, the patient's parents may be offered the allergen vaccination method as the only way to overcome intolerance forever. The treatment process in this way can take up to five years, but as a result, a personwill be able to consume small portions of food without compromising well-being.

Important to know! If an allergy to pineapple appears on the lips in the form of a rash of small bubbles, women should stop using decorative cosmetics and not try to mask the inflammation with makeup. At the same time, the use of drying loose powder on the face at the stage of drying pimples is welcome.

The doctor makes an examination
The doctor makes an examination


In addition to eliminating pineapple from the diet, if an allergy to this fruit is detected, a rather extensive list of previously allowed products will have to be reconsidered. The fact is that this allergen is capable of triggering a cross-reaction in the body, under the action of which they can get:

  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • strawberry;
  • carrot;
  • all citrus;
  • chocolate.

This does not mean that you will have to give up the listed products unequivocally, but it is necessary to reduce the doses of their use at least for the first time to assess the body's reaction. Employees of institutions visited by an allergic child, and - necessarily - doctors of medical institutions, should be aware of the safety measures before the schedule of any therapeutic regimen.
