Everyone experiences stressful situations from time to time. And everyone has their own ways of dealing with them. During the evolutionary process, living organisms have developed special methods to cope with overvoltage. Humans also have such mechanisms. Psychological overload becomes a problem when the individual is not able to resist them. The article will focus on stress in men, symptoms, causes, methods of dealing with this condition.
Features of the phenomenon
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The representatives of the stronger sex often experience psychological stress. Problems with colleagues and management, financial difficulties, conflicts with spouse, parents and children can unbalance anyone. And if there are too many unpleasant situations, failures occur in the body, as a result of which physical and mental pathologies develop.
Symptoms of stress in men are not always pronounced.
Becauseit is believed that the representatives of the stronger sex should not show their feelings. And a person is taught to hide emotions from childhood.
Varieties of stress
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This condition is not always harmful. Psychologists say that there are two forms of stress. The first is considered positive, as it forces a person to concentrate and mobilize all his strength to perform complex activities. The second negatively affects the state of he alth. It can be triggered by various factors (loneliness, illness, conflicts in the workplace, unrealized goals, problems in the family). In the initial stages, the symptoms of stress in men are not pronounced. They are manifested only by low mood and fatigue. However, if negative factors continue to affect a person, he experiences changes in physical and mental he alth, deterioration of sexual functions.
You are more likely to develop a serious mental disorder - depression.
Why does stress occur?
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Factors that provoke psychological overstrain can be listed:
- He alth problems, hormonal imbalances (for example, as a result of improper functioning of the thyroid gland and other vital fatty acids).
- Difficulties of a psychological nature (difficulties in one's abilities, inability to communicate with people, feelings of loneliness, midlife crisis).
- Tragic events (death of parents,spouse or child, hostilities, disasters, and so on).
- Career failures, lack of finances.
- Divorce.
- Betrayal by spouse or friends.
- The birth of a child, the lifestyle changes that this event entails.
There are many other situations that can lead to stress. A person's reaction to these circumstances is largely determined by his psychological characteristics.
How does stress affect men? First of all, the behavior of an individual who is exposed to negative factors changes. He may deny the presence of psychological problems. However, being under the influence of stressful situations, a person feels discomfort, fatigue, anxiety, depression and tension. To combat these symptoms, representatives of the stronger sex often use harmful and even he alth-threatening methods. How does a man deal with stress?
Some people in situations of psychological overstrain try to get rid of discomfort with the help of alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction. However, such risky measures create new problems, aggravate the condition, provoke diseases, accidents.
If a man refuses to recognize stress, denies it in every possible way, negative emotions accumulate, causing disruption of the body, deterioration of immunity. Discomfort in the heart, weight fluctuations, discomfort in various organs, dizziness, malfunctions in the activity of the stomach and intestines - all these ailmentsoften occur against the background of emotional overload.
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One of the symptoms of stress in men is sleep disturbance. Some people start taking more time to rest because they feel overwhelmed all the time. And others often reproach them for laziness, not knowing the true cause of this condition. However, sometimes stress is manifested by the fact that a man begins to sleep less. Anxious thoughts and experiences simply do not allow him to rest normally. As a result of a violation of the daily routine, a person is not able to do work properly, constantly feels tired and weak. This condition indicates physical and mental exhaustion.
Anger attacks
Irritability in men often appears in conditions of psychological overstrain. If a person is able to control his own emotions, he does not allow impulsive behavior. However, not everyone can manage themselves. And attacks of anger provoke a man to actions that entail serious consequences. Internal aggression periodically splashes out on others. Any, even a harmless statement or action causes a storm of negative emotions. Such intemperance provokes quarrels, problems in the family. After all, not everyone can put up with such behavior.
Failures in personal life
How does stress manifest itself in men? First of all, psychological overstrain is reflected in relationships with loved ones. As a rule, in situations associated with emotional overload, a person's behavior changes. FromHis aggression affects children, parents, spouse. Even the strongest marriage can not resist the onslaught of stress. A man becomes demanding, capricious, gloomy. Some react to emotional overload with anxiety, restlessness. Other people fall into the power of addictions or commit aggressive actions, the result of which is domestic violence, family breakdown. Sometimes a man begins to treat life with pessimism, blame himself for all the failures, gives up, does not try to correct the situation. Naturally, contact with such an individual is very difficult. Even close ones begin to avoid communication with him. Failures in personal life create new problems. And it is very difficult to get out of this vicious circle.
Physical he alth effects
![heartache heartache](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/036/image-107251-5-j.webp)
Symptoms of stress in men are expressed in the appearance of the following ailments:
- Muscle spasms.
- Myocardial and vascular pathologies.
- Gastrointestinal ulcers.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Sexual dysfunctions.
- Dermatological pathologies.
In addition, there are often cases of baldness from stress in men. Unfavorable external circumstances lead to hormonal disruptions, as a result of which the hair becomes weak, the condition of the scalp worsens.
How to deal with emotional overload?
![psychologist consultation psychologist consultation](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/036/image-107251-6-j.webp)
In a situation of severe stress, the character and physical condition of a person undergo changes. How to avoidnegative consequences? The following tips will help you deal with difficult circumstances:
- Share problems with loved ones, spouse, relatives and acquaintances. A man needs to find someone he really trusts. It is important that the interlocutor is ready to listen, support and, if possible, provide assistance in a difficult situation. Talking with a loved one relieves the feeling of loneliness, depression.
- Contact a specialist. Many men are embarrassed to go to a psychologist. But this is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, a specialist will help identify the source of stress and give recommendations on how to deal with it. In some cases, the doctor prescribes sedatives for the nervous system of adults, which eliminate nervousness, irritability and sleep problems.
The most common drugs to combat psychological overexertion include:
- Persen.
- "Afobazol".
- Tenotin.
It should be remembered that sedatives for the nervous system of an adult have features and contraindications. Before using them, you need to consult a specialist.
Other medicines
In order to cope with the symptoms of stress, it is recommended to use herbal preparations. Valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile and sage have a calming effect. In addition, to improve the physical and emotional state, supplements are prescribed that contain calcium, zinc and iron. Experts advisetake vitamins for stress for men, for example, "Centrum", "Bemix-C", "Vitamax".
![stress relief stress relief](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/036/image-107251-7-j.webp)
To avoid the appearance of depression and emotional overload, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Keep a clear daily routine.
- Do not forget about physical activity, regular walks.
- Monitor your diet. Eat foods rich in vitamins, limit fast food, sweets.
- Try to avoid psychological overload, communication with conflicting personalities.
- Do not make excessive demands on yourself, be proud of your own achievements, learn to find a reason for joy in simple things.
- Do not seek solace in addictions. Hobbies, going to theaters, museums, cinema help to cope with negative emotions.