Health 2024, October

Diarrhea after antibiotics in children: how to treat?

Diarrhea after antibiotics in children: how to treat?

The achievements of modern pharmaceuticals cannot but rejoice. Those diseases that were considered fatal several hundred years ago are successfully cured today thanks to the discovery of antibiotics. But everything has a downside. During treatment, the beneficial intestinal microflora also dies. Therefore, diarrhea after antibiotics in children is not at all uncommon

Adrenal disease in women: symptoms and treatment

Adrenal disease in women: symptoms and treatment

Diagnosing diseases of the adrenal glands in women is very important in order to start adequate treatment in the early stages of the development of pathology. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism

Asthenia: what is it and how to treat it

Asthenia: what is it and how to treat it

About half of all people on Earth suffer from asthenia syndrome. It can be considered a psychosomatic disorder that requires special treatment. But most people who have this problem believe that they are just tired and do not go to the doctors

Burning eyes: causes and treatment

Burning eyes: causes and treatment

Vision is an important aspect of human life. However, the eyes are a rather sensitive organ, and it is almost impossible to restore lost vision. If you experience any discomfort, burning in the eyes or watery eyes, you should consult a specialist for advice. Lack of attention to vision can lead to the development of serious complications

Details on why the heel of the foot hurts

Details on why the heel of the foot hurts

It is far from always possible to understand why the heel of the foot hurts without a proper medical examination. That is why, in order to find out the true causes of such unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities, you should immediately consult a doctor. If in the coming days you are unable to visit the hospital, then you can guess why the heel of your foot hurts by reading the following list of diseases that are characterized by discomfort in the feet

Senile dementia: causes, symptoms, stages, treatment, prognosis

Senile dementia: causes, symptoms, stages, treatment, prognosis

Not all people are fortunate enough to keep a clear mind until old age. Only 30% of those who lived to the turn of 80 years are distinguished by sober judgments. The rest have some kind of thinking disorder, and memory suffers. This condition is a disease that most often affects women. The name of this disease is senile dementia

Remedy for binge: drugs and folk recipes

Remedy for binge: drugs and folk recipes

Alcoholism is a very insidious and dangerous disease not only for the abuser himself, but also for his environment. Therefore, many of those who face the problem of alcoholism in life are looking for a reliable and effective remedy for binge drinking

Chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms and treatment

Chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms and treatment

Chronic cholecystitis implies an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder itself and the biliary tract itself. It is noteworthy, but representatives of our beautiful half of humanity suffer from this disease today more often than strong women

Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating

Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating

There are many reasons for flatulence, and not always increased gas formation is a cause for concern. Even malnutrition can provoke it - if a person talks during a meal, air is swallowed along with the food. This leads to a disturbing effect. However, this explanation is far from the only possible one. We will analyze what flatulence is, what provokes it and how to deal with it

Jaw arthrosis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Jaw arthrosis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a chronic disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is progressive in nature and is accompanied by degeneration of synovial tissues and destruction of articular cartilage

What are the symptoms of facial neuritis?

What are the symptoms of facial neuritis?

Symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve - an unpleasant phenomenon, like the disease itself. In case of occurrence, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment

The left side of the face hurts: symptoms, causes, possible diagnosis, diagnosis and self-diagnosis, advice from doctors

The left side of the face hurts: symptoms, causes, possible diagnosis, diagnosis and self-diagnosis, advice from doctors

Headache is always an unpleasant condition, regardless of its strength and duration. Many factors influence its appearance, and most often the person suffering from it knows that they are dependent on weather changes or overwork has affected work. But what to do if, for unknown reasons, the left side of the face hurts?

Jaw jamming: causes, diagnosis, treatment options

Jaw jamming: causes, diagnosis, treatment options

Jaw jamming can be provoked by local trauma, heavy load during chewing, diction, as well as other factors that cause joint dysfunction. If this kind of problem appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor to diagnose and choose a treatment strategy

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: causes, symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: causes, symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is characterized by the fact that there is significant soreness of the affected area, stiffness and numbness of the face, as well as muscle spasm. It is necessary to carry out complex treatment using several methods

Gonococcal pharyngitis: symptoms, signs, treatment and prevention

Gonococcal pharyngitis: symptoms, signs, treatment and prevention

Today we invite you to talk about a very interesting topic. Surely not everyone knows that some infections that can be transmitted exclusively through sexual contact can manifest themselves not only in the urogenital area. One such disease is gonococcal pharyngitis

Partial seizures: signs, symptoms and treatment

Partial seizures: signs, symptoms and treatment

Partial seizures occur in the presence of epilepsy. They can provoke very life-threatening symptoms. In the event of seizures, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent complex treatment

Gonorrhea: ways of infection, symptoms, treatment

Gonorrhea: ways of infection, symptoms, treatment

This pathology is a very dangerous venereal disease. Illiterate and untimely treatment is fraught with the development of serious complications, one of which is irreversible infertility. It is generally accepted that gonorrhea can only be contracted by a person who is sexually promiscuous. However, it is not. Gonorrhea has several routes of infection

Gonorrhea throat: signs, symptoms, medical diagnosis, treatment and consequences for humans

Gonorrhea throat: signs, symptoms, medical diagnosis, treatment and consequences for humans

Among the known STDs, gonorrhea occupies a special place, the development of which is provoked by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae - gonococci. Usually, the disease is transmitted sexually, but there are other ways of transmitting the infection, for example, through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, eyes, etc. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the oral cavity, gonorrhea often develops

De Quervain's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

De Quervain's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

De Quervain's disease is a pathology characterized by inflammation of the tendons on the thumb. The disease manifests itself gradually, it is characterized by a rather slow development. Sometimes it takes weeks or even months to see a doctor

Korsakov's syndrome - manifestations and causes

Korsakov's syndrome - manifestations and causes

Korsakov's syndrome, or amnesic syndrome, is manifested by impaired short-term memory, due to which the patient loses the sense of time. Intellectual abilities are not reduced. The cause of the disorder is considered to be damage to the posterior lobe of the hypothalamus and its surrounding structures, sometimes bilateral damage to the hippocampus can be observed

Thrombi: symptom, mechanism and causes. Treatment

Thrombi: symptom, mechanism and causes. Treatment

Blood clots that occur in the vessels due to a violation of the process of coagulation and anticoagulation of blood, are called blood clots. The symptom and manifestation of them depends on the specific location. Arterial thromboses are considered the most dangerous. They require prompt intervention

Hemangioma of the liver: symptoms, treatment

Hemangioma of the liver: symptoms, treatment

Hemangioma of the liver, the causes of which are not always possible to detect, is mainly a small (3-4 cm) neoplasm from the vessels, but sometimes it can reach 10 cm, which is a danger to life. Treatment of the disease can be carried out both surgically and medically. In addition, you can get rid of hemangioma of the liver with the help of folk remedies

Sick stomach: an ulcer and its treatment

Sick stomach: an ulcer and its treatment

Many today complain that their stomach often hurts. Ulcers, gastritis, polyps, neoplasms - the list of possible pathological conditions can still continue. An ulcer occurs due to damage to the gastric mucosa, tissues. Actually, this disease will be discussed in the article

Enlarged spleen. Causes

Enlarged spleen. Causes

The spleen is an organ of the human body, which has many functions. A change in its size indicates serious he alth problems. So, an enlarged spleen is often found in infectious diseases, various kinds of cysts. The organ can change due to pathologies of the hematopoietic system, organs of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases and circulatory disorders

About how to treat a throat at home

About how to treat a throat at home

A sore throat is probably familiar to every person on the planet. There are a lot of methods of dealing with this problem, but how to treat a throat at home when there are no pills nearby?

Gunshot wound. First aid for gunshot wounds

Gunshot wound. First aid for gunshot wounds

In today's turbulent world, you need to be prepared for any situation. And sometimes you just need to know a few simple rules that can save a person's life. This article should talk about what a gunshot wound is and what assistance can be provided to a wounded person before the arrival of an ambulance

Hemorrhagic shock: causes, complications and consequences, emergency care

Hemorrhagic shock: causes, complications and consequences, emergency care

Pathological processes in the development of hemorrhagic shock in humans are based on a sudden decrease in the volume of blood that circulates through the vessels. A decrease in portions of blood ejected by the heart reflexively causes vascular spasm in various organs, including those important for life, such as the brain, lungs and heart

Treatment of female alcoholism - nothing is impossible

Treatment of female alcoholism - nothing is impossible

"Rus is joy to drink, we can't live without it." For a thousand years that have passed since the time when the Kyiv prince Vladimir uttered these words, practically nothing has changed. In our time, a new problem is acute - female alcoholism

Demodectic blepharitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Demodectic blepharitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ticks of the genus Demodex are relatively pathogenic bacteria that are detected in 90% of adults (in 72.5% of the situation, Demodex eyelids are mixed with facial skin lesions), but the disease does not appear in everyone. A tick with dimensions of 0.2-0.5 millimeters lives in the ducts of the fatty and meibomian glands, in the mouths of the hair follicles of the face and mammals

What makes your head hurt? Which doctor to contact with a headache

What makes your head hurt? Which doctor to contact with a headache

What makes your head hurt? Several main causes of a variety of headaches. Headaches during menstruation in women. Head injury and concussion symptoms. High and low pressure. Headache with SARS. Treatment and diagnosis. Which doctor should I contact?

It hurts a lot, the head splits: possible causes and features of treatment

It hurts a lot, the head splits: possible causes and features of treatment

Headache can slightly spoil the mood or turn life into a real hell - it all depends on the circumstances, the strength and localization of sensations, the ability to cope on your own. If it’s just a little pressure on the whiskey, you can ignore it, but sometimes your head literally splits and this feeling lasts for hours. You don’t have to stutter about the quality of life in such a situation, this is a debilitating phenomenon that leaves no chance to be distracted and endure

Restless legs syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Restless legs syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Restless legs syndrome was clearly described in the middle of the twentieth century by one fairly well-known neurologist from Switzerland - Karl Axel Ekbom. And although this disease has long been studied, but this problem is still very relevant

Causes of snoring and how to treat it

Causes of snoring and how to treat it

Contrary to popular belief, snoring is a pathological condition. If the noise during breathing during sleep occurs regularly, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist who will conduct an examination and refer you for a thorough examination. According to its results, the patient will be prescribed either conservative treatment or surgical intervention

Child is coughing. The nature of the cough and methods of treatment

Child is coughing. The nature of the cough and methods of treatment

Cough is a response of the body, more precisely a certain part of the brain, and it is aimed at restoring airway patency (AP). Cough itself is not a disease, but its appearance should be taken seriously, especially in children. What to do when a child coughs? Let's find out in this article

The most common ways of contracting syphilis

The most common ways of contracting syphilis

In the article I would like to talk about such a serious disease as syphilis. Useful information about the causative agent of the disease, methods of infection and associated dangers will help to avoid infection

A child's nail grows: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

A child's nail grows: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

Why does a child's nail grow in? According to statistics, the edges of the pasura can grow even in infants. Therefore, it is best to start studying issues related to the formation of plates, even when the baby is in the womb. The size and structure of future nails in a child directly depends on the mother's diet during pregnancy

Signs of late stage syphilis

Signs of late stage syphilis

Syphilis is a very serious disease, the transmission of which is carried out through sexual contact and household contact. This disease affects all systems of the body and, if left untreated, can continue for many years. The last stage of syphilis has a number of features, which our article talks about

Mycoplasma infections: symptoms and treatment

Mycoplasma infections: symptoms and treatment

Mycoplasma infections are common in some people today. As a rule, such a disease manifests itself in two clinical variants, namely, bronchopneumonia and inflammation of the genitourinary organs. The most common mycoplasma infection occurs in adult patients. In our article you can find out more detailed information about such a disease

Suspension in the gallbladder: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Suspension in the gallbladder: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Formation of suspension in the gallbladder is a fairly common problem that provokes the development of unpleasant consequences in the form of bile stasis. Impurities that accumulate in this area are most often in the form of fat-like substances, calcium s alts and protein. Subsequently, their accumulation can lead to the formation of sand and stones

"French runny nose" (gonorrhea): symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

"French runny nose" (gonorrhea): symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The unusual name "French runny nose" actually belongs to a very common venereal disease - gonorrhea. How to recognize this disease in time and when should you see a doctor? What drugs are used to treat the infection?